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  1. Z

    Residency and Disability

    I hear you but it's not always that simple.   Whether you know it or not you will ALWAYS have TWO official addresses. For most people they are always the same. Everyone has a residence and a mailing address.  Mail forwarding services are just that. All they do is receive your mail and send it...
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    Residency and Disability

    I am mid application for Federal Disability. I have been a Nomad for almost a year and have been getting mail at a friends house. I must find a new place of residency. I have been doing research on the residency options and the companies that work out of those states.  In terms of a Federal...
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    Travelling mailbox

    I have just gotten off of the phone with the Support folks at Traveling Mailbox and they do NOT provide addresses anywhere that will establish residency. Ever.
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    In Los Angeles for 3 weeks

    I am borrowing a buddies apartment in Downtown L.A. until Jan3rd when I will get back on the road and head to the RTR or there about. I would be interested in meeting up with any van dwellers, full timers, or even locals. I'll be hitting some of the usual tourist spots but would also like to...
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    Anyone in Ehrenburg right now?

    Not that I am one to turn down a meal I'm fully able to cook for myself. Was just lookinh for some company. I'll be in LA until after the new year at which point I'll be back. Sent from my SM-G920V using Tapatalk
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    Anyone in Ehrenburg right now?

    After an unexpected two day lay over in Sierra Vista I will be pulling in over n8ght to Ehrenberg. I'm looking for anyone to maybe sit by a fire and cook some dinner. I have to be back on the road at dawn. Google says I will get to Ehrenberg ay about 6 pm (dec 11 2017). Sent from my SM-G920V...
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    Where is everyone

    I'm about 12 hours out from Ehrenberg and would like to stop by for a day or two before I head to Los Angeles for the rest of December. Please let me know if there is a place to meet up or somewhere I can pitch a tent for a few. Sent from my SM-G920V using Tapatalk
  8. Z

    House battery in a Hyundai

    60 watt panel. Cheap PWM controler. Now I'm a little concerned about where to tap in. Once my phone is charged up some I'll try to take some pictures. Sent from my SM-G920V using Tapatalk
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    House battery in a Hyundai

    My tools and hardware are 400 miles out of the way. I have the basics to run the wires and make the connections. The battery died last night and would no longer run my CPAP. The CC this morning read something like 10v. This is a SLA so no SG testing even an option. I'm considering a run to...
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    House battery in a Hyundai

    For now I need a stop gap. My thought was to run from starter battery to in-line fuse to quick disconnect then to a quick disconnect already installed in the battery box. My hope was to charge the house battery while driving and disconnecting when I stop. The charge controler is installed in...
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    House battery in a Hyundai

    I am reduced to cold weather tent camping but I MUST maintain a small 30ah battery for medical device CPAP and for charging my phone and laptop. I'm having trouble getting the battery full and I want to be able to charge more regularly and completely. I have a panel and CC but I have not been...
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    Starting over from scratch

    The bus is dead. She will be dismantled and sold off as parts. What is useful will be canabalized for future use. The house is sold and the disability seems to have worked itself out. I own everything I have and the only debt I carry now is a revolving credit card that I can pay off at will...
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    bread in a crock pot

    No comment on power consumption but you might try something this. Sent from my SM-G920V using Tapatalk
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    The As Of Yet Unnamed bus

    House is sold. Proceeds deposited. Resadency changed and full time in the rig for the last week. So far so good. Lots of progress made and I hope to be mobile next week. Long term plans are a little up in the air but it looks lile FL, NV, AZ in about that order. Sent from my SM-G920V using...
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    What is this? (Citizen Band Radio]

    NMO is mounted directly to fiber. Why is it never simple? So really I need the right radio, some mojo with adaptanators OR scrap the whole shibang and get a new antenna and radio. Is that about right? Sent from my SM-G920V using Tapatalk
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    What is this? (Citizen Band Radio]

    Just so that I'm clear here ... If I want to remove it I can get a plug to prevent leaks. If I want a CB I can either replace the antenna with one with an antenna that matches the mount or one that will work with this antenna. Any pitfalls traps or gotchas to look for? My intent is to simply...
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    What is this? (Citizen Band Radio]

    EOM TYIA Sent from my SM-G920V using Tapatalk
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    Demystifying the Urban Stealth Legend

    Stealth? Sir, I live in a schoolbus. That's about as stealthy as well ... a schoolbus. Sent from my SM-G920V using Tapatalk
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    Doghouse insulation and adhesives

    It's extra fun when your making a desert run in high summer and you have to open all the windows and run the heater on full blast to help cool the engine. Like driving with your feet in a fire.
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    My bedding issue is finally solved

    Good choice investing time and money in to good bedding.