I got pretty screwed by the school system when I was a kid, and if I think about it enough (I rarely do these days) I still feel a little resentful.
When I was in the 2nd grade, nobody knew what "Anxiety" was, so they labeled me with a "Learning Disability" and tossed me into a class with kids who truly were learning disabled. I'm talking kids in special wheelchairs, helmeted heads, drooling vegetables, and violent outbursts.
Even as a kid, I knew I wasn't supposed to be there, but they didn't give me an option so I cut more classes than I attended.
I got stuck in special ed for my entire school life, straight through my senior year of high school when I finally had enough of them teaching me absolutely NOTHING and told my teacher to go f*ck herself. That's when they kicked me out.

I didn't get my GED 'till I was in my 30's. I only got it then because I injured my back in my 30's, lost my high paying, union job driving concrete trucks, and feared I'd never be able to get another high paying, no degree-requiring gig again. I didn't get back into driving for 14 years.
By this time my father had been dead for several years and my mother was well on her way to her career in alcoholism, so she didn't seem to care much that I was cutting school.
Fast forward to 2012....
In 2012, after years of bouncing from one lousy job to another, or not working at all, and countless CC courses that lead nowhere, I landed a position that would change my luck completely, and hopefully 'till retirement. I got a job driving corporate coaches for Apple (no college degree or heavy lifting necessary). Now I drive coaches for another high tech company and make a 6-figure salary doing it. Not bad for sitting on your butt all day, driving a luxury coach and eating free, gourmet food!
I'm using their free WiFi right now, while sitting at a table in one of the leather bucket seats of my coach, eating my free lunch, to write this.
I don't always love what I do, but given my regrettable, and likely avoidable, educational past and my "disability", I feel very fortunate to be making a decent living now, especially living in the SF Bay Area in my early 50's, and without a college degree.
I've got a lot of CC courses under my belt, but no degree. I did, however, get all the classes, and then some, that I missed in high school, while I was there, so I don't feel it was a complete waste of time.