Another Odd Question!

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Most of the time when I use my solar shower I end up having to add hot water to make it warm enough. You need a good amount of sunshine and warm temps for it to work. The south would probably be fine. <br /><br />Im working on an idea for a heated shower. No lifting involved. If it works out It may be a good alternative for you ladies.<br /><br />That block and tackle Idea would work to put a water jug in the van to. You would just need a small cart to wheel it to the van to load it. Maybe something like a small furniture dolly. They are flat with 4 wheels. You could tie a rope to one end and pull it to the van. Then lift it in with the block and tackle.&nbsp;Just so you know the block and tackle Im talking about fits in the palm of my hand.&nbsp;
what about a few 1 gallon jugs, painted black and full. set somewhere to absorb heat, then a small shower head attached to it?
<p>Ok,&nbsp; this&nbsp; may&nbsp;seem&nbsp;a bit&nbsp; out of somes league&nbsp;to&nbsp;do, But ,&nbsp; Its&nbsp; not&nbsp; that&nbsp; hard to&nbsp; do&nbsp;and have&nbsp; ! hot !&nbsp;water . Every&nbsp; vehical&nbsp; out&nbsp; there&nbsp; has&nbsp; a heater hose&nbsp; coming off your&nbsp;water&nbsp; pump.&nbsp; Somewhere&nbsp; in the length of&nbsp; that hose&nbsp;&nbsp;from the water pump TO&nbsp; the&nbsp; heater core in the&nbsp; cab,&nbsp;&nbsp; you&nbsp; put in&nbsp;a COPPER&nbsp; T&nbsp;fitting&nbsp;of correct size&nbsp; to match the hose&nbsp;and&nbsp; a BRASS&nbsp;valve&nbsp;&nbsp;on the MAIN line&nbsp;&nbsp;PAST the&nbsp; T&nbsp;&nbsp;you put in ,&nbsp; and One valve&nbsp;&nbsp;ON to&nbsp; your new&nbsp; water&nbsp;heater hose&nbsp;.&nbsp;&nbsp; You&nbsp; will&nbsp; also&nbsp; need to&nbsp; locate&nbsp; the heater hose&nbsp; return line&nbsp; and&nbsp; put&nbsp; a&nbsp;T in there&nbsp; too ,&nbsp; This&nbsp;&nbsp;T will&nbsp; connect&nbsp; the&nbsp; BOTTON hose&nbsp;of&nbsp; your copper coil BACK to&nbsp; the&nbsp; radiator &nbsp;,&nbsp; but&nbsp; No&nbsp; valve.&nbsp; This&nbsp; heater hose&nbsp; line you&nbsp; run&nbsp;&nbsp; into&nbsp; you&nbsp; water&nbsp; tank&nbsp;&nbsp;will need to&nbsp;have&nbsp;a&nbsp;&nbsp;spiriled coiled copper&nbsp;tube of&nbsp;1/2 to 5/8&nbsp;inch dia copper&nbsp;&nbsp; at&nbsp; 3&nbsp; to&nbsp; 4 inches&nbsp;wide and&nbsp; a foot long or&nbsp;so. This is&nbsp; your&nbsp; heating&nbsp; element&nbsp; for&nbsp; inside&nbsp;&nbsp;your water tank....what&nbsp;ever that might be, AN Ice&nbsp; chest is&nbsp;a GOOD hot&nbsp; water tank !&nbsp; You&nbsp; can&nbsp; add CPVC &nbsp; fitting&nbsp;&nbsp;all over&nbsp; a Ice Chest.&nbsp; As&nbsp;you&nbsp; run&nbsp; down&nbsp; the road&nbsp; the heater line&nbsp; is&nbsp; always&nbsp; sending&nbsp; hot antifreeze (250&nbsp; degrees !or more)&nbsp; into&nbsp; the heater core , and back to&nbsp; the&nbsp; radiator , Its&nbsp; the&nbsp;AIR venting&nbsp; system&nbsp; that&nbsp; diverts the airflow,&nbsp; ether into the heater core,&nbsp;&nbsp; or&nbsp; the AC core&nbsp;, or&nbsp; vent&nbsp; from outside . But&nbsp; the heater core&nbsp; is&nbsp; always&nbsp; circulating&nbsp; hot&nbsp; antifreeze .