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  1. F

    Don't lock your keys in your home/car.

    For your car it's  a good idea to have a motor club, they usually have lock out service and will get you back in for free.
  2. F

    how to cook eggs without sticking

    If you buy a nice good quality non stick pan clean up is a breeze. You just have to be careful not to use metal utensils to stir things in it.  
  3. F

    How do you all store your food?

    You have a great setup greybeard. 
  4. F

    Money testing websites?

    I tried to download the program they use and my antivirus automatically deleted it as dangerous.  
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    How do you all store your food?

    As far as the spices, there is a company called Badia, they might be in the Latin section of a Supermarket.  They sell spices in small thick zip top bags.  I bought my rosemary and thyme and nutmeg in them because I don't use a lot of it, plus they only cost about 80 cents...
  6. F

    Cheap Fast Food

    Fast food is not 5 times a week for me.  Lately I've only been eating it once a week, used to be a little more often.  I am trying to save by eating at home more.  Publix had a great sale on Tilapia, buy one bag (12 to 16oz)  get on free for $7. found a delicious recipe where...
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    Cheap Fast Food

    Any Costco or other Wholesale Club should allow you to enter without a membership or forcing you to get a temporary one if they have a pharmacy, just say you are going to the pharmacy and they have to let you in.  Once you are in you can look around in any area.  
  8. F

    Upon leaving what is more than a house, but a home.

    That sucks with the trailer park eviction.  I read about a mobile home park closing down so they can provide homes for the Native Americans that own the casino.  I read that each person gets $10,000 a month for being a tribe member.  The evicted people I think at least got $5,000...
  9. F

    Cheap Fast Food

    I'm on a budget so I try to limit my fast food purchases to $2.<br><br>At McDonald's I usually get a small fries and a McDouble (Double Cheeseburger with only one slice of cheese) &nbsp;Sometimes I will get the McChicken. &nbsp;In south Florida where I live they have a few weekly &nbsp;specials...
  10. F

    Is it paranoid to think someone might want to steal my dog?

    Best not to worry about something that has not happened and may never will be, hopefully.&nbsp;
  11. F

    Upon leaving what is more than a house, but a home.

    Home is where the heart is.<br><br>wherever you lay your hat is your home.&nbsp;<br><br>Wherever I go, there I am. &nbsp;<br><br>I always consider where I live a home, even if I'm renting. &nbsp;
  12. F

    Transfer Large Files for Free at This Great Site!

    Very cool, I hope I can remember it when I need it. &nbsp;
  13. F

    Visit 23 Museums and Zoos Free With Google Field Trip App

    Many years ago I went to the Metropolitan Museum of Art in Manhattan with a friend that was studying art. &nbsp;I'm not that much into art, but it was fun looking at art worth worth hundreds of millions of dollars each by Van Gohn, Rembrant and others. &nbsp;there are different areas in the...
  14. F

    Hoarding issues

    Be careful you don't hoard your van. &nbsp;I have trouble throwing things out. &nbsp;I have underbed storage and I don't use or know most of what's under there besides by laundromat kit and some winter boots that I only need if I go back north for Christmas. &nbsp;Recently I did a lot of...
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    Am I crazy, or are they crazy?

    To the OP, you must have some Gypsy blood in you. &nbsp;<br><br>The saying is "when someone shows you who they are, believe them". &nbsp;<br><br>
  16. F

    Holidays and Being Single

    That is so rude when people ask you what you are doing on a holiday and when you say nothing they don't invite you to their get together. &nbsp;I don't think they intend to mean harm, maybe they were just making small talk. &nbsp;And Facebook can suck when you see your acquaintances have a...
  17. F

    Neat trick for guys shavin' in the field...

    I hate shaving too. &nbsp;Sometimes I go for 3 or 4 days without shaving. &nbsp;If you don't have a good blade it will actually hurt to shave. &nbsp;I have a Gillette Fusion 5 blade that I got free in the mail as a sample. &nbsp;It's over 2 years old and it's still the original blade. &nbsp;Then...
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    Keep clean WITHOUT soap!!

    I buy baby wipes from a dollar store, &nbsp;They come in a pack of 80. &nbsp;I use them for personal wipes, but you can use them to freshen up too. &nbsp;
  19. F

    Staying clean

    In south Florida there is a gym chain called Youfit, they advertise that it's only $10 a month. &nbsp; Another option is using the beach showers. &nbsp;The water is warm most of the summer because the ground water is heated by the sun. So even your cold tap water at home comes out kind of warm...
  20. F

    Walmart banking?

    I don't know what you mean by Walmart banks. &nbsp;I know they tried to get into banking but they were not allowed to.<br><br>Do you mean the money services such as wire transfers, or payment systems and money orders?&nbsp;