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102 in Tucson with 50% humidity, a tad warm! Out changing a tire this morning at 6 AM it was around 80 not bad at all!
Check in from Flagstaff area. It did not get hot yesterday, it was upper 70s for a high. The forecast highs for the next 10 days are very low 80s and upper 70s. Cool nights in the 50s with pleasant sunny mornings with some afternoon thunderstorms that are washing the air, keeping the dust down and the grass green while adding just enough humidity without over doing it. I will enjoy this weather while it lasts 🥳
So the first day of early voting went way better than expected. The other worker turned out to be really nice. The librarian knows a ton about voting and was very helpful. These rural librarians, man, they are kick-ass! It was slow (thank God) and the voters who did come in were super nice. We had a major tech meltdown and I was on the phone with the computer guy for >2 hours. 😵‍💫 That sort of cheered me up, I mean I know how to have a tech meltdown and be on the phone with a computer guy, it was almost a comfort zone.

We're supposed to have color-coded lanyards to ensure that workers from different parties both have eyes on a task, and that was one of the things the HQ bozos forgot to put in the supplies, and that librarian actually found a lanyard in her own supplies, took a colored marker and colored it to the right color for me. At some point I said something like dang you're good and she just said "we're librarians" -- kick ass! And the voters were soooo nice during the tech meltdown. I think I have to be nice to the next 10,000 customer service reps I meet, just to pay it back.

Maybe this will be survivable after all. We're supposed to return our lanyards at the end but no way, I'm keeping mine.
^^^Be careful out in public, new improved Covid is starting to show up in Arizona. “Cleanliness is next to Godliness” my mom used to say! Hope all goes well for you!
^^^Be careful out in public, new improved Covid is starting to show up in Arizona. “Cleanliness is next to Godliness” my mom used to say! Hope all goes well for you!
I read the local Flagstaff news and saw the news about the local medical clinics requiring masking within the facility due to a Covid 19 local outbreak. I was already on alert as I caught Covid last August in this area from a fellow camper. He goes weekly to take showers and work out at the Aquatic Center. A very good place to contract Covid! He is in the same area this year but I am not going to stop by to say hello as often as I have been doing. He is much too “dangerous” to be around now 🤣

Public schools in Flagstaff start back up on August 8th.The already increased numbers COVID-19 cases in the Flagstaff area will then take an even larger increase as a result.

I have an appointment to get a Covid Booster tomorrow. I held off getting one this spring as I knew from last year’s camping in the area that Flagstaff gets a very early start on the cold and flu season. So I was planning on getting the booster in August. Lots of summer visitors from out state and from other countries is likely one source of that problem. The Grand Canyon is a huge tourist attraction in summer.

I travel with prescription, very strong, anti-inflammatory, medications to take at the first signs of Covid 19 or any other respiratory infection. My doctor prescribed it as she knows I am traveling full time and 24 hour medical clinics and hospitals are not always nearby. I have mild chronic bronchitis and being a senior puts me in high risk categories for respiratory complications.
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Is the new Covid booster out yet and have they combined it with the annual flu shot this year I wonder?
Is the new Covid booster out yet and have they combined it with the annual flu shot this year I wonder?
I doubt it will ever be combined into a single shot with the flu. There are way too many people who want nothing to do with getting vaccinations for Covid 19 for themselves or their children. So combining it could mean people not getting the flu vaccines. That would be rather tragic as the flu also has a high death rate in senior populations.

I guess I am not an anti-vac we. I have never had a bad reaction to a vaccination, just the typical tender spot now and again.

I have an early 1955 memory of standing in line at my local elementary school with the whole neighborhood, adults and children, lining up to get vaccinated in the first major polio vaccination program. San Antonio had a lot of polio cases. People were relieved that there was a vaccine available. That standing in line with the rest of the community was replayed for Covid 19 shots in the spring of 2021 at the community recreation center in Quartzsite. The worst of it was having to hang around in the heat in April in Quartzsite waiting to get the second shot 🥵

Not too hot today at my campsite, it is clouding up a bit early, a few raindrops are already falling and there is already cool, refreshing, damp breeze blowing.
Not so great for extra solar power but I have solar input to enough to keep my small fridge going until tomorrow morning. That is my main criteria!
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I doubt it will ever be combined into a single shot with the flu. There are way too many people who want nothing to do with getting vaccinations for Covid 19 for themselves or their children. So combining it could mean people not getting the flu vaccines. That would be rather tragic as the flu also has a high death rate in senior populations.

I guess I am not an anti-vac we. I have never had a bad reaction to a vaccination, just the typical tender spot now and again.

I have an early 1955 memory of standing in line at my local elementary school with the whole neighborhood, adults and children, lining up to get vaccinated in the first major polio vaccination program. San Antonio had a lot of polio cases. People were relieved that there was a vaccine available. That standing in line with the rest of the community was replayed for Covid 19 shots in the spring of 2021 at the community recreation center in Quartzsite. The worst of it was having to hang around in the heat in April in Quartzsite waiting to get the second shot 🥵

Not too hot today at my campsite, it is clouding up a bit early, a few raindrops are already falling and there is already cool, refreshing, damp breeze blowing.
Not so great for extra solar power but I have solar input to enough to keep my small fridge going until tomorrow morning. That is my main criteria!
All of the major vaccine makers are in or done with late stage trials on a combo covid and flu vaccine. I'm certain they'll keep separate versions for both going.

