Yea Me!!!!!

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Well-known member
Nov 2, 2011
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Well all, I am now the proud owner of a beautiful 2007 Ford Diesel Pusher Class C!!!!!!! Just got it today and it only has 15,000 miles on it, can't even believe it! I am so out of here!!!!!!! Will be on the road as soon as we get this house cleared out and rented. Came up all of a sudden and now I just want to go, but have to get all my children over here to get all this furniture and what not out of here. I AM SO EXCITED!!!!!! Going to have to sit on my hands to keep from waving at every body!<img border="0" align="absmiddle" src=""><img border="0" align="absmiddle" src="">
YAY You!!!! Congrats Judy!<div><br></div>
Good for you!! &nbsp;Go ahead and wave, they'll think you're the mayor or something :)
<p style="margin: 0px;">Congradulations!<img border="0" align="absmiddle" src="/images/boards/smilies/biggrin.gif"></p><p style="margin: 0px;">&nbsp;</p>
<div><b><font face="Arial"><br></font></b></div><div><b><font face="Arial">CONGRATS JUDY!!!!&nbsp;<img border="0" align="absmiddle" src=""></font></b></div><div><b><font face="Arial"><br></font></b></div><div><b><font face="Arial">Happy for ya! Wish I could say I'm right behind U, but it's gonna be awhile for this ol' boy.&nbsp;</font></b></div><div><b><font face="Arial"><br></font></b></div><div><b><font face="Arial">Keep us posted, so us poor folk who are stilled trapped &amp; struggling can live the adventure vicariously through U!&nbsp;</font></b></div><div><b><font face="Arial"><br></font></b></div><div><b><font face="Arial">YAY FOR U!!!&nbsp;<img border="0" align="absmiddle" src=""></font></b></div><div><br></div>
Thanx everyone! Yes, I know it's hard to get the kid's to do anything we NEED them to do, but luckily they have been after me for years to get my furniture away from me anyway, finally they can have at it! I just don't even know where to start! I have been waiting for this time for years and it finally happens and I don't know what to do first! I don't even want to take the time to try and sell anything, although I know I should, but I just don't care about material thing's anymore. This is exciting and crazy at the same time. I always wondered how come everyone that did this said that, well now I know! I guess I should start with a couple list's, what to keep and what to give away. Anyone that's done this have any suggestions?&nbsp;
Yes. Make a few piles. Mental, on paper, or actual piles is up to you. Be brutally honest with yourself in how and why you actually need to keep something. You'll find you keep a whole lot less when you do it this way.&nbsp;<span style="font-family: Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 13px; text-align: left; background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255); ">Start sorting through everything asking yourself where it goes and why does it need to go there.</span><div><br></div><div>1. Keeping (wound up being smallest pile for me)</div><div>2. Selling</div><div>3. Donating</div><div>4. Trash</div><div><br></div><div>I hope this helps.</div><div>Steve</div>
Thanx sweetie, all ya'll have always been more help than you know!
Cool Judy, good for you! See you somewhere on the road?
Well all, I'm sorry but I NEED TO VENT!!!! Ok, we got the house rented out, which is a good thing, but they want to move in on the first, which is a BAD thing! I have been at this for more than 2 weeks and I have to say it's the hardest two weeks of my entire life!!!! I never dreamed it would be this hard to go thru ALL this stuff and decide what to give away and what I should save. We were even trying to take some stuff to the flea market and my husband gave up after 2 hours and just gave everything away! I would not wish this on my worst enemy! I have 6 children and 16 grand's and have soooooo much stuff accumulated from 30 years of pack ratting, it's insane!! I hope that not too many of ya'll have to go thru this cause it's not any fun. I have just been trying to keep focused on the end result to keep myself going. The hardest part is trying to do all this when both myself and my husband are disabled. My children can't help much cause they all have to work, so for the most part we are doing all this by ourselves.<div>Anyway, I need some encouragement from my forum friends, HELP!!!!! I now have only 2 more weeks left to finish all this mess and get this house ready for new tenants, I hope I can do it. I have been working from 6 to midnight every day and although my house is almost void of furniture, I still have an overwhelming amount left to do. Has anyone else had to go thru this so quickly and does any of you have any suggestions that might help me? I am soooo exhausted!&nbsp;</div>
I am going thru something similar but not as bad. My downstairs renter is coming in on June 24th, It takes a lot longer to do things by myself. My friend Big Guy is not real healthy so I won't let him do much. <BR>Today I went over to find out where my money is from my people land contracting my other house. New people live there now. They gave my land contractors 2500.00 down payment for my house. Not legal at all.<BR>The young people with toddlers had a real hard time understanding who I was and what was going on. I had to explain to them that they got screwed and are out the 2500.00 unless they can track down Grandpa and step grandma. Oh, I forgot to mention, it was the young man's grandfather who took his money and ran, along with the appliances.<BR>This was brought up because its one more thing piled on my plate.<BR>All I can say is that with a dead line, you can't procrastinate so there is light at the end of the tunnel sooner than you are ready for it. Better this than staying and not beginning your new journey for several years.<BR>I hope you and hubby will have more good days this way.<BR><FONT color=#ff00ff><B>Dragonfly</B></FONT><BR>
The camper is great news!!!

