Neat trick for guys shavin' in the field...

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Well-known member
Aug 7, 2011
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I came about this by accident, but works extremely well... If your like me ya hate to shave every day, problem is when after 4 or 5 days the growth is pretty good... So when ya do shave the long hairs get stuck in your razor clogging it up making it tough to continue or use a new blade... I was at the auto parts store and saw a neat little knuckle scrubber which I needed... The next time I shaved, same problem and then thought of the little scrubber and used it to clean the razor blades of the built up hair... This works great and makes a good cleaning tool into a multitasking tool, not to mention saves money on blades... give it a try...<br>
Cool, I will....Bri<br /><br />I use my toothbrush,,,,multiple uses from an item of course with that giant rig of yours you can carry all the extra stuff you
Sounds like an idea...maybe an old toothbrush too?<br>I'm partial to my rechargeable trimmer for the bush hogging, then, if I feel inclined, which isn't often, finish mowing with dollar store throw aways and a gel shave cream.<br>
I found a trick out for myself;<div>first I rub warm water into the stubble, wait a moment or two do it again. Take my time getting out the shaving gear. Rub warm water in again, rub shaving cream in, shave easy like.</div><div><br></div><div>Big difference without doing the warm water bit. Use your fingers, uses very little water, but no pulling and pain, overall much nicer shave.</div>
<p style="margin: 0px;">Interesting thread... I use a rechargable but occasionally like to use a blade... The cartridges are getting so expensive....&nbsp; I wonder how many blades they are up to now,&nbsp;15 or&nbsp;16 ???</p><p style="margin: 0px;">&nbsp;</p><p style="margin: 0px;">Thanks for the advice...&nbsp; I'll try the alcohol trick, too...&nbsp; Wish I had a little drinking alcohol to go with.</p>
I love this thread. I am going to try all of these suggestions, as my shaving efficiency is struggling at the moment.
I made the switch to an electric razor about 6 months ago and will never go back to a regular razor. &nbsp;I got a panasonic wet / dry shaver and love it! &nbsp;They even say in the owners manual, give the razor 30 days and you will never go back, and they are right. &nbsp;It is a big cost saver in the long run. &nbsp;Razors and shaving cream are expensive! &nbsp;The other advantage to electric is that if you are in a place (usually outside of of the USA) where the water sources are not completely safe, an electric is safer to use because you do not risk getting unclean water in a cut. &nbsp;I know that many people don't think electric razors shave as close as a blade but they are fine for me and my beard!<div>-AK</div>
I went back to a Gillette double sided, single blade razor a couple of years ago. I also discovered that if I keep the blades clean they last a very long time. Never thought about the water issue&nbsp; before . . . .interesting though. May try it.<br><br>gus<br><br>
The alcohol trick works wonders.&nbsp; Most of the wear and tear on razors is due to oxidation from being left wet... the alcohol dries the blade, so it stays sharper longer.<br /><br />I like the idea of SoulRaven's scrubber... I hadn't a solution to built up hair yet.&nbsp; I'll definitely look into that!
I have a hair trimmer and all I do is take off the guaed, adjust the cutter head to its' shshortest setting, and let 'er rip. It's the 'I'm growin' a goatee look', and only needs to be done every week or 2. ..Willy.
We've been using old toothbrushes around here for that too&nbsp;<img src="/images/boards/smilies/smile.gif" alt="" align="absmiddle" border="0" />&nbsp;Oh, here is another good tip as well:<br /><a href=""></a>
<h2 class="entry-title"><span style="font-size: small;"><img src="http://sofarfromheavendotcom.files....aving-tool-extraordinaire.jpg?w=500&amp;h=375" alt="" /><a title="Permalink to Shaving with sheep&nbsp;shears" href="" rel="bookmark"><br /><br />Shaving with sheep&nbsp;shears</a>&nbsp;<strong>works fairly well for me</strong>.<br /><br />Before:<br /><br /><img src=";h=369" alt="" /><br />After:<br /><img src=";h=303" alt="" /></span></h2>
karl said:
Sounds like an idea...maybe an old toothbrush too?<br />I'm partial to my rechargeable trimmer for the bush hogging, then, if I feel inclined, which isn't often, finish mowing with dollar store throw aways and a gel shave cream.<br />
<br /><br />HAHA, like your signature, but if I think it, it has to be right.
When i was younger my beard was well handled by an electric. Some time around 55 the beard became stronger than norelco. I went back to blades. I shave no more than once per week, unless its date night. Modern multi blade razors are remarkably good. That said if I use my rechargeable electric lightly every day I don't do bad, but it has to be every day. Some months I'm a cousin to Jack. <br>c2b
I solved the shaving problem right from the get go. I just never started and have worn a beard all my adult life.
I let it grow for a while and then break out the trimmer to take it back to an inch or so.
Margie likes it and says its softer than any she has felt :)

Never thought of sharpening a blade on jeans. I'll have to give it a shot on my razor scraper.
I hate shaving too. &nbsp;Sometimes I go for 3 or 4 days without shaving. &nbsp;If you don't have a good blade it will actually hurt to shave. &nbsp;I have a Gillette Fusion 5 blade that I got free in the mail as a sample. &nbsp;It's over 2 years old and it's still the original blade. &nbsp;Then I do a second shave with a four blade disposable from Dollar Tree. &nbsp;They are 3 for $1, but shave much closer than the double or triple blade.
Thanks for the tip about drying the disposable razor. What a ripoff they are - I also hate shaving - so I do it every 3 days or more - & it's usually hard plowing. Will start DRYING the razor & see if I can stretch it!
Being in the military I obviously have to shave daily. I primarly use a 60$ norelco electric, bought it eight years ago. I never wash it out, just dump the hair holder, and sometimes brush it out with a toothbrush. Still runs and whats CRAZY is it still has its original rechargable battery!!!!! I have takin breaks from using it now and then. When I see some razors for CHEAP Ill pick some up and use em then go back to electric. Ill bet in the last 8 years I have spent no more than 100$ on razors. <BR><BR>Awsome alert!!! A buddy of mine bought a schick Quattro titanium, said he has been using the same cartridge for over a year and its still good!!!! Im guessing this is because the blades are rust resistant due to it being a titanium alloy?? Im going to buy one and see for myself.
I'm surprised that nobody has mentioned using an old fashioned sharpenable straight razor.&nbsp; Being a barber, I'm rather partial to straight razors.&nbsp; I have shaved some tough, gnarly beards in my career!&nbsp; Steam, steam, steam!&nbsp; Get a towel really good and hot and slap it on your's ok to use some french right at; On really tough beards, I put noxema on before the 2nd steam towel...of course I didn't tell my clients that's what it was.&nbsp; Keeping a razor sharp and stropped is a really awesome skill.

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