&nbsp; What&nbsp; you&nbsp; are&nbsp; doing&nbsp; is&nbsp; diverting&nbsp; the&nbsp; hot&nbsp; antifreeze&nbsp; from the heater core&nbsp;&nbsp;into&nbsp; your&nbsp; copper&nbsp; spiral tubed&nbsp; water heater&nbsp; element, that&nbsp; sits in the&nbsp; water tank full of water&nbsp;,&nbsp;and&nbsp; back to&nbsp; the radiator .&nbsp; The&nbsp; water&nbsp; pump&nbsp;&nbsp;will take&nbsp; care of&nbsp; that circulation&nbsp; for you as long&nbsp; as the motor is running which provides&nbsp; the heat . The&nbsp; Valves&nbsp; you&nbsp; put in,&nbsp;are&nbsp; so&nbsp; you&nbsp; can&nbsp; shut off the water heater&nbsp; coil&nbsp; and have&nbsp; FULL heat&nbsp; for&nbsp; the&nbsp; cab&nbsp; when you need it.&nbsp; YOU&nbsp; WILL NEED COPPER FITTINGS&nbsp; AND BRASS VALVES DUE TO THE&nbsp; TEMPS . Plastic&nbsp;fittings will&nbsp; melt.&nbsp; Also&nbsp; you&nbsp; may&nbsp; need to&nbsp; add a little antifreeze&nbsp;&nbsp; to&nbsp; the&nbsp; system to make up&nbsp; for&nbsp; the extra capisity of&nbsp; the&nbsp; new lines.&nbsp; It&nbsp; may&nbsp; be possable&nbsp; to&nbsp; adjust&nbsp; the&nbsp; valves&nbsp; to&nbsp; provide&nbsp; cab heat&nbsp; and adjust the&nbsp;hot&nbsp; water&nbsp;temp. &nbsp;<br />&nbsp; Now,&nbsp; By&nbsp; using&nbsp; a 12 volt&nbsp; water&nbsp;pump&nbsp;( 20 -40-&nbsp; bucks)&nbsp; with&nbsp; a hose&nbsp; IN&nbsp; your&nbsp;new Hot&nbsp;water tank,&nbsp;&nbsp; you&nbsp; can&nbsp; put&nbsp; a&nbsp;shower&nbsp; head&nbsp;&nbsp;anywhere&nbsp; you&nbsp; wanted .&nbsp;<br />&nbsp;Filling&nbsp; the&nbsp; water tank,&nbsp; I&nbsp; would&nbsp; suggest&nbsp; a&nbsp; water hose&nbsp;using&nbsp; any&nbsp; spigot&nbsp;&nbsp;you&nbsp; could&nbsp; use. Again,&nbsp; you can&nbsp; add&nbsp;CPVC &nbsp;fittings&nbsp; to&nbsp; Ice chests&nbsp; easy&nbsp; so&nbsp; you&nbsp; could&nbsp; fill&nbsp; and&nbsp; drain &nbsp;the&nbsp; water heater&nbsp; from outside if you wanted . &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</p><p>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Happy&nbsp; HOT&nbsp; showers everyone!</p>
"51" --- 99% of what I was gonna sugest -- you did <img src="/images/boards/smilies/thumb.gif" alt="" align="absMiddle" border="0" /><br /><br />Two average minds with a thought -- Now "Lotto" numbers <img src="/images/boards/smilies/wink.gif" alt="" align="absMiddle" border="0" />
@51... As great of idea that is.... I think I best not try any of that LOL I best not go messing with the motor at all or I will mess it up LOL<br /><br />@Meg... That is a good idea! That could work just putting out a few gallon containers. Thanks for that I am going to try that.&nbsp;<br /><br />I love all these amazing ideas! You guys have loads of them. Thanks HuggZ
Half-gallon or less of water heated by any method, or room temperature.&nbsp; Close enough to allow the spray to reach your hair.&nbsp; Pump it up.&nbsp;&nbsp;<div><img style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;" src="" alt="" width="221" height="258" /></div><br />The upside down garbage can lid will catch the water if you need to catch it, serve as a low-water-use tub &nbsp;
I am currently using the pump from a 55 gal. aquarium and the heater as well, since I have electricity at the moment.<br />I just stick them both in a 5 gal. bucket, wait for the water to heat up, and then one VERY hot shower, the heaters are adjustable.<br />I have accidentally cooked all the fish in my fish tank on several occasions in the past.