Might want to concentrate on what you you absolutely want to keep. Then perhaps you can find someone who will move everything else out so they can sellit for a profit. Quickest way I can think of to clean the house - if they move it, they can have it, but they have to take everything.
Thanx so much everyone for the encouraging words!&nbsp;<div>Dragonfly, I know how you feel, if everyone would just do what they are supposed to it would help alot! My husband is also not well enough to be doing all that we have to do so I have been doing most of it by myself. I hope all goes well for you in the end. It's extra hard for us when we have to deal with other people on top of all we have on our plate.&nbsp;</div><div>I have been only stopping to come here and read my pm messages every morning, then back to the grind. I did finally get my children to come and get all the furn. out of the house and I have sent 12 large trash bags of clothes with family members, but I still have so much more to go thru. I got to the point where I took a whole bunch of stuff to the street yesterday and put a "free" sign on it, all of it was gone in less than an hour, what a concept! Going to do that again today. I don't even have to make any trips to the goodwill, cause these people around here can all use this stuff.&nbsp;</div><div>I will be getting a storage unit also, cause I have all my jewelry stuff that I just can't part with, and I am also going to keep my teardrop trailer for my bike, but I don't want to get a big one, just wide enough for my trailer to fit. If the rest doesn't fit in that unit, it's going!</div><div>Trying very hard to get all done as fast as I can. I hope I can be ready by the first.&nbsp;</div><div>Thanx again everyone!</div>
Try calling an estate dealer. They'll bring a crew to take everything out and might even give you some money as well, but not much.<div><br></div>
<FONT color=#0000ff>quote from Judy:&nbsp;I will be getting a storage unit also, cause I have all my jewelry stuff that I just can't part with, </FONT><br><FONT color=#0000ff></FONT>&nbsp;<br><FONT color=#000000>That stuff is a necessity. When you, like me have time to do something for yourself, you will need it. Jewelry may be made and sold while on the road.</FONT><br>You will have disability I guess, but every other bit helps.<br><br>
hehe Judy. &nbsp;Sitting on your hands to stop from waving. &nbsp;<img src="/images/boards/smilies/wink.gif" border="0" align="absmiddle"> &nbsp;<div><br></div><div>YAH!! for you what an awesome find since the mileage is so low for being 5 years old.</div><div><br></div><div>Post pictures when you get them. &nbsp;</div><div><br></div><div>I bet this will give you the motivation to get things cleared up fast with the furniture.</div><div><br></div><div>Sorry to hear about the overwhelming task of getting rid of a big percentage of your stuff. &nbsp;Just keep your eye on the road and muster through since you need to in order to do what you really want!</div>
all right Judy,im still giving stuff away its been a year
Thank you so much everyone for all the great suggestions.&nbsp;<div>Keeping my heart and head pointed in the direction of the outcome of all this is the ONLY thing keeping me going. I just never would have imagined it would be so hard to do something that you so wanted in your life.&nbsp;</div><div>I made huge headway yesterday, tackling personal items. But I am going to need to get a bigger storage unit for sure, which I was not planning on. I am afraid my husband may find he can't live on the road so I am trying to keep the bare necessities in case we may need to come back in a year. My house is completely empty of furn., but it's all the other stuff that is making me crazy. I have come to the realization that I am a hoarder from you know where, LOL! Today I tackle the shop, and yes Dragonfly, you are very right, I CAN sell on the road and I plan to do just that. My husband is allowing me one large rubbermaid bucket for my jewelry making, to be stored under neath. I am hoping that I can get what I need in it, that's not very much space for my tools and supplies.&nbsp;</div><div>Thank you Blk, I surely wasn't prepared for that kind of cost for a storage unit, guess I better go check it out. I don't want to get it till the last minuet. But I won't need electricity, so maybe it won't be that much. But I still have to get my trailer in it, plus my stuff so I am sure I will need a large one.</div><div>Bob, wow, a year? I probably will be like that. Having to come back every so often to get something I find I might need. Every time I go to the storage I will probably throw something away I thought I might have needed to keep and really don't.&nbsp;</div><div>I am finding out really quickly that I don't care at all for my material thing's anymore. Funny how our attitudes change when we want to change our way of life badly enough.</div><div>&nbsp;I thank Bob every day for this site and for the inspiration I have gotten from him and everyone here. You all mean very much to me and I will never be able to thank you enough.</div><div>Well, I had better quit running my fingers and get back to the task at hand! I will post some pics of my RV if I can figure out how to do it. (which I probably will not be able to do!) Talk to ya'll soon!</div>