2017 RTR in Quartzsite

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We kind of want to come to RTR and meet you guys but with all of the talk of people wintering on the Gulf in Texas, I do not know if it is worth the trip all the way to near California in early Jan.   It seems like the weather in southern Texas would be a lot more friendly through March?

I do want to gold prospect though...

I am going to say maybe we will be there.
IGBT - most of us headed for the gulf are doing it IN ADDITION to heading to the RTR. I know I am, either before or after or both... :D

Last winter there were a bunch of us gathered in Ehrenberg area before the RTR and afterwards some returned to the area, others started travelling right away.

A group of us went and camped on the banks of the Colorado for a week or two then in smaller groups headed out to our next destination. It really wasn't until late February that we were kind of scattered all over the place.
Yes, I definitely plan to attend. It will be my first, super excited to meet everyone. :)
And lots of us aren't going to the Texas coast.
We spend some of the winter down around Yuma...warmer there.
RTR is lots of fun and you'll meet lots of great folks.
Andrew and I will be coming. Two years ago he stayed 2 days. Last year he stayed one week. This year he's looking forward to the whole two weeks. Who'da thunk!

I'll be there for the third time. It's difficult to be social for two weeks straight, but you people make it easier for me.

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Iggy I was so wrapped up in my little solar project last year I did not get around to visit and I missed connecting with you. Let's do the campfire again! ... I pretty much forgot what you look like but I remember YOU.

Well,i have a big, bushy beard now because of being in Alaska, but I may or may not have it when RTR rolls around. But I'll be the one in a white van. Lol with Oregon plates if that helps. See you there! :)

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I am coming.
It will be my first RTR and I am really looking forward to it. I have tried to come for three years and each time circumstances beyond my control prevented me from coming. 2017 IS MY YEAR!!!

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Reality has often screwed up my plans too... I have my fingers crossed for this next one!
I am thinking about coming. It would be my first RTR. Where do you purchase the permit? Can this be purchased a day or so after I get there? I am traveling with a travel trailer so it would be easier to set up camp then go in the TV. Also I watched the video of Bobs directions to the location from last year, if I park near the trees/shaded part, how far am I away from the group? Walking distance?
the permit is free. you can get it from the host at the LTVA when you get there. all the info will be posted the closer we get. last year the host wasn't there when RTR started, but the ranger came around and issued permits. funny thing they never got to me and I never got a permit. the shade is overrated, there is not much of it. fortunately that time of year it's not that important. actually last year we were praying for sun the first few days. highdesertranger
NO PURCHACE NEEDED. YES IT'S FREE Rangers do show up on occasion and you should have a "when i get there" permit which lasts 14 days. it is fudgeable but can be enforced. not sure if
a permit for over a gazizzillion people will be required but I would strongly recommend applying and personally will be camping away from the group so the newbee crowd can get a first hand look at all the commotion, you will have a great time and learn from your elders "aka" people been doing this a while.
I hope we can make it you guys. I am not a super social guy; however, I love to listen and learn.
Even if the lady and I have to sleep in sleeping bags I really really want to meet you folks.