2014 Chevy Express 2500 Van Build: Luisafernandes

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Rain stopped early in the afternoon. Finished applying wipe-on Poly -three coats on the ceiling panel;

Installed small piece of wall panel. The joint isn't perfect but eventually I'm going to cover it and the screws with something, not sure what yet.

And worked on the bulkhead. Lots of templates, measuring, cutting, and recutting. Not an easy task figuring out all the angles, and how far from the wall should the panel come out to. How big the door should be. And I can't install the bulkhead until the ceiling panel goes up, which should be tomorrow, after it has time to dry overnight.
Productive day, though it could've been better. Lost two hours going to get more of this and that.
First thing today was to insulate the bottom of the ceiling ribs with some pink bubble insulation.




Installed ceiling panel with the help of Mr jig;


Most of my day was focused on the bulkhead. It's very time consuming figuring out where it should go. I used cardboard as a template and just had to do a little recut afterwards. Then pre-stained and stained. Tomorrow will apply Poly and cut two pieces for the right side.
I'm using two pieces per side. One piece screwed into the bulkhead, then 1" of Polyisio, maybe some Reflectix, and the second piece on 1/2 plywood.


akrvbob said:
Without an air space, the Reflectix is a waste of money for insulation, don't bother with it at all. An inch and a half of styrofoam is going to work great!! It's all you need, don't throw your money away on more Reflectix.

The pink styrofoam is a vapor barrier, no need for another. You may want to tape the joints so moisture can't get through there.

You're doing a great job, you will be very pleased with the results!

Ok, I'm confused now. How do you use reflectix properly with the foam sheets (mine is Polyiso)? My understanding was you place reflectix to the metal first and layer it with foam sheet then plywood over that for finish look?? Thanks for any help you can give to this concern :-/
Expresscamper said:
Ok, I'm confused now. How do you use reflectix properly with the foam sheets (mine is Polyiso)? My understanding was you place reflectix to the metal first and layer it with foam sheet then plywood over that for finish look?? Thanks for any help you can give to this concern :-/

I glued mine right to the van walls. If I was to do it again I would use pieces of 1/2 foam as spacers, then I would apply the Reflectix to it and the foam to the Reflectix.
Luisafernandes said:
I glued mine right to the van walls. If I was to do it again I would use pieces of 1/2 foam as spacers, then I would apply the Reflectix to it and the foam to the Reflectix.

Wow, I've seen so many people on youtube apply reflectix to the metal first and followed by whatever insulation they've chosen. So honestly, I could just use 1-1'2" foam and be done with that part as Bob mentioned?
Expresscamper said:
Wow, I've seen so many people on youtube apply reflectix to the metal first and followed by whatever insulation they've chosen. So honestly, I could just use 1-1'2" foam and be done with that part as Bob mentioned?

Yes, you could do that. Personally, if I had to do it allover again I would still use Reflectix. It doesn't cost too much more and the benefits outweighs the negatives.
Use some spacers between the wall and the Reflectix and you'll get a much better result than I did.
Geesh! I was planning on using the Reflectix but now I'm scared to use it as I don't have any money to waste. This van I'm planning my work for is merely going to be a travel van and something to sleep in overnights btw travels. I guess for practical and economical reasons I might opt using Reflectix. Do have recommendation for sound deaden of the van also?
Expresscamper said:
Geesh! I was planning on using the Reflectix but now I'm scared to use it as I don't have any money to waste. This van I'm planning my work for is merely going to be a travel van and something to sleep in overnights btw travels. I guess for practical and economical reasons I might opt using Reflectix. Do have recommendation for sound deaden of the van also?

I was going to use yoga mats but couldn't find the right thickness made of close cell foam. You could buy Dynomat or Thermo-tec sound deadening. Thermo-tec is less expensive and it's what I used on the wheel wells and parts of the flood.
The stuff used under wood flooring actually has sound deadening properties. Of course I fount it too late to use on the walls and ceiling but it's something to consider. It's thin and you can double or triple it if you want.
I posted a quote from the Reflectix website that says without the air space it has little insulation value. Are you going to believe a youtube video or the manufacturer?

