Pipeline gate guard jobs for singles

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Well-known member
Sep 4, 2012
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I'd looked into the oil patch gate guard jobs and generally found it wasn't a viable option except for couples, or partners, because it's 24 hours per day.&nbsp; But while I was in the Midland area an acquaintance was talking about the profound problems they're having with theft on every kind of jobsite around the oil fields and how they're forced to increase security constantly, fighting a losing battle.<BR><BR>Somehow the pipelines being constructed came up on the theft issues and someone mentioned in passing they have gate guards on them, too.<BR><BR>Viola!&nbsp; They only work one shift, 12 hours.&nbsp; And the pay's still in the $100-$175 per day range for those owning RVs.<BR><BR>So those singles reading and looking for workamping jobs might want to look into this.
Incidently, the subject turned to the fact energy drinks [whatever that might be - some stimulant drink, completely legal] are banned from all oil patch sites on pain of being fired if caught with them.&nbsp; One of the guys I talked to said the gate guards are taking cases of the stuff to their locations, and selling it at twice the price they pay for it in town.<BR><BR>The folks working on the rigs rush out there and buy some every chance they get, chug it, and rush back onto the job, leaving the can behind at the gate.<BR><BR>According to the guy telling me this, the gate guards can't keep enough of the stuff on hand so's they don't run out before they make their next trips to town.&nbsp; He says they're making more selling energy drinks than they make from their gate guard jobs.
Here's a picture of one<BR><BR><IMG class=bbc_img src="http://myoldrv.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/03/003-300x224.jpg" rel="lightbox"><BR><BR><H1><SPAN style="FONT-SIZE: small"><SPAN style="FONT-SIZE: medium">Industrial Boondocking</SPAN></SPAN><BR><SPAN style="FONT-SIZE: small"><A href="http://www.myoldrv.com/?p=1822" rel=nofollow>http://www.myoldrv.com/?p=1822</A>&nbsp;<BR><BR><A href="http://www.rvforum.net/SMF_forum/index.php?topic=41199.0" rel=nofollow>http://www.rvforum.net/SMF_forum/index.php?topic=41199.0</A><BR><BR>Oilfield Gate Guard Hiring Criteria<BR><A href="http://www.myoldrv.com/?p=1890" rel=nofollow>http://www.myoldrv.com/?p=1890</A></SPAN></H1>
Is it a two week on two week off kinda thing? Where you work a 12 hour shift x 2 weeks then get 2 off?&nbsp; That actually sounds like a good job if its safe...In the movies, the guards at the posts are always the ones to get whacked first!<br><br>Rae
Id think. anyone up to no good would just go around them before whackin em
Yesican:&nbsp; According to the blog links I posted it runs straight through as long as the job lasts.<BR><BR>
<STRONG>Thanks Jack, for someone friendly like me this may fit the bill whenever I can escape.</STRONG><BR><STRONG>Hmmm, 2 singles make a couple. You know, like Dr.&nbsp;T was inquiring about selling Christmas trees. <BR>Rae, I haven't done so yet but if you join the active rv site of one of Jack's links, you can get more info.<BR>Yes, it did cross my mind about gate gaurds being the new expendibles. (remember Star Trek) There was always a new young officer that lost it. That being said, I live at the edge of an area that hits the news every night with crime, mostly shootings.&nbsp; Probably not much crime at a gaurd gate. Don't know.<BR><SPAN style="COLOR: #ff00ff">Dragonfly<BR><BR><SPAN style="COLOR: #000000">edit 1&nbsp; This was not closed on the forum so I copied it.<BR><BR><A href="http://www.rvforum.net/SMF_forum/index.php?topic=41199.0" rel=nofollow>http://www.rvforum.net/SMF_forum/index.php?topic=41199.0</A><BR><BR>This link has people that are doing it.</SPAN></SPAN></STRONG>
Just got this from the newsletter - Work for RVers and Campers - <A href="http://www.work-for-rvers-and-campers.com/tx-oil-field-gate-guards.html" rel=nofollow>http://www.work-for-rvers-and-campers.com/tx-oil-field-gate-guards.html</A> <BR>It's for couples, so it doesn't precisely fit this thread, but it gives a fair picture of the overall gate guard duties:<BR><BR><H1 style="TEXT-ALIGN: center">TX: Oil Field Gate Guards</H1><P style="TEXT-ALIGN: center">by BigBill of Capital Well Service, Tilden, Texas <BR>(Daily Pay, Plus Benefits that Include Health Insurance)</P><P>We are needing licensed gate guards in the Tilden, Texas area. This position is available now! Job requirements consists of couples with RVs. Job duties are signing in and out traffic and monitoring gate activity in the oil fields of south Texas.<BR><BR>These gates are 24/7. Couples can decide who works what shifts. We supply water, septic, and generator. Benefits after 90 days. Benefits include health insurance and raises after 90 days service. <BR><BR>Uniforms are a requirement and you pay for them. After one year service, we will reimburse you for the cost.