<p>Ok, this may seem a bit out of somes league to do, But , Its not that hard to do and have ! hot ! water . Every vehical out there has a heater hose coming off your water pump. Somewhere in the length of that hose from the water pump TO the heater core in the cab, you put in a COPPER T fitting of correct size to match the hose and a BRASS valve on the MAIN line PAST the T you put in , and One valve ON to your new water heater hose . You will also need to locate the heater hose return line and put a T in there too , This T will connect the BOTTON hose of your copper coil BACK to the radiator , but No valve. This heater hose line you run into you water tank will need to have a spiriled coiled copper tube of 1/2 to 5/8 inch dia copper at 3 to 4 inches wide and a foot long or so. This is your heating element for inside your water tank....what ever that might be, AN Ice chest is a GOOD hot water tank ! You can add CPVC fitting all over a Ice Chest. As you run down the road the heater line is always sending hot antifreeze (250 degrees !or more) into the heater core , and back to the radiator , Its the AIR venting system that diverts the airflow, ether into the heater core, or the AC core , or vent from outside . But the heater core is always circulating hot antifreeze . What you are doing is diverting the hot antifreeze from the heater core into your copper spiral tubed water heater element, that sits in the water tank full of water , and back to the radiator . The water pump will take care of that circulation for you as long as the motor is running which provides the heat . The Valves you put in, are so you can shut off the water heater coil and have FULL heat for the cab when you need it. YOU WILL NEED COPPER FITTINGS AND BRASS VALVES DUE TO THE TEMPS . Plastic fittings will melt. Also you may need to add a little antifreeze to the system to make up for the extra capisity of the new lines. It may be possable to adjust the valves to provide cab heat and adjust the hot water temp. <br /> Now, By using a 12 volt water pump ( 20 -40- bucks) with a hose IN your new Hot water tank, you can put a shower head anywhere you wanted . <br /> Filling the water tank, I would suggest a water hose using any spigot you could use. Again, you can add CPVC fittings to Ice chests easy so you could fill and drain the water heater from outside if you wanted . </p><p> Happy HOT showers everyone!</p>