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Dec 2, 2012
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Hi All,&nbsp;<br><br>I've been lurking on the forum for awhile now and thought it was about time to introduce myself. I've been following Bob's blog, and bought his book (It was great btw! Congrats on producing an easy to read quality product!) and his writings, especially how he came to vandwelling, have really gotten to me...<br><br>A little about me, 43 years old, married with two teenagers. One with me full time and the other is from a previous marriage and here 1/2 time. I've been a cop with a large city for the past 16yrs, and with a small town 3.5yrs before that. All told I have about twenty years in law enforcement<br><br>The wife and I get along alright, but I have to admit I don't think I am cut out for being married....I, unfortunately, see it as an endless series of compromises and obligations. Of course there are good times, but I yearn to just be alone. No demands placed on my time, &nbsp;no expectations, no inlaws!&nbsp;<br><br>The Job is also just another source of stress. 50 mile one way commute to go deal with other peoples problems. I work so we can afford the stick n brick home we are renting (Had to short sell our house after I took a 20% pay cut over two years. It seems like I'm wasting the best years I have, just for the promise of a "retirement" later on...<br><br>Anyway. I hope this didn't sound too much like me complaining, but it felt good to get it off my chest.<br><br>I really admire what everyone has done here! I hope to join you in that. I've been looking at Sprinter vans on craigslist. Thinking about selling my ford fusion and buying one to convert, and using our spare car (A toyota echo) to commute in.&nbsp;<br><br>I will also be happy to post a "you and the police" for vandwellers.....A perspective from the other side!<br><br>Thanks for listening,&nbsp;<br><br>Grimjack<br><br><br>
Welcome, we are a diverse group here.&nbsp; I'm sure your POV will be appreciated.<br><br>Don't be too grim, Jack.<img class="emoticon bbc_img" src="/images/boards/smilies/biggrin.gif">&nbsp; It's bad for the digestion.
Welcome, Grimjack........ I believe many of us can relate to your need to just be free of it all.
Hi Grimjack,<br><br>Welcome here!&nbsp; I've been there and done that, feel for ya man!&nbsp; Many of us have been down that road that it feels like despair sometimes.&nbsp; So true what you said about compromises and inlaws.&nbsp; Gawd, I can't stand inlaws!&nbsp; <br><br>The whole mobile lifestyle is not something many of us simply woke up and said, aha, that's the answer! Usually takes awhile to sink in, plus lots of trials and errors along the way too.&nbsp; I'm not doing the van dwelling thing myself...yet.&nbsp; But I have been prepping my van for the past 2 years in case I want to simply call it quits with the world and just do my own thing.&nbsp; <br><br>I hate feeling like a hamster on the treadmill, simply running faster and faster but getting nowhere.&nbsp; I also hate the stress of debt and burdens, and want&nbsp;as few responsibilities as possible, especially as I get older.&nbsp;In my younger days, I wanted all the debt and&nbsp;stress in the world to get ahead.&nbsp; Alas, I was young and stupid! <img class="emoticon bbc_img" src="/images/boards/smilies/biggrin.gif">&nbsp; <br><br>Yes, a Sprinter van&nbsp;would make a great vehicle! Every time I pass by a Sprinter van parked on a street&nbsp;and see someone inside one, I always stop and take a peek inside to check out the interior layout!&nbsp;&nbsp; I've even looked at brand new Sprinter van RVs at nearby RV stores. Those suckers go for between $110k to $130k brand new, yikes!&nbsp; Sure nice as heck though!<br><br>Anyway, wish you luck in your future getaway plans! Hopefully this forum will provide you with inspiration if you really want to go knee deep in it.<br><br>Casey
<span style="font-size: x-small;"><strong>welcome from s.w. florida .... blkjak</strong> </span>
<span id="post_message_1278314282"><span style="color: rgb(0, 128, 0);"><strong><span style="font-family: arial,helvetica,sans-serif; font-size: medium;">Welcome Grimjack! <img class="emoticon bbc_img" src="/images/boards/smilies/wave.gif"></span></strong></span><br><br><span style="color: rgb(0, 128, 0);"><strong><span style="font-family: arial,helvetica,sans-serif; font-size: medium;">Bob</span></strong></span></span>
Thanks for the warm welcome everyone!&nbsp;<br><br>I read Mr. Money Mustache and agree with what he has to say. Its unfortunate I can't implement more of his ideas. Its tough when your married and not on the same page....
Welcome Grimjack! I can relate to a good part of what you're saying. I'm an ex-LEO...I left after 14 years because of the politics and nonsense involved. It just didn't seem worth it anymore. That being said, I bought a van and should be on the road in a couple of weeks. There's lots of wonderful, helpful&nbsp;folks with great information here...glad to have you around! <img class="emoticon bbc_img" src="/images/boards/smilies/smile.gif">
Welcome to the forum Grimjack! &nbsp;I think a lot of us understand how you are feeling and what you are thinking. &nbsp;<br><br>Though I got off the job treadmill when I was 35, I haven't really been able to do what I love full time yet. &nbsp;There is this rut in my brain that has been placed there by society saying that I need to own property and have 'somewhere'. &nbsp;I recently sold a house and bought land in a different area and proceeded to build a house. &nbsp;I hate it...absolutely hate it. &nbsp;I am totally kicking myself for not selling off all my stuff and hitting the road full time. &nbsp;So that is now my goal. &nbsp;I may keep an acre with a storage container on it to park on when I'm in this area, but I do not want another house to gobble up all my time and money.<br><br>Offroad you just almost got me hooked on another forum! &nbsp;<img src="/images/boards/smilies/nono.gif" class="emoticon bbc_img">&nbsp; LOL! &nbsp;I'd end up just giving advice that folks wouldn't have liked. &nbsp;Most folks had rather invest money to make more rather than be an extreme saver. &nbsp;The old adage of a penny saved is a penny earned needs to be overhauled for the current economy. &nbsp;A penny saved is at least 3 pennys earned now a days.
Welcome and yeah many definitely understand your sentiment, I hope to bother you with many youngling questions in the future.

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