<p><span class="status_offline" title="Offline"><br /></span>&nbsp;Hi Ricekila, The version&nbsp;&nbsp;I posted&nbsp; was&nbsp; simplified with the&nbsp; Ice chest tank.&nbsp;&nbsp; I am&nbsp; going to&nbsp; use&nbsp; a small 20 gal&nbsp;&nbsp;water heater.&nbsp; Cut&nbsp; the top out&nbsp; and install the antifreeze&nbsp;copper coil inside&nbsp; the tank&nbsp;with&nbsp; its&nbsp; fittings&nbsp; to&nbsp; the outside of the tank for&nbsp; hooking up&nbsp; the antifreeze lines to the&nbsp;coil,&nbsp;and&nbsp; weld&nbsp;&nbsp;the tank back up &nbsp;so&nbsp; I&nbsp; can use water pressure&nbsp;from&nbsp; a&nbsp; camp&nbsp; site.&nbsp; But&nbsp; still keep&nbsp; the electric&nbsp;elements&nbsp; in it&nbsp; so&nbsp; I&nbsp; can&nbsp; still use&nbsp; shore power or gen set&nbsp;too. When&nbsp; I&nbsp; go&nbsp; to&nbsp; antifreeze heating&nbsp; and&nbsp; the&nbsp;12&nbsp; volt&nbsp; pump, I&nbsp; will&nbsp; have to&nbsp;&nbsp;open&nbsp; the pop off valve so&nbsp;the tank&nbsp; can&nbsp; free&nbsp; flow.&nbsp; <br />&nbsp;By&nbsp;&nbsp; reversing the 12 volt &nbsp;pump&nbsp; line, s&nbsp; I&nbsp;&nbsp;can&nbsp; pump&nbsp; water from&nbsp; a&nbsp; clean&nbsp; stream&nbsp;&nbsp; or&nbsp; rain&nbsp;water catch&nbsp;&nbsp;Back into&nbsp;the tank&nbsp;for heating.&nbsp;If I'm&nbsp; pulling&nbsp; water&nbsp; from&nbsp; a stream or&nbsp; rain catch,&nbsp;I'll&nbsp; unscrew&nbsp; the pop off&nbsp; and&nbsp; drop&nbsp; a&nbsp; small&nbsp; <span class="st"><strong>Chlorine </strong></span>tablet in there,&nbsp; just&nbsp; to be&nbsp; safe.&nbsp;&nbsp;<br />&nbsp;I'm looking&nbsp; into&nbsp; building&nbsp;a&nbsp; solar hot water panel as&nbsp; well that&nbsp; mounts on the&nbsp; roof&nbsp; of my&nbsp; box truck that intergrates into&nbsp;&nbsp;this hot water system&nbsp;, next&nbsp; to&nbsp; the&nbsp; solar cell panels . <img src="/images/boards/smilies/wave.gif" alt="" align="absMiddle" border="0" />&nbsp;<br />Mortisha , and&nbsp; for&nbsp; all&nbsp; the other ladies ,<br />Yea&nbsp; ,&nbsp; This&nbsp; is&nbsp; sorta mechanical . But if you&nbsp; can&nbsp; install&nbsp;&nbsp;a hose clamp&nbsp; and&nbsp; drill&nbsp; a&nbsp; few holes&nbsp; and make sure&nbsp; your&nbsp; hoses&nbsp; are&nbsp; ran properly , You&nbsp; could&nbsp; do&nbsp; this . Or, if&nbsp; You&nbsp; know&nbsp; someone&nbsp; who is&nbsp; the least&nbsp; bit&nbsp; mechanical&nbsp; or has&nbsp; basic&nbsp; plumbing skills , Its really&nbsp;not&nbsp;that hard . All that heat your&nbsp; motor makes&nbsp;&nbsp; is&nbsp; wasted energy.&nbsp; Get&nbsp; more for your gas money !&nbsp;<br />&nbsp;But&nbsp; what&nbsp; ever the case,&nbsp;&nbsp;I would&nbsp; at least&nbsp; buy&nbsp; a&nbsp; 12 volt&nbsp; water pump to&nbsp; transfer and move&nbsp;water . That&nbsp; stuff is heavy !