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    Stealth and HOA

    I lost my home due to a HOA...never again.
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    Cheap Fast Food

    Not trying to tell you what to whatever you want to...but even on a budget you can do <span style="text-decoration: underline;">much</span> better than that. I've been on a budget for years and I found that I actually saved money by not eating that crap anymore. Between specials at the...
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    Walmart banking?

    The Walmart's here in the south (at least where I live) have "Woodforest" banks in them. Walmart also partnered with American Express to make something called "Bluebird". I initially thought about opening an account because Walmart is pretty much everywhere now but after doing some online...
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    Hello from Texas

    Welcome! <img class="emoticon bbc_img" src="/images/boards/smilies/smile.gif">
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    The "Space" trailer...possibilities?

    Very versatile. When I had a pickup truck (before I added a camper shell) I used to put my tent in the bed of the truck when I was camping. Kept it up off the ground which was great when it was raining. The only problem was securing the tent in the back when going to the store, etc. You could do...
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    Beretta BB airgun - opinions?

    I have to agree with the above posts. Also keep in mind that should you brandish this BB gun in self defense or simply have it in your hands should the police show up (or a well meaning concealed weapons permit holder), you will be the one having a very real gun pointing at you. People have used...
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    A few pics of my "new" Dodge

    I plan on installing a solar system soon. I thought about holding on to the generator&nbsp;but if I can get it sold I can put at least part of that money aside for emergencies. It will also free up the enclosure that houses the generator for additional supplies, etc. I don't think I would...
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    A few pics of my "new" Dodge

    Thank you Ziggy Moon...I love the beach as well. We used to spend our summer vacations at the beach every year when I was growing up. I plan on&nbsp;spending the rest of&nbsp;the summer in the NC/SC/TN mountain areas then travelling the East Coast this Fall and Winter so I can get my toes back...
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    A few pics of my "new" Dodge

    Thank you all so much for your replies. I've never done anything like this before so it's definitely been an experience. I've learned so much from the folks here and the photos that have been posted...this site is such a wonderful resource to have. <img class="emoticon bbc_img"...
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    A few pics of my "new" Dodge

    Hi everyone...I've been working steadily to get my van ready to go on the road next week. I still have a few things to do but I thought I'd post a few pics. When I first got the van it was a pretty standard work van...white interior with gray shelving. I cleaned it up and painted the shelving...
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    Hello from k&p

    Welcome K&amp;P! I don't have much advice for you as I'll be hitting the road for the first time in about a week or so but I wish you much luck! One tip: If you're going to do this full time start as soon as you can on getting rid of some things. I don't have a lot and it still took me a looong...
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    Public shower precautions

    MRSA can be contracted from pretty much anywhere / anything. I was bit in the face by a dog a few weeks ago and had deep pucture wounds under my eye and through my nose and also through my thumb. A serious infection set in in the wound under my eye and the doc was concerned it was MRSA...
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    27 y/o college grad, want to quit job and travel

    I have to agree with cyndi, ozgirl, my_vantasy and the rest...if you want to go exploring then go. I've done the college thing and I have my degrees but that piece of paper does not promise you anything. I've been locked down to a mortgage, married, and had a job making good money with good...
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    27 y/o college grad, want to quit job and travel

    As far as your vehicle goes you might consider trading. I spent a lot of time on Craigslist looking for a van. I didn't want to bother with selling my pickup truck either so I asked people that had vans that I was interested in if they would consider a trade before I even went and looked at it...
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    Nissan NV 2500 Van

    Nice looking van goodtraveler! Keep us updated on your progress with some more pics. I've just about got mine finished and love to see what others have done to theirs. <img class="emoticon bbc_img" src="/images/boards/smilies/smile.gif">
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    OMGoodness I GOT A VAN!!!!!!

    Very nice...I'm so happy for you both!!! <img class="emoticon bbc_img" src="/images/boards/smilies/biggrin.gif">
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    People Think I'm Crazy!!!!!

    I understand what you're saying as I've decided I'm not telling anyone what I'm doing anymore. Today a friend of mine asked me what I was doing with a van. I told him that I was converting it into my home (I told him a couple of weeks ago what I was planning to do but I guess he didn't believe...
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    People Think I'm Crazy!!!!!

    I know it's difficult but try not to dwell on what others think too much. Over the last couple of weeks I've told several people about my plans to live in my vehicle and the reactions have been a bit varied...I've had some folks express genuine concern but be supportive nonetheless because they...
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    Welcome Grimjack! I can relate to a good part of what you're saying. I'm an ex-LEO...I left after 14 years because of the politics and nonsense involved. It just didn't seem worth it anymore. That being said, I bought a van and should be on the road in a couple of weeks. There's lots of...
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    Horse trailer?

    I thought about doing this too a few weeks ago but the trailers were way out of my price range. There's a few books on the subject...unfortunately I can't remember the titles right now. The conversions though were beautiful.