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Not everybody is rich and can buy perfect!

Elbow grease and sweat equity are all some have to invest.  I doubt you can find an easier and cheaper chassis to get parts for and the house part is easy to work on as well. 

I agree with elbow grease and all, but no paper work in kalifornia. when was the last time it was registered? does the seller even have the right to sell it? it could cost many times the asking price just to have the privilege to deal with smogging it. kalifornia wants all older vehicles off the road and makes situations like this very expensive and painful. highdesertranger
I've been through the paperwork grinder twice in the last six months, just takes time and more time if you get a notarized bill of sale and take the time to walk things through.   You will end-up with a salvage title, but that's not a big deal if you are buying to fix and live in.  You can get all the back fee's waved if you spend the time to do the paper work right.

I'd bet you could get the unit for less than stripped parts value, awning alone will bring $200 just for the frame.


You get van, then you either get paper work straight or strip it, selling the parts and sell the remains for scrap.  I'd say either way you come out ahead.   Not for the faint of  heart, but doable.  

The "no paperwork" will scare away most, but like others have said, it is not impossible to get a title. Someone will get that thing for pocket change if they play their cards right.
Biggest problem is having a place to move the unit to and work on it.

The problem I have encountered with many of these types of deals is that they have very old and expensive liens on them, for far more than what they're worth.

A friend got mixed up in one of those deals, and wound up parting it out because there was no way he was going to pay off the lien. Two years later the lien company sued him and won, for the full cost of the lien, plus many years of interest, plus court costs and attorney fee's. In the end, that $500 POS cost him almost $20k !!!

If there's no clear title just be very careful and know what you're getting yourself into.
I would advise you to spend the time that you would spend working on this on a regular job.Then use the money you earn to buy something better.
If any are interested, you may want to email (thru craigslist for your protection) to get more info on the "no paperwork/title: clean" dilemma rather than assuming facts not in evidence.
If it were me...I would save my thousand and add to that and get a running rig with paper.
3 to 4 K will get you something usable, but this rig is going to cost some bucks before its all over. There's just too many good deals out there if you look around.

Sorry, but I'd pass on this one at sonic speeds.

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