&nbsp;I&nbsp; bought one&nbsp; at&nbsp; Harbor&nbsp; Freight&nbsp; for&nbsp; 40&nbsp; bucks&nbsp; , 50&nbsp; PSI ,35 foot&nbsp; vertical lift , and can&nbsp; move&nbsp; 250&nbsp; Gal per&nbsp; hr&nbsp;, all on&nbsp; 12 volts. <br />Another&nbsp; real&nbsp; handy&nbsp; thing to have is&nbsp; a Flat, plastic Fresnel lenses.&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Their&nbsp; cheap! and its&nbsp; one HELL of a&nbsp; magnifying&nbsp; glass ,and that&nbsp; ='s FAST!&nbsp; HEAT for all sorts of things &nbsp;.&nbsp;<a href=""></a></p>
About 100 years ago --<br /><br />I built a simple 1 X 6 frame - nailed a old piece of Masonite on the back - 4" of pink insulation covered with a sheet of galvanized sheet steel painted flat&nbsp;black -&nbsp;the guy next door had&nbsp;tossed an old refrigerator with coils on the back panel ---- lay-ed the coil in inside with just one clip on top and bottom - no thermal coupling at all --- rubber gas Line - in and out - in the top hole I jammed an old Springfield meat thermometer that went from 130 degs. ( ham ) to 195 degs. ( poultry ) --<br /><br />Covered it with two pains of Storm door glass - duct taped down -<br /><br />I put in in the sun -- went to get the garden hose - in 5 minutes it&nbsp; went past 195 --- I couldn't get the water into the 1/4" ( ? ) coil fast enough to cool it down --- steam came out for 5 minutes - the tape started to melt off -<br />I kept the water running and covered it with a blanket for a few minutes --&nbsp;<br /><br />&nbsp;When I turned the water back on - I took a pan of 195 deg. water in the house to show wifey #1 --- "So you made hot water -- whats next - your gonna walk across the pool" ? <br /><br />My first thought was - there might be something to this solar stuff --<br /><br />My second thought was -- I'm suppose to spend the rest of my life with her
Hi. Here is a pic of my setup that works great. I started with a solar shower, but it gets mildew inside, then&nbsp;a jug painted black, but the paint peeled, and at 5 gallons, it was too heavy to lift. So, I got an oil recycle container at Wally. It's already black, it's only 3 gallons, and it works great. I drilled a hole in the bottom and inserted a PVC fitting, then attached tubing to my old solar shower head. Then I drilled a hole in the lid so water flows freely. This heats up in an hour in the sun. By two hours it's so hot I have to wait until it cools. If there is no sun, the lid is big enough that I can heat water on my propane stove and pour it in without spilling it everywhere. The 3 gallons is plenty to give hubby and I a very nice shower.
