An unusual place to buy Methanol at $10.67 per gallon.

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Gas station attendants pretty well studied if you google.
exactly, there are side effects to everything. that's why you don't do it. like burning methanol in an enclosed space. highdesertranger
highdesertranger said:
exactly,  there are side effects to everything.  that's why you don't do it.  like burning methanol in an enclosed space.  highdesertranger

Or like traveling the highways for hours behind Diesels  siting in enclosed cabs and breathing their exhaust gases.
John61CT said:
Gas station attendants pretty well studied if you google.

I found this as well:

Smoking, drinking, and Methanol breathing for 15 hours in an enclosed space does not make for a healthy person.

Do you know anyone who operated a [font=Lora, Cambria, Georgia,]mimeograph [/font] machine with negative health issues?

[font=Lora, Cambria, Georgia,][size=large]Case Study[/font][/size]
[font=Lora, Cambria, Georgia,]A 67-year-old man with headache, nausea, and visual disturbance[/font]
[font=Lora, Cambria, Georgia,]During an afternoon visit, you see a 67-year-old man for onset of headache, nausea, and visual disturbance. The friend who accompanies him explains that both of them frequent the same senior center and that they have been preparing for a fund-raising event during the past 2 days. During this time, the patient spent between 6 and 9 hours per day reproducing fliers using a “spirit duplicator” (mimeograph machine). This activity took place in a small, unventilated room with the patient working alone most of the time.[/font]
[font=Lora, Cambria, Georgia,]On questioning, the patient says that he had eye irritation and lightheadedness after the first few hours of activity but considered these symptoms to be a minor annoyance. He also had nausea by the end of the first day but noted that this cleared overnight. During the second day of activity, he was again troubled by eye irritation, this time accompanied by vertigo, tinnitus, visual blurring, and photophobia. He tried to ventilate the room by placing a small fan near the door but continued to feel poorly despite a prolonged break. Late in the afternoon his friend insisted that he seek medical attention.[/font]
[font=Lora, Cambria, Georgia,]The patient is a widower and retired insurance salesman with a smoking history of one pack per day from age 27 to 62 (none for the last 5 years). He typically consumes a six-pack of beer per day, but he has felt poorly and has been abstinent for the past 10 days. Medical history includes coronary artery bypass surgery at age 63 with subsequent medical management of stable angina and a transurethral prostatectomy at age 65 with no recurrence of obstructive symptoms. Current medications include nitroglycerine patches used before exercise (with no patches used in the previous 4 days) and sublingual nitroglycerine, which he takes rarely. The review of symptoms is negative for other cardiopulmonary complaints. There is no family history of glaucoma, myopia, or diabetes mellitus.[/font]
[font=Lora, Cambria, Georgia,]On examination, the patient is alert and oriented to time, space, and person, although he appears somewhat distracted. His breath has a faint solvent-like smell. Vital signs are within normal range with the exception of a respiratory rate of 30/minute. The cardiopulmonary examination is unremarkable, but abdominal examination reveals mild tenderness in the epigastrium without rebound or guarding. Muscle tone, strength, sensation (pinprick, light touch, position sense) and reflexes are symmetrically intact. His gait is unsteady with a wide-based stance, and he shows a positive Romberg sign, heel-to-shin, and rapid alternating movements (bilaterally).[/font]
[font=Lora, Cambria, Georgia,]Ophthalmologic examination reveals a visual acuity of 20/200 bilaterally despite newly prescribed corrective lenses. The conjunctivae appear somewhat injected, nystagmus is present on lateral gaze, and the pupils are large and poorly reactive to light. Examination also reveals hyperemia of the optic nerve head with no hemorrhages or exudates.[/font]
Boyntonstu said:
Or like traveling the highways for hours behind Diesels  siting in enclosed cabs and breathing their exhaust gases.

Why in the world would you drive "for hours behind Diesels"?  That is a choice you make; like breathing the fumes of whatever fuel you are burning in an enclosed space.

 -- Spiff
Spaceman Spiff said:
Why in the world would you drive "for hours behind Diesels"?  That is a choice you make; like breathing the fumes of whatever fuel you are burning in an enclosed space.

 -- Spiff


I did not mean tail gating.

When you are on a highway, you are always breathing Diesel and gas exhaust fumes.

The vegetation growth besides highways are also affected.
Well all is good for you. I will chose not to add more risks than I need. Driving highways, need to. Drinking coffee, need my 1/2 liter each am. Drinking water, never to excess. Bourbon, it's five o'clock someplace. Burning pure methanol in my stove, no thank you.
Could anyone give a list of all the sources of alcohol that can be used to alcohol stoves? I'd like to compare.
"ok so if the fumes are poisonous. what happens when the fumes come in contact with what you are cooking? highdesertranger"

Use a lid. It also helps contain the heat.

HDR: You and ERLH seem to fear every kind of stove fuel on the planet. What do YOU guys use?
I can understand alcohol for ultralight backpacking, but from a van, I don't know why anyone wouldn't just use propane.

Cooking, lighting, heating, even run your fridge.

Even converting to lpg propulsion is worth it in certain circumstances.
I don't fear any type of fuel. I am just being practical. I use propane because it's cheap, convenient, safe, and versatile. many things get cooked uncovered what about those. I have tried alcohol, butane, and white gas, I have never used Kero to cook with only lighting. I found alcohol to be to cold(takes to long). butane is almost impossible to find where I go. white gas to expensive. highdesertranger