how to cook eggs without sticking

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<p>If you use a well-seasoned cast iron pan, &amp; a little extra oil, you shouldn't have them sticking.&nbsp; I make over-easy all the time &amp; they just sliiiiiide right out&nbsp; <img src="/images/boards/smilies/biggrin.gif" border="0" align="absmiddle"></p><p><br>Scrambled seems to like sticking more, but the oil helps.</p>
A well seasoned, oiled/buttered cast iron pan at the right heat and no egg will stick.&nbsp; I don't have the need or room to carry a popcorn maker.&nbsp; I do that in cast iron pans too.
If you buy a nice good quality non stick pan clean up is a breeze. You just have to be careful not to use metal utensils to stir things in it. &nbsp;
I don't ever use anything with teflon.&nbsp; It is really not good for you.&nbsp; Not to mention that it is usually coating aluminum which is definitely not good for you.<br><br>I think some of you are missing the point of my post.&nbsp; It was not so that y'all could tell me I was doing it was to present another method of cooking eggs that might not have occurred folks.
Tx, I didn't see anyone tell you that you were wrong - people were just offering their opinion/ideas for other ways to cook eggs.
And that's called hijacking a thread. There is nothing wrong with the OP wanting to stay on topic.

If the topic was "how do you cook your eggs?" Or "your opinion of cooking egg methods" that would be different.
So I started a thread for these very good suggestions to have their own home!
When cooking eggs another way causes less sticking, it is very relevant.
Since I moved these posts from another thread a few may be somewhat out of context, RVTravel. In the other thread, the OP wanted to talk about microwaving, but got alot of responses about pan cooking. She wasn't looking for better options to microwaving. Since the posts about pan cooking were good ones, I saved them by moving them here, so it's all good!
Try an egg cottler a porcelain screw together container with a tiny bit of butter herbs and break 1 or 2 eggs into screw on the top and boil for 5 min. top with fresh pepper and a dash of salt yummy, No sticking at all and not fried... or get 1/2 cube butter and slow cook / float 2-3 eggs wow talk about a heart buster but no stick guaranteed
i dont recall ever eating a poached egg...ill have to try it..<br><br>can it be done in the microwave? like boil a container of water and slide em in? or do they need to poach in continous boiling water?<br><br>how much water per egg? (i went through the thread quickly so i may have missed it)
Thanx's twoknives I thought eggs exploded in a microwave but I could be wrong just never tried it

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