A Women's RTR!

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"time and funds.." those will be my main constraints.. time off work, coupled with gas/food/fix money to get there and back.
With half a dozen IFs thrown out there-- I do still want to go to RTR/wRTR......
Also what references do you use to locate the boundaries and whereto's on BLM and National Forest sites? Thanks!
mert6706 said:
Also what references do you use to locate the boundaries and whereto's on BLM and National Forest sites? Thanks!

That would be covered in using maps to find places to camp, and mapping apps for your smartphone. 

Note: I use the app "US Public Lands" on my smartphone to find those boundaries.  I believe it costs $2.99, but worth every penny IMO.
Thanks! I don't have a smart phone (tried one once, it was too smart for me!) Are there special maps for BLM and National Forests?

If you plan to attend, or think you may attend, please vote for the 3 mini-sessions you think are most important here: https://vanlivingforum.com/Thread-Select-Mini-Sessions-for-Women-s-RTR

The information page for the Women's RTR is coming together. Check it out here: http://www.cheaprvliving.com/womensrtr/

If you have a question, or would like to organize a coffee or potluck, present a mini-session, coach or mentor, contact me at [email protected]. I heartily welcome any volunteers.
I do not know that I can stay any longer but look forward to meeting all the strong smart wonderful women at the RTR!!!!
Ms Linda said:
jaxtonsgram, life will always throw excuses and hardships in our way. 

You are so right. As women we often put others wants and needs in front of ours. Both my parents died in a car accident in April so I do know that we never know when our chances are over. Thanks Ms Linda, you gave me the kick in the behind I needed. I am going to seriously try to go. It is about time my husband stayed here with our 2 disabled  adult kids while i go. Nora
Gosh, Nora, you have had some trials in your life! So very sorry about your parents. It sounds like you would seriously benefit from a bunch of women sharing stories, advice, tips, and comfort. I know I would, and the Women's RTR is going to be a priority on my calendar. Hope to meet you there.
mert6706 said:
Also what references do you use to locate the boundaries and whereto's on BLM and National Forest sites? Thanks!

There's a variety of paper references.  Start with one of the large state-wide map books (Delorme or Rand McNally) which show areas of BLM and NF lands (by color) to figure out the general areas to camp. 

If it's BLM land, often that's all you need to know to find safe road access and camp.  Unless there's signs saying otherwise, you may disperse camp on BLM land for free.  Usually, but not always, there's a 14-day limit.

If it's NF land, find out more.  Call or visit the office in charge of the land you want to camp at.  Ask about where you can disperse camp for free.  Many NF offices have Motor Vehicle Usage Maps (MVUM) that will show specific locations for dispersed camping.  Again, it's typically a 14-day limit.

More times than not, I've found the rangers at both the BLM and NF offices to be helpful in finding good places to disperse camp.

If you go online, both the BLM and NF sites have many electronic maps to download and use.

Be sure to attend the Boondocking Seminar during the main RTR.  They'll cover this information and more!
mert6706 said:
Gosh, Nora, you have had some trials in your life! So very sorry about your parents. It sounds like you would seriously benefit from a bunch of women sharing stories, advice, tips, and comfort. I know I would, and the Women's RTR is going to be a priority on my calendar. Hope to meet you there.

Just wanted to echo this - hope you make it Nora and that we get to meet, as well!
Thank you mert and bobblefrog. I have started making  lists and going through things I will need. I am hoping this will motivate my getting rid of stuff, which I have been doing but hope going will amp up my progress. Won't know until Dec if I can go or not. But thanks to women and their encouragement to one another. Although men cannot respond, they can read and so thanks to them as well for sharing their knowledge and encouragement. Nora
akrvbob said:

Bob, we lost touch (I contacted you by email soon after you announced you were headed back east) over the summer, but I did get Juno renovated, and fingers crossed she holds together (and I don't run out of money) hope to finally meet you at the RTR!  Take care, Dawn
I'm hoping to come to the RTR (first time) and would seriously consider staying a few days longer for this.
I'm glad for the setup at the end of RTR and a few days...that way the rtrs do not compete or really even separate, what a great idea. I like all the topics mentioned and would also support topics like:
-All things propane
-tools for maintenance or mods
-great info on free campsites by city/town/state, especially blm and where the nearest services are, groceries, gas, propane, dump station, trash, water for RV, water for jugs, etc, like a master list, with more details than free campsites.net...i am new and stressed enough with all I need to learn, having a list like that would be fantastic in my opinion. Thx for doing all this! Sounds great!

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Thank you Suanne and Bob for putting this together! Count me in! The only snag could be if I have issues renting my house so I can go full time. However I'm thinking very positively in that direction.
Way to go Suanne and Bob. Beth, aka Almost There and I usually take on a few newbys, men or women starting earlier in Ehrenberg. This year I'm not so sure if I will be in the area. If I am I will love to help any way needed.

Red aka Diane and dragonfly