They think since I am not working every day of the week with little to no sleep I am a lazy *******.
A. Who are "They" that you refer to?
Yes I do consider myself a furry boi, and attend this furry club event in San Francisco called Frolic.
B. IMO this is way TMI however the question was asked.
I know my current income of $7640 a year will barely support my dream life.
C. I have never thought it a good idea to discuss my full income in public, my family members have no idea of my income that I live on.
I am working for the latter. As spending hours to save a buck is not something I desire to look back on at age 70.
D. Sometimes when a person has more time than money they might be considered wise to spend more of the time they have to get what they need but do not have the money for.
_____I am getting tired of people boasting how they live well while exploring the country on a $7000 a year income without fully sharing the other costs (how their average day is like, set-up costs, trial-and-error, time spent to achieve savings/discounts etc.) and any benefits that subsidize/offset the cost of living (like eating at the homeless shelter twice a week, subsidized healthcare, living with family, bartering for goods/services etc.).
Then through very low standards say they're living comfortably (set the bar low enough and any standard of living can be defined as "comfortable")
E. If you dislike to be judged by others......why do you do it? You have a right to your opinion however I do not think you, or I, or anyone has a right to decide that someone has a low a standard of life if it is the life they have chosen for themselves.
_____Also, I have read some "savings stories", which are full of holes. Through my knowledge of true DIY costs (money, time, energy, skill, tools, cooperation etc.), know that the costs involved is not just money. Some "savings stories" read as glorified, cheery, best-case-scenario writings about a DIY project that ended up monetarily costing 1/10th or less than what a ready made or machine-shopped version would cost.
F. I like these stories with happy endings of money saved.
Here is another for you.....on Tuesday I drove about 10 blocks {.50 cents of gas} bought a working older H.P laptop for $10 at the local mission my old bats & old farts discount of $2.00 = $8 lap top ...son has already installed ubuntu {whatever that is} and when I learn that system he will teach me how to download my files on to the "new" laptop. Since we are both retired I do not feel that we 'lost' any $$$ for our time and saved a few $100.00's on the laptop.
There's a happy ending for you!
_____Anybody else getting tired of hearing this?
G. Nope.......Not in this low standard house hold/life style :angel:
I once saw this on a bumper sticker "IT'S TO BAD A CLOSED MIND DOES NOT COME WITH A CLOSED MOUTH"