I actually think that this is pretty cool...<BR><BR><IMG class="alignnone size-full wp-image-17287 bbc_img" alt="" src="http://tinyhouseblog.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/02/vardo.jpg" rel="lightbox"><BR><BR><BR>Imagine what he'd do if he got his hands on a schoolbus!!
that Dodge is kinda trippy...in a good sorta way.<BR><BR><BR>a wall mounted custom painter's cabinet...<BR><IMG class="img bbc_img" alt="Photo: Coolest wall cabinet ever." src="https://fbcdn-sphotos-a-a.akamaihd....0x480/970458_525793027486861_1661890284_n.jpg" rel="lightbox"><BR><BR>"Dave was so used to working outta the back of his van, that when it got totaled, he just kept right on working from it!!"<BR><BR>
My checks only have my name. Very infrequently I have been asked for a phone number. I did the name only because of identity theft. Of course I only write about 3 checks a month. Everything else is plastic, works for me.
My checks only have my name. Very infrequently I have been asked for a phone number. I did the name only because of identity theft. Of course I only write about 3 checks a month. Everything else is plastic, works for me.
The weird part about that picture is it looks like the toilet seat is floating in midair because you can't see where the toilet seat and truck are connected.
Haunted toilet seat. Whoooo!