As I understand it AGM's accept charge faster and therefore have advantages in non-solar, alternator setups.
"The leading advantages of AGM are a charge that is up to five times faster than the flooded version, and the ability to deep cycle. AGM offers a depth-of-discharge of 80 percent; the flooded, on the other hand, is specified at 50 percent DoD to attain the same cycle life."
I'd double check that with the specific manufacturer. Wiring is also important, but just disconnecting the battery before you connect it to the CPAP is all the 'isolator' you need.
My 3 year old cpap has an optional 12v cable, the Phillips Respironics. In my testing it used less than ten watts - less than half your specs. That is without the humidifier. Part of the savings come from current 'flex' settings which do not put out full pressure continuously. Your actual pressure setting will matter. My flex range is 12-18 and my 90% number is around 16.
The best set up is solar on a fla, but for your use I'd give it a try. A shorter trip would be best. You do want to make sure it gets up to 100% regularly, but not necessarily daily. Your manufacturer should have info on that - hopefully the premium price also includes premium customer service.
Personally, I use an AGM starter battery, a red top, and my Walmart marine deep cycle house battery is holding up, but fading. I am hoping it will hold out long enough for a competitive LiFePo4 option to arrive.
You can use one of these to monitor EITHER power in or power out. I first monitored my load to get my numbers than switched it to the solar panel. I have no idea how good of a product this is and there are other options.