But they all plan on introducing them ASAP. Probably not in time for this flu season they say.
I doubt it will ever be combined into a single shot with the flu. There are way too many people who want nothing to do with getting vaccinations for Covid 19 for themselves or their children. So combining it could mean people not getting the flu vaccines. That would be rather tragic as the flu also has a high death rate in senior populations.

I guess I am not an anti-vac we. I have never had a bad reaction to a vaccination, just the typical tender spot now and again.

I have an early 1955 memory of standing in line at my local elementary school with the whole neighborhood, adults and children, lining up to get vaccinated in the first major polio vaccination program. San Antonio had a lot of polio cases. People were relieved that there was a vaccine available. That standing in line with the rest of the community was replayed for Covid 19 shots in the spring of 2021 at the community recreation center in Quartzsite. The worst of it was having to hang around in the heat in April in Quartzsite waiting to get the second shot 🥵

Not too hot today at my campsite, it is clouding up a bit early, a few raindrops are already falling and there is already cool, refreshing, damp breeze blowing.
Not so great for extra solar power but I have solar input to enough to keep my small fridge going until tomorrow morning. That is my main criteria!
Yes it is hard to time shots right here in Tucson as the season starts early with my grandkids going to school in early August and the Rock and Gem shows bring huge crowds from all over the world iin January and February.
All of the major vaccine makers are in or done with late stage trials on a combo covid and flu vaccine. I'm certain they'll keep separate versions for both going.

But they all plan on introducing them ASAP. Probably not in time for this flu season they say.
Interesting. I have not seen that in the news. This time I am glad they are not bundled together.
Yes it is hard to time shots right here in Tucson as the season starts early with my grandkids going to school in early August and the Rock and Gem shows bring huge crowds from all over the world iin January and February.
I think they are letting at risk seniors take those vaccine shots on a shorter than every 6 months schedule. My age on its own puts me in a high risk category. So no problem proving that I am high risk.

I avoid going to any of the big tent event stuff in Quartzsite. I also do not go grocery shopping or to the laundromat at “prime time” in the day. Or go to things such as the Lit Cactus at La Posa South or to the RTR. Being sick in a Tiny Travel Trailer is difficult and if contagious getting friends to help means putting them at risk.

I do need to remember to add a few home self test kits to my shopping list.
I drink good gin and burn good weed incense.
I dont need no stinking vaccine……
Most importantly I don’t hang around indoor people
Eugene, Oregon.
Albany is a few miles north of us.
They have several fine fine splendid distillery operations.
We enjoyed the organic sippin' gin from VIVACITY... crafted with all Oregon ingredients!
We think it is best sipped.
Mixing it, diluting it would be a sacrilege.
According to Officials-n-Authorities, as long as we invoke TheSixFootAnti-Social'Distancing'©, we are impervious to cooties.
Irregardless, we always have that old reliable fall-back:
* TwoWeeksToFlatTheCurve™...
...ccine... My age...puts me in a high risk category. So no problem proving...I am high risk.

I avoid...the big tent event... I also do not go grocery shopping or to the laundromat at “prime time”...
I...need...to add a few home self test kits to my shopping list.
I enjoy the proven results of affirmations.
Often, changing my beliefs creates a positive difference in my reality.
I wonder what might happen if 'a person' quit repeating "I am high-risk at-risk!" or "Everybody else is going to make me sick!' or "Only injections injections injections can save me!"?
My goal is a healthy gut.
Apparently, over ninety percent (>90%) of our immune system is in our gut.
I enjoy the health benefits of zero grains, zero dairy.
I eat only organic.
I take tons of probiotics, and feed my probiotics with tons of prebiotics.
Naturally, zero chemistry in my water.
Does chlorine destroy bacteria in my carefully-farmed gut?
I also enjoy tons of fermented food such as sauerkraut and kimchi.
And the last time we owned a television set was sometime last century.
We have zero interest in televisionprogramming.
S.A.R.S.-CoV-18 (or whichever version they are promoting these days) (are they up to the New! Improved! Economical Family-Size! 'v. 19' yet?)?
Not interested.
I probably need to get a few home self-test kits for gout and cauliflower ears.
Probably should toss in a few home self-test kits for inverted eye-lashes while I am at it.
And speaking of age, show of hands, how many remember the old-timey televisionprogramming advert?
Because I know I am definitely grabbing a few home self-test kits for "the heartbreak of psoriasis", as described in this JAMA paper:
[edited to add]
Could anybody recommend a few home self-test kits for hemorrhoids?
After watching me consuming a beverage during feeding time, my dining companions would probably recommend a few home self-test kits for back-worsh...
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That is why it is so important that this election run smoothly with as few glitches as humanly possible.
It's going to be okay, but you will have stories to tell! (If you like, we can swap 'em when it's over.) Stay calm and indulge in a liberal amount of self-care as you go.

Pro tip: When a voter questions or objects to a "rule," refrain from acting as an authority or over-explaining. Smile, nod, and say "Because it's a polling place. Yeah." Just keep nodding and smiling like a goof.
^^^ you will have to convince the medical profession there is no such thing as people being at high risk with certain conditions. Good luck with that, changing statistics is a very difficult task!

The sky is very active this afternoon with lots of thunder and lightning! I guess I had better lower my popup top down so the rain does not turn my canvas too soggy and stong gust do not stress the lift mechanism. This too shall pass in a few hours.