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Jeremiah Diminovich

Well-known member
Nov 24, 2017
Reaction score
Just got to Phoenix and got a tank of gas so we're am I going to camp so I'm not alone. Do I go to quartez or ehrenburg

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A number of us are in Ehrenberg waiting for the RTR to happen. Here we do not have to move and the basics are pretty close too.
Great. I was there 3 months ago and it definitely was to early. I'm tired of just me and my service dog. So I'll be there by Friday afternoon. Yeast of camping but not in groups. So if you have advised or a spot to stay it we be greatly appreciated

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ᴉɹnossᴉW uᴉ ǝɯoɥ ʞɔɐq sɐʍ I ƃuᴉɥsᴉʍ ʇuǝɯoɯ ǝɥʇ ʇɐ ɐᴉlɐɹʇsn∀
The area I am in is not really a tight group but rather a sprawling suburb. Friends are closer together with most of us having a decent distance between us and plenty of room to expand. Tomorrow is a potluck with some fancy dishes for being in the desert. I can send directions if you are interested to stay or just stop in to say hi.
Would like that. Did not mean to sound defenses have 2 service dogs so don't need people to close just alot has happened to force me to rock bottom and I figured I could get some sound advice from seasoned Travelers. Just trying to learn a lifetime lifestyle as fast as possible. And thank you for just explaining it. Tell me what a thread is or what I'm doing wrong on this sight and I'll try to fix it

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I'm about 12 hours out from Ehrenberg and would like to stop by for a day or two before I head to Los Angeles for the rest of December.

Please let me know if there is a place to meet up or somewhere I can pitch a tent for a few.

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I'm currently in Phoenix and headed toward Ehrenberg today. Can someone please give me directions to where our people are camped out there? I've never camped at Ehrenberg before. Thank you :)