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your restaurant meal will increase in cost along with sales tax, so no your 6% will probably leave most people still in the hole LOL

NO ONE was ever to rely on SS as a way of life....it is 'the extra' to your savings and more that one is 'supposed' to handle on their own and I am saying this to none of you guys here LOL I am just saying, SS is not your survival for the future and it was never meant to be but of course what life slaps us with is just that, our lives and how it goes down but.....it is rough as hell out there now. Inflation on the rise big time and we all feel it, see it, the 'changes' thru the crazy are gonna be horrifying in the bitter end.....hang on all........ok this is just chat about anything, so I chatted LOL

very cool on local milled to save some bucks to help your daughter and support the community. I like that. The BIG picture ain't the best way to roll for many of us, the smaller close local community picture is exactly where we live, support and change that to the good and the locals thrive :)
see that play on big pics HAHA
Had the AC guy come out to replace my condenser yesterday. I need some kind of feet welded to it so he’s taking it to a welder. The AC is 55 years old but the airstream gurus said to keep it if you can as the newer ones don’t compare. The local AC shop no doubt thinks I’m nuts.

By the time I’m done paying for it I could almost buy a new one. Oh well that’s life.

I’m really hoping to turn this sweet little camper into a real nice little hideaway.
Camilla, sweet little aluminum can you have! Well worth restoring, would be fun for short trips around the mountais near where you live.

The locksmith came, I am no longer stuck. Have more things to tell but need to get stuff done before today's monsoon. Rains arrive in another hour or so. Fortunately there was enough solar input this morning to top up my house battery this morning. Temperature us supposed to drop to 75 this afternoon when the thunderstorms roll through. But no flash flood warnings for Flaggstaff today.
I can’t remember what it uses but they still sell the compressors for it. I’m thinking I saw 22?
Older systems that haven't been converted to modern refrigerant can get super expensive for very little gain.
I cleaned out the front area of the car prior to the arrival of t he locksmith. It had been a while since I gave it a good wash. The center cupholder console need a good washing too. So I lifted it out. Ah ha, underneath it is where the mouse that I had to trap last month built its nest out of insulation that was on the underside of the counsel. In the nest area on the metal floor of the car was a tiny, desicated, newborn mouse. There might have been others in the pile of nesting material but I did not check before I scopped up the pile with a paper towel and tossed it in the trash bag.. So now I know it was a pregnant mama desperate to build a safe nest. Good thing I saw those mouse droppings and then got a sticky trap in place that very day.  I now travel with a box of sticky traps from the dollar store, picked up extras when I got the first box for catching that mouse. You would not have much luck trying to catch a very young mouse with a spring or humane trap. But you could get them with a sticky trap. Be prepared, because sooner or later you may get mice when boondocking. The faster you catch them the better as was demonstrated by situation with the mamma mouse.
I finally opened my Etsy shop .....just put a few items up....it's very time consuming ....the day has gone so fast working on just a few things .....if i am successful and make enough money in the next year or so, i will buy a VAN !!!!

Gypsy108, congrats on setting up your Etsy Store. Wishing you lots of success with it.

Remember, Christmas will be the busiest time of year but October is the start of the holiday shopping season.  People will want to dress up for Thanksgiving, Christmas parties and New Years Eve this year.
I have lots of dressy stuff too !!!  I just love working with gemstones &  beautiful things…I’m having a ball doing this !!!!
Great news! Happy to hear you opened your Etsy store, Gypsy108!

Nothing new happening over here. I'm glad I got to stay in my trailer all day.
Packing up the GC and off I go in the morning. Same place as last time, Cascade foothills east of Seattle. Practice my stealth skillz.
Thank you TA  :heart: :heart: :heart:
Glad you had a peaceful day !!!
Cammalu said:
Had the AC guy come out to replace my condenser yesterday. I need some kind of feet welded to it so he’s taking it to a welder.  The AC is 55 years old but the airstream gurus said to keep it if you can as the newer ones don’t compare. The local AC shop no doubt thinks I’m nuts.

By the time I’m done paying for it I could almost buy a new one. Oh well that’s life.

I’m really hoping to turn this sweet little camper into a real nice little hideaway.

What a little cutie. Is that a Bambi? Or the next size up?
That’s a nice little unit. I think the next step down is a canned ham. :). I’ve often admired those things. Does it have the original woodwork? They were built to be beautiful especially inside.
Happy to say I got my paper releasing the property back to me and my daughter is getting her bus out of storage to park there again as of today.

Van conversion is supposed to start next week.

Today looks like a day to relax and read books. Speaking of books, I got three new ones in the mail today. I always love when that happens. My new home here better have some bookcases because I'm ready for them.

My grandson is out river rafting.
Travelaround fantastic news regarding your property!
Plus of course being so close to the start of your build by the pros.

I was working on my build projects today, cabinet door hanging. But I stopped and made myself go into town to return a part to the auto parts store and then to Safeway followed by Home Depot. I needed some hardware items for the cabinet doors project. I also bought an inexpensive rain poncho. Good thing I did because as I was almost back to camp a thunderstorm arrived.