After a few hectic months building the van I'm coming to a point where a little less work is more.
I'm doing finishing touches here and there. Adding boxes for storage and just figuring out what I need and don't need.
I need a lot less than what I have but, I still have a lot of stuff. I won't need all the work clothing, but I'll need some. Same with work boots, not all will fit.
I'll try to take some pics of the trunk/garage rearranged with storage boxes tomorrow.
Yesterday and today I trimmed the cabinet doors, stained and gave it a final coat of poly. May not look much different but it is. And I know it's not perfect but the carpenter I hired didn't square things too well.
Here's some pics of before and after;
Also ordered and installed a wheel holder. With all the space, finding a spot to place my wheel without damaging it was all but impossible, not now.
And here's a close up of what's holding the bike. Cannibalized pieces from a Thule bike holder;