If money is tight, don't use it without the spacer. Polyiso is much better insulation and plain styrofoam is nearly as good as Polyiso. Just use it.
Today I finish the wipe on Poly for the bulkhead driver side divider.

Then tacked the passenger side, no doubt much harder than the driver side, but kind of have it figured out. Well, almost.

Did the two main supports for the bed. Mine will go sideways across the wheel wells. I'm 5'10" and I have about 6' to play with. So much room, I don't know if I'll make a 2" storage compartment or if I'll just stretch a little more when I feel like it. : )
The panel facing the rear is about 29" and 3/4 tall to divide the storage/trunk/garage/basement/bike rack/ area from the sleeping area. Underneath I'll have more storage. My plan is to make it half accessible from the rear and half from the front.


From where it ends, at 29" 3/4 to the ceiling, I'll hang a thermal room darkening curtain. This way when I open the rear doors nobody will see what's inside, and in a emergency or if I need to grab something off the back I can very easily reach it or I can jump across.
Hi Luis,
This is indeed pro work. I could have used several of your ideas a few months ago. Those are some fine looking walls.

I look forward to seeing where this goes.
pseudo_mccoy said:
Hi Luis,
This is indeed pro work. I could have used several of your ideas a few months ago. Those are some fine looking walls.

I look forward to seeing where this goes.

Hi McCoy.
I've done lots of mistakes too. Almost took all the insulation out at one point for having glued the Reflectix right to the van walls without an air gap.
In the end, it's not about perfection. It's about being a comfortable place for you to live in. You you are comfortable, if you like it, then it's perfect.
I've used my little swamp cooler a few times with temperatures in the day time in the mid-nineties and in conjunction with two small fans blowing the air around, and I can say it was quite comfortable in the van, even without my fantastic vent installed yet.
Great job on the build there Luis!!

"In the end, it's not about perfection. It's about being a comfortable place for you to live in. You you are comfortable, if you like it, then it's perfect."

This is an awesome quote, and there are alot of times that folks get so finiky about what they're building, that they forget to enjoy it when it's done...they're too worried about tiny details that noone will even see anyways!!! (well...except them!) :)
I've seen this happen many times with hot-rod builds. Veins go popping over the dumbest and tiniest of details...and it's over things that change nothing about the esthetics or the drivability of their cars either!!! UGH!!!! :p

Keep up the wonderful work!!
Thanks Patrick!
I do like things done right, but I realize that due to different circumstance (i.e. not having the right tool for the right job) can affect how things come out. So I'm just going with it, and as long as I'm happy...
Sorry about the misspelling,I meant to say; if you are comfortable, not: you you.
I'm a bit late to the party, but it looks like we're working on nearly identical vehicles (except we have AWD) at the same time, and have similar plans. We chose to post on our blog instead of on forums about it, though, so you'd have to go there and check it out (link in signature).

Looks good. Gives us a few ideas, as we're a bit behind you in the build process.
AimlessWanderLust said:
I'm a bit late to the party, but it looks like we're working on nearly identical vehicles (except we have AWD) at the same time, and have similar plans. We chose to post on our blog instead of on forums about it, though, so you'd have to go there and check it out (link in signature).

Looks good. Gives us a few ideas, as we're a bit behind you in the build process.

Hi there!
I didn't know they made the cargo 2500 awd?
I'd love to look at what you got but I don't see a link on my end.
While 2500 AWD's do exist, they are extremely rare, like unicorn rare. But we actually have a 1500 AWD. The 1500 and 2500 are nearly identical in body, and perhaps a few more changes concerning the leaf springs and maybe the frame, otherwise, we have the same platform.

Very nice! I too thought of buying some king of sound deadener but in the end gave up on the idea, too much money, except for the wheel wells and some of the floor. Why not the whole floor? Miscalculation on my part. Ordered two rolls of 35"x60" Thermo-tec when I needed at least three.
Like you said, very similar indeed!