Answers from the field: Showering is simple when you stop talking about solar showers... Look into a "Lodi" propane shower... The Lodi is simple to use, you can adjust the hotness from mild to wild and all you need is a 5 gallon bucket (in which you should have 3 at least)... The Lodi has a built in pump that sucks the water up into it where the propane fire heats the water... Take the shower part and run it back into the bucket to recirculate the water till you get the right temp for a shower... Shut of the propane and take your hot shower with about 3 gallons of water...<br /><br />Large water containers: Filling containers is easy with a hose, park close to the water, connect the hose and run the water for a minute or two... Take the hose and fold it to stop the water, insert it into the container and let the water flow till full...<br /><br />I have a 6 gallon container which is heavy, transferring water was a pain and wasteful, i bought a 12V pump which is portable, 2 lengths of clear hose and attached to the pump then I wired to a 12V supply with an on/off switch... Insert the intake end into your container, ready a smaller jug, insert to output end into the container and switch on the pump filling the smaller jug...<br /><br />You can be even more frugal in that you can siphon from one container to another... Using the clear water hose put it in the big container, suck on the hose till water is coming out and then fill the smaller container... Note that the receiving container has to be lower than the transferring container..<br /><br />Doing this will save your back, is very easy and just plain works...
gypsydreamer said:
Mrs. Ricekila:<br /><br />I'd like to meet you, my kinda lady!<br /><br />Ann<br /><br />
<br /><br />The Thorazine Queen of Long Island -- visiting days are Tuesday and Friday <img src="/images/boards/smilies/crazy.gif" alt="" align="absMiddle" border="0" />
You could clamp a pvc pipe, curved at the top with a shower head, to something and use a 12 volt pump to pump your shower water from your container that is still on the ground. Nothing&nbsp;heavy to lift up high.<br />I also like IGBT's dehydrated water.&nbsp; As long as it is diet water.
Area 51&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Have you thought about putting a second heat exchanger coil in your hot water tank?&nbsp; If you already have a water system with a 12 volt pump it would give you hot water for either dishes or shower while you are driving.&nbsp; The water in your tank would be there permanently and the two heat exchangers would do the rest. Also your tank would be non pressurized, only the lines. For smaller quanties of water a metal 5 gallon bucket with sealed lid and two small automotive heater cores, one to heat the water&nbsp;from engine heat and one to take the hot water out for use, &nbsp;would work or just the coiled up heater hoses themselves.&nbsp; Just a thought.
Ann, I use&nbsp;my shower&nbsp;inside my van. With only 3 gallons used (for 2 people), it is easy to scoop most of the water out of the shower pan with a 1 qt pitcher, then pick up the pan and pour it down my drain. My shower&nbsp;pan is a 2x3 ft concrete mixing pan. I cut the sides down to 4 inches so it stores easily between the bed and the wall. With a van, you have a much smaller gray water tank than in an RV, so you have to use less water. When I am by myself and use only 1 1/2 gallons, I can go several days using 2 6-gallon Reliance jugs for gray water before emptying.
IGBT said:
<span id="post_message_1274871346">You could also look into dehydrated water, much lighter and easier to lug around.
<br />Just add water? <img src="/images/boards/smilies/rofl.gif" alt="" align="absmiddle" border="0" /><br />-Bruce<br /></span>
It can be done in a van with no plumbing.&nbsp; However, you do need a little bit of open floor space.&nbsp; Personally, I'm worried about overspray enough to remain an outsider.&nbsp; It's probably just a matter of time, cold weather and fewer options before I take the plunge.<br /><br />
gypsydreamer said:
<br />gp,<br /><br />That sounds like a good idea.&nbsp; I have no holding tanks, no drain, no bath at all.&nbsp; So the outdoor shower is the way I'll have to go.<br /><br />Ann