Hoarding issues

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Oct 10, 2012
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So has anyone else started van living because they have an issue with hoarding? Its not my only reason but its one of them, hoarding runs in my family and I started to notice it popping up in me and that was the last nail in my decision to van dwell because if I live traditionally it is going to get out of control.<br><br>I know it is going to be a challenge for me initially but hopefully because its such a small space being forced to go through and get rid of things on a much more regular basis will break me of this awful habit.
I recently decided to live by the "one in, one out" rule. If I bring something new into my home, I have to get rid of something (trash, donate to charity or sell). That is helping me keep stuff under control. However, I still have years of clutter to go through before I'll even fit it in a van!

As for the family connection, I visited my mother over the weekend. She has soooo much stuff...everywhere. It is all neat and clean and organized, but OMG that is a lot of stuff. I guess I never noticed it until now that I've started paring down.

You're a step ahead by recognizing this and wanting to take action. I hope you are successful! <img src="/images/boards/smilies/smile.gif" border="0" align="absmiddle">

I used to have an issue with hoarding.&nbsp; Then after a really nasty breakup, I left 95% of my belongings in the apartment, &amp; I couldn't get them back.<br><br>Since then, I've had a lot less of an issue with hoarding, or collecting things.&nbsp; Although I am looking forward to living in a van, because that means even more simplifying
depends on what you hoard.&nbsp; if you hoard everything and have no where to put it or keep organized you might have a problem.&nbsp; I myself hoard gold and silver, &nbsp;right now I don't have a problem cause it doesn't take up much space.&nbsp; I wish I had the problem that it's taking up to much space.&nbsp; someday.&nbsp; highdesertranger
Be careful you don't hoard your van. &nbsp;I have trouble throwing things out. &nbsp;I have underbed storage and I don't use or know most of what's under there besides by laundromat kit and some winter boots that I only need if I go back north for Christmas. &nbsp;Recently I did a lot of cleaning because my father told me my cousin might be visiting and I wanted to invite her over, now my 20 square feet closet is filled to the brim. &nbsp;I plan on moving soon and I need to throw out a lot of junk that I never use or don't even know where it is when I need it. &nbsp;Stuff weights you down.&nbsp;
&nbsp;buying and selling has left me with all my bad deals reminders of mistakes and bad purchases It is hard for me to toss out these mistakes but life is forcing me to choose sanity over reality. Officially retired and need to clean the shop. Ah the golden years.
I'm hedging my bets. &nbsp;I am not a hoarder but there are still so many things I don't want to part with in order to full time in a van. &nbsp;To solve it I bought a trailer and I'm going to store all the tools and personal stuff that I can't seem to purge. &nbsp;Half the trailer will be tools. &nbsp;I have never gotten rid of a tool. &nbsp;Yesterday I tossed 3/4 of my clothing in bags for charity and almost all the furniture is gone. &nbsp;I gave away dozens of electric appliances, patio furniture, and so much more. &nbsp;It's very liberating to see the stuff dwindle, but there is a limit to how far I can go. &nbsp;I live with the idea that if I have tools I can always earn cash. &nbsp;And if I ever decide to settle again I'll have the means to support myself contracting. &nbsp;That being said, I'll likely never need the stuff again.
I once read a book about the zen of decluttering. One chapter said something to the effect that if you keep things that you don't need that have negative energy, that negative energy will block out positive energy from entering your life. Therefore, it's best to get rid of stuff that has negativity associated with it, so that positive energy can come through. Although that sounded almost spiritual and superstitious, I decided to heed the words of that book. I got rid of all kinds of clutter, both physical clutter and psychological clutter that was holding me back. Sure enough, good things started happening in my life a short time later. Heck, even if you don't believe in this stuff, it's still practical to live by.<br><br>

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