affordable lithium entry?

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Well-known member
Mar 26, 2020
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As has been mentioned in some of the other threads, one of the problems with batteries is keeping things balanced. One of the big advantages of lithium is lighter weight so buying a bigger battery is better in my opinion. Remember the best and most economical way to do this is to first determine your power needs, which will determine the size of your battery bank, which will determine you charging needs. I have found it to be more expensive to try to build up multiple systems. Trying to determine your needs by experimenting with multiple systems is nice because when one fails your can have some backup but it has been more expensive for me as well. I progressed from tool batteries to suitcase solar and an extra battery to a 305 watt panel and a 30 AMP controller with 2 AGM batteries. Eventually I most likely will end up with Lithium and a much larger system. I think it would have been cheaper to have been more realistic when determining my needs and just built an oversized system to begin with. Lots of small cheap components that have lower quality standards quickly add up to the price of one high quality reliable component that usually has a better warranty and some customer service help in my opinion.
Do you need to replace your current setup?
If so you may want to switch fully to lithium vs space, maintenance, and equipment for two systems.
I don't see it as worth it for just 40ah.
Would be great to have an oversized lithium set up.. Great security in knowing you have more than enough.

I don't have to replace my current set up but I definitely need to enhance it. Now that I have the diesel heater I know 35 amps isn't gonna last me long in the winter . I had planned on getting 2 more of those 35 amp sealed as before.. but that's 260 bux.

If my budget allowed I'd get a 100 amp+ lithium set up... but for now I'll have to go on the installnent package...

Seemed like a good plan considering my alternative... maybe a good deal for others with modest needs and modest budgets.

I probably shouldn't be buying anything.. the J O B asked for an honest review of our latest project...I hope they indeed meant
Lithium batteries make no sense.Buy FLA batteries .
I just converted from two 6v Golf Cart batteries that weighed 154 pounds to one 100 amp Rebel brand lithium battery that cost $540.00 including shipping that weighs only 27 pounds. 

The weight and space savings are great, and the lifepo4 batteries charge up to 100% usually by 10:00 AM.  The usable amperage is almost the same.  They can be mounted inside the rig at any angle, as they don't off gas hydrogen or leak like FLA batteries, and the Rebel batteries come with the Overkill BMS with bluetooth monitoring to show the exact State of Charge and a bunch of other battery data.

If someone tells you they are no good, don't believe them.
Will prowse did a tear down on miady batteries. I forget if they had the right temp sensors or a quality BMS. I do remember they were cylindrical 18650 flashlight batteries and....

I went in and rewatched his video. It's a B grade battery. It will work but just keep in mind the 2 he tested failed to output the rated capacity and they're cheaply made.

He tested the 16Ah batteries. Maybe the 20s are higher quality. Maybe he got 2 duds that didnt deliver on their capacity rating. Maybe the weird BMS was why the cells weren't balanced.

Idk. For $140 that's pretty tempting. I'd almost consider adding a couple to my van for an auxiliary system. I didnt see the max discharge rate. I'd assume probably 20A???
For a daily usage, life support system battery I would agree. For an auxiliary system..... it has merit. For an I cant afford any more than this right now battery.... maybe. For a year one I'm gonna replace it for sure in 12 mos... maybe. For a lifepo4 educational learning battery... maybe.

It's not trash. But you have to go into it knowing what it is.
Also. If someone can come up with some specs on these bit**** I have actually been looking for a lithium battery project.

Like legitimately. For a minute. My requirements are for it to be ultra portable, can charge USB devices, and can power a rice cooker. (I'm a sucker for rice cookers bros and sistas) rice cookers use lots of physics and earth science to do something as simple as boil water. And surprisingly they are relatively efficient. Quite an achievement really for the most inefficient way of heating since the invention of napalm.

Also if it has a ciggy port I could have an excuse to buy a hotlogic 12v "oven". If the device enclosure is small enough the lot might even fit inside the hotlogic zipper case.
Any 100Ah lithium battery in the $500 range is going to be a Grade B battery. Don't be fooled by their life cycle count ratings. There is no standard way of rating that so you get ratings all over the map that do NOT compare apples to apples against another brand.

A Grade B lithium battery is not a bad thing. I sell a line of them from MillerTech and they are much more affordable. I even use 2 of them for various projects that I have and they perform really well. But they are not the same as a high quality, top notch battery built with Grade A cells and a high quality BMS. There is a reason they fail the testing to achieve a Grade A rating and that translates into unbalanced cells on a long time line and no BMS in the world can compensate for it.
My rice cooker sits there for a while apparently doing nothing, then stuff boils rapidly. They are interesting gizmos.