Hello from Texas

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Jul 7, 2013
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Guess I'll make a quick introduction... I have been around the RV forum for a while, bicycle forums, and Android forums as well.<br><br>Being a relative RV novice, I bought a TT, however, didn't expect that having to drive to where it is stored, hitch it up in the 100+ degree Texas heat, drag it where I wanted it, unhitch, then reverse the process, was a relative pain. &nbsp;So, I have a sense of curiosity about the new van chassis models that are coming out in the next year or so, and going to hold off, see what is made on those, and go with that. &nbsp;Plus, if I break something with mods, getting a Ford or Dodge van fixed is not too difficult.<br><br>I do two types of RV-ing. &nbsp;The first is weekends, where I'm looking for a very short "C" or "B" to pull up on the road near I work so when the day is done, vacation starts when I open the door.<br><br>The second is weekends at a festival for a quarter of the year. &nbsp;What I might be doing is seeing about making a deal with the landowner and building a fairly big solar array, that I'm doing research/planning on. &nbsp;The goal is that it will be big enough to run the A/C in the warmer part, and keep my rig's batteries topped off in the cooler part. &nbsp;Then, in the off-season, the landowner or another person can wheel it off and use it for what they want for the rest of the time.<br><br>
Welcome! <img class="emoticon bbc_img" src="/images/boards/smilies/smile.gif">
<span style="font-size: x-small;"><strong>welcome from s.w. florida .... blkjak</strong> </span>

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