Ehrenburg Rangers to enforce 14 day camping limit

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Van Lady

Well-known member
Apr 23, 2016
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Heard from two Ehrenburg campers that 6 rangers showed up today, took pictures of all vehicles and license plates and told campers today was day #1 of their 14 days. They need to be gone by January 2. It is now to be an enforced area.
Read on fb

"Copy/Pasted from another post by a fellow Nomad regarding Ehrenberg ~ Well, bad news today from Rangers with the BLM!! Party is over for unlimited stay camping/boondocking in the desert outside of Ehrenberg! Six (6) Rangers pulled in this afternoon and scattered about taking pictures of rigs and license plates. I cornered one of them, and while he was polite and friendly, he told me flat out my 14 days starts today, and if I'm still here on January 2 he will not be happy with me! OK dude, message received!! Just a forewarning to anybody coming to Ehrenberg for the winter!"
Since Ehrenberg is less than 25 miles from rtr does than mean they will have to wait till the 19th of Jan to camp at rtr?

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It may a different ranger district then Quartzsite. In that case you should be ok. Don't know for sure.
Cammalu said:
Since Ehrenberg is less than 25 miles from rtr does than mean they will have to wait till the 19th of Jan to camp at rtr?

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That is a very good question!  If anyone know please share it with the  group!
They drove around out here about 3040 minutes after you guys left they didn't talk to me but they did go over to the big group of the that you were telling me about just little farther down the road

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same ranger district. I hope nobody is surprised about this everybody and their brother has been going on the internet for years declaring you could stay there as long as you want. guess what you couldn't it's always been a 14 day limit. you just can't keep thumbing your nose at the BLM, then advertising it and expect them to do nothing. highdesertranger
I was hearing that the BLM large camping area close to Bouse is in a different ranger district. It that true HDR?
nope same district. Colorado River District. note, you don't have to leave the district, only move 25 miles. highdesertranger
highdesertranger said:
same ranger district. I hope nobody is surprised about this everybody and their brother has been going on the internet for years declaring you could stay there as long as you want. guess what you couldn't it's always been a 14 day limit. you just can't keep thumbing your nose at the BLM, then advertising it and expect them to do nothing. highdesertranger

How many times has Bob told his 109,000 YouTube followers there was no Ranger enforcement in Ehrenburg and you could spend the entire winter there?
The Rangers and the BLM have had enough!
What is important now is that we get the word out to as many as possible. It isn't like they will be posting new signs or giving warnings I bet.

They drove through earlier after a helicopter flew through. First a Sheriff and then a ranger. The ranger stopped to tell a few that they could not park on the road somewhat abruptly but did not mention the change in enforcement.
Sigh - not much point in fighting to get through snow, sleet and hail to arrive in Ehrenburg now - ahh well.  I liked looking at the maps to find camping anyway.

I read online they are shutting down slab city too.  Makes a body wonder what is going on that they are shutting down all the long term places.
It's a financial move that a lot of places are making. If you are living nomad or tiny house, you are not paying into infrastructure. It's popping up more and more all over the country. Sad.
I have seen it on the tiny house movement.  Lots of cities are basically banning them by putting in regulations that demand a minimum size house.  And yea it is sad.  

I wonder if they will start charging to camp on BLM land eventually.
You are right I remember when I was younger $700 a month you could have lived like a king or because they're always raising the price is everything like New Mexico every year the power company happy little bit more to the cost of power. Every couple of years reason the tax tobacco gas. There making it so that if you don't make over $50,000 a year you can't even live a poor man's life. Its like they're forcing us to live in det. Before I came out here most the people I knew had at least for credit cards 3 of them maxed out

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It isn't just Bob promoting this place, I am pretty sure the Canadian not far from us knew nothing of Bob or the RTR.

Honestly this is not a real big surprise considering how they have stepped up enforcement in other areas of the state.

In Cottonwood I was told by a ex NFS LEO that I would be fine if I moved 5 miles down the road after 14 days. I think it was Pandamonium that reported them taking down plates not long after I left.

In Flagstaff for the GTG we had neighbors that had been there 5 weeks and planned on moving just down the road after dumping their tanks. A member here returned after the Colorado GTG and reported two trailers near him had just received tickets.

Even in Colorado where I have boondocked for 30 years never hearing of a ticket or even knowing what happened if you were there too long, we had a member get a ticket.

I think in each area here they have started enforcing when it is time for the area to become popular. It wouldn't make sense to do it across the board because the rest of the time there are not enoughcampers to make it worth the effort.
Sooooo, each tribe that goes to the RTR and other gatherings in Southwest Arizona and wants to stay there most of the winter chip in some coin and buy a 30 to 40 acre piece of land. Set basic rules of keeping your trash picked up and who can come and go. Pretty easy solution and you actually would own a piece of your winter home.

Something like this perhaps....

Conversely you can just move every 14 days or buck up for a LTVA pass and stay all winter.
[font=Verdana, Arial, sans-serif]Motrukdriver[/font]

[font=Verdana, Arial, sans-serif]Not a bad idea.  But a lot of hurdles to make it happen.  And a lot headaches and organization if it does.  Some counties dont allow camping on raw land.  [size=medium][font=Verdana, Arial, sans-serif]And you cant forget about yearly tax.[/font]  Not saying to kick the idea to the curb but coming up with that large of a kitty is gonna take a lot of people.  [/font][/size]
Van Lady said:
How many times has Bob told his 109,000 YouTube followers there was no Ranger enforcement in Ehrenburg and you could spend the entire winter there?

Yeah, its all Bob's fault, not the thousands of people who break the (published and very well known) 14 day rule. So, let's just blame one guy. 

Sorry, I don't agree with this sentiment. 

Camping for several weeks DOES seem more like living there or 'squatting' more than camping...

The Rangers and the  BLM have had enough!

You got that right: apparently, someone, somewhere, complained.