An interesting response

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Dec 13, 2014
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So, I'm just shy of 2 months into my Vandwelling "awakening," and slowly but surely I've been letting the people that I'm close to in my life in on my little secret. I've told most of my friends, some of my co-workers who are also friends. Almost every single one so far has been behind it, once I explained everything. Mostly they are curious. Some are even jealous. Future VanDwellers, I suppose.

A few days ago I talked to Dad on the phone, wasn't planning on it but I just laid it out there.

"Yeah dad, so, uh, I'm doing this kind of wild thing right now. I bought a cargo Van last month and I'm converting it into, well kinda like an apartment?" - me

"Really?" - Dad

"Yeah. Need to save some money and pay off those student loans that you co/signed on." - me

"Huh. Ok. Sounds great! Just be safe." - dad

Yeah, my pa is pretty rad.

The most interesting/illuminating response to my VanDwelling came from a complete stranger, however. Just some dude I fell into conversation with at a bar the other night. He asked me if I lived in the area and I was like, yeah, I work down the street and I just moved into a van full time, I park in this neighborhood.

He got this really confused look on his face.

He said, "You live in a van? Wait, but then...who do you pay rent to???"

?<<<ha! think about it>>>?

Kinda scary that many of us can't even COMPREHEND a life without rent. Weird, right?

- LAVan
E-Man, I feel amazing. ?

You know, when I jumped into VanNessa(my van) I told myself that I would give this life at least 6 months, even if I hated it. Well, so far that's not happening man. Exactly the opposite. I feel like I was born for this. I know it's really early on but at least right now I can't see myself moving back into a "brick and mortar."

It hasn't been all chocolate and roses. I still have a ton of work in front of me. It's been a real struggle at some points...but I LOVE this struggle.

I've yet to make the move into a van. But when I mention it to people they look at me like I have two heads or something. "Why would you do that?"

I explain all the usual reasons and they shake their heads. "I could never do that" or "I wouldn't feel safe" or "You're making a choice to be homeless" is what they say. I always tell them the same thing "so don't do it. It's not for everyone"
Ehhhh.....the only people I'd tell is close family and close friends. Noone else needs to know.

....and I DEFINATELY would NOT tell a stranger in a bar that I was camping illegally in their neighborhood. To me, that's just opening yourself to trouble. ('cause if he sees ya and recognises you, then they've now got leverage and can easily get the upper hand on you....and we don't want that.)

Be safe. Be Well. :)

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