Well-known member
My nice workout clothing can't be machine dried so this will do until I find another way;

akrvbob said:Looks good to me!
Suzanne said:This looks amazing!
Great stuff!
Please keep up the pictures!
Also- please let me know what the dimensions of that bed are and if you can sleep comfortably on your back- does your head or feet touch the walls?
highdesertranger said:looking good luis. are those self closing hinges? are you planning on using anything else to hold the doors closed? highdesertranger
Bdog1 said:Great progress. Thx for sharing.
sassypickins said:I appreciate your photos! You are giving me a nice visual for my own plans to do similar narrow cabinets over my kitchen area, which is along one side at the back of my van, and over my storage and cooler area opposite.
highdesertranger said:thanks for the reply luis. so the magnets are working fine? am researching all these ideas and appreciate the feed back. again nice job on the build. highdesertranger
Luisafernandes said:: )
Glad I can help.
The magnets work great. Even without them I don't think the door would open with the type of hinge I installed. But just in case I went ahead and installed them anyway, and I'll probably installed some on the other cabinets.
They sell other stuff that will help keep the cabinets closed, but I chose magnets. Just happened to be what a picked, you may choose something different.
I do like the combination self-closing hinge and magnet, never had the doors open once on me. : )
tater259 said:Really enjoying watching the van progress you did an awesome job on the build. Thanks for keeping us updated and looking forward to seeing more progress. Cant wait till I can start my van build a few of the things you done im gonna try to repeat and do on my build