<BR><BR>Starting pay is $135.00 per day, per couple. Plus, we take care of you utilities (except propane). This works out to over $4000.00 per month, not including your benefits. I believe we're the only company that offers benefits in this business.<BR><BR>If you're not licensed, we can get you licensed and have you working within a few days. Positions are limited so don't wait. Drug tests are required! You are hired in as employees, not a contract position.<BR><BR>Great jobs for retirees. These jobs aren't for everyone. Be prepared for awesome sunsets, solitude, and lots of quiet times. <BR><BR>Phone service is by ATT. Verizon does not work here, so be prepared to get ATT. Our internet is with an ATT hot spot.<BR><BR>Awesome job with great management who cares for there employees. Please tell them that Bill sent you and that you saw the ad on Coleen's Work for Campers and RVers website. Please send questions to get more info to Rudy or Brad at [email protected]. Capital Well Service, Tilden, Texas.<BR><BR>---------------------------------------<BR><BR>The pay's a bit low, but maybe the benefits offset the difference.&nbsp; The fact they'll get a person licensed and speed through doing it might be a big plus.</P>
5.60 an hour?&nbsp; o_O&nbsp; Kinda lowballing for that industry aren't they?&nbsp; <img rel="lightbox" src="/images/boards/smilies/rofl.gif" class="bbc_img">
<P>Dazar:&nbsp; Free hookups and benefits probably add something to the hourly wage.&nbsp; But easywork unskilled labor tends to get lowballed in any case.&nbsp; <BR><BR>If a greeter at Walmart could go inside between customers, watch television, go on the web, or kick back and have a cup of coffee with his feet on the table he'd probably figure he wasn't getting rich, but if he was banking $4000 per month he might think he wasn't getting less rich.<BR><BR>As the ad says, it ain't&nbsp;for everyone.&nbsp;</P>
I guess so.&nbsp; I pretty much keep my current low paying job because i can do the same, but they don't pay my utilities or benefits either, so i guess it balances out compared to a min wage job.<br><br><br>I've often thought at my job, if i could find income online (like tara does for instance) or something while working i could greatly boost my income without any more time expenditure.&nbsp; Im betting you could do that there as well.
As I understand it from reading the blogs of people doing this, it's usually contract work, as opposed to being hired as an employee.&nbsp; Contracting probably pays better, though as an hourly wage, not significantly so.<BR><BR>But the contract jobs prefer experienced folks, and the person wanting to do it has to take care of getting his own license.<BR><BR>This is the first time I've heard of a job of this sort taking on gate guards as employees.<BR><BR>As a means of getting a foot in the door it mightn't be a bad deal.<BR><BR>I haven't looked up where Tilden Texas is because I'm a single and couldn't get on if I were interested.
Just for ***** and giggles I looked it up and its about a hr south of San Antonio off hwy 16. A population of 450 people.
Walk thru <span style="color: #ff9900;"><a href="http://www.myoldrv.com/" rel="nofollow"><span style="color: #ff9900;">this guy's blog</span></a></span>. &nbsp;He's been doing it for some time. &nbsp;After reading his stories I decided this is something I would definitely NOT want to do. &nbsp;24/7 - dust - generator roaring in the background - dust - wind - dust - decent pay - dust - remote locations with no option to travel during contract period.<br><br>Oh, did I mention the dust???<br><br>There are way too many other options to generate income or reduce costs for this to appeal to me.<br><br>Happy Trails!!<br><br>-- &nbsp;Kevin
Being single I would not want to do 24/7 and also, I would need time off here and there to do shopping, and just getting away from work.&nbsp; Are there positions that allow for time off or that would accept singles? I work long hours now and don't have time to look thorugh all the blogs..I looked through one and got nothing of info on their job just their day to day life.&nbsp; <br><br>Rae
Kevin:&nbsp; Probably no two sites are alike, no two companies, no two sets of circumstances.&nbsp; As for this particular one, it's not for singles, possibly because one's needed to go to town, etc.&nbsp; But my impression is the pipeline jobs are a bit different in a number of ways, and they aren't just in oilfields.<BR><BR>But as has already been said, those jobs aren't for everyone.&nbsp; Probably requires a certain patience, temperment and other personality traits to wish to do it.<BR><BR>
Gate Guard Jobs? Seems like you would definitely need a significant other, as well as a toad. <br>-Bruce