WOMEN ONLY!!! Trolls, Haters, and Channels dedicated to them

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Aug 7, 2018
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I'm putting this here because I don't see any other space it fits.

Within the next year I plan to go solo full time, and establish a website, and within a short time after that, a YouTube channel. I have a business plan, a road plan, and a budget. I've lived tiny house for 3 years and I'm fine with the constraints of minimalist living. I follow Bob and several other very helpful channels to keep me on the correct path. And then there are the other channels, which seem to exist solely to destroy people who are doing it right, keeping a good healthy hermit life, and are simply nasty in their posts and comments.

This is a huge concern for me. I watched the RTR from Bob, which looked like a huge panic attack for me, and then saw in the YouTube suggesteds a pile of mean people bent on denigrating the channels I appreciate, and their commenters being even more nasty. It was enough to turn me off to RTR and WRTR by the sheer number of people and their expectations of instant friendship and space invasion. But a person needs  to make a living.

I'm just not sure I can ignore the hater comments by banning them, and entire channels dedicated to denigrating successful nomads with businesses. So much of it is ignorance based, and seems like those of us who wish to run a successful online business model via nomad are under constant attack. Bless me, I want to go into full celtic warrior mode and take them down, which realistically I know I cannot do.

Its's a given most of us are hermits/introverts. Outside attacks hurt, and trigger psychological/emotional. How do we deal with this? I can go from zen to blazing b**ch in a very short time, even given my political street side peaceleeper training. That is situational, not part of the lifestyle I am building.

Help, please,
Now days, so many people label anyone who has a difference of opinion from theirs as “haters” when that’s absolutely not true. Watch the “tone” of their reply. If they’re dropping F bombs and being generally low rent, block them. No one wants to put up with that. IMO, all it does is bring down the quality of your channel/blog. CamperVan Kevin has a YouTube channel I enjoy. He’s made it so that Comments are not published until after he’s read and weeded out the trash talkers and verbal abusers. Some folks will shout “freedom of speech” but so what. Freedom of Speech does NOT give anyone the right to demean or verbally abuse another person. Dissenters need to learn how to disagree in a civil manner. Watch a couple of Kevin’s videos and read his Comments section. It’s so nice to watch/read and enjoy a channel where folks can exchange ideas/opinions in a civil, grown up manner without the drama. Good luck with YT/blog channels.
When you make a decision to enter the "celebrity social media" life, you are making a decision to open yourself up to the incredibly contentious, unpleasant hordes of uncontrollable others who are perfectly free to say anything they like, within the broad terms of service, because, freedom is often not accompanied by grace or wisdom.

The Dire Wolfess
Not all who disagree with another person’s views are haters.  Listen to the “tone” of that person’s reply.  If there’s cursing and obvious verbal abuse, Block those folks.  I enjoy watching CamperVan Kevin on YouTube.  He reads/approves the Comments before publishing them.  People that don’t like this practice go on about Freedom of Speech.  Freedom of Speech does NOT give anyone the right to demean/curse anyone else.  Learn how to disagree or share your experiences politely.  Agree to disagree then let it go.  In the meantime, it’s up to you whether or not you let folks upset you.  You’re the only one that can let someone ruin your day. . .if you do, they win.
Cat Lady said:
Thank you! I guess I'm going to have to watch those f-bombs ;) . The only time I remember to keep it pg is when there are actual children around.

I will look further into prepost comment moderation. In my former life I had a channel, but only found I could block the jerks after they had posted, or disable comments altogether. I'll go back in it today and see what new options are available,
Moxadox said:
"When you make a decision to enter the "celebrity social media" life, you are making a decision to open yourself up to the incredibly contentious, unpleasant hordes of uncontrollable others who are perfectly free to say anything they like, within the broad terms of service, because, freedom is often not accompanied by grace or wisdom."

Well said. I've done this before in my other life, but social media has changed a lot since then. I appreciate discussing differences of opinion, or even a negative comment which critiques my post in a helpful way, but wow the personal attacks and ignorance based mocking seems rampant. I'm was very quick to pull the ban trigger, and CatLady says there is now prepost comment moderation available, which I did not know. I may even fly under most of the nomad life radar, since that is not the focus of my business, it just happens to be how I live. Thanks.
Those "hater" websites are not about what you think they are about.

So don't worry so much about it, those channels are basically someone who has figured out the lazy approach to making money on youtube. No expensive equipment to buy, not much skill needed either. They are not realy about hating people, they are basically put up by someone scavaging popular channels on youtube for some easy money making opportunities. They go looking for popular youtube channels, clip out and paste into their editing software some of the clips they find, put some commentary over or alongside of it and they post it. It is click bait, they do it bcause the names of the popular people gets their videos up high in the visible side bar recommendations. That brings a ton of revenue into their lame, poorly produced, video channel.

They are not out there on BLM land waiting to do you harm, you are not in the least bit interesting to them, you are not even a tiny blip on their radar screen. They see themselves as being comedians much like the late nite comedy show host who picks on the people in that days news. But the bottom line is it is all about the money and not so much about the people they are bashing. If they see someone new who is an easy person to make fun of then they will go after them too. They are the crows, vultures, seagulls, rats, racoons, etc, snatching anything up to eat that they find that fills their tummies. They don't want to kill the people that are providing their food, that would be counterproductive. They don't even hate them, they just use them.
Good luck with that business plan, but I know from experience that building a YouTube channel isn't as easy as it looks and it takes a long time to start earning any income from it. I wouldn't worry so much about haters as when you're a newbie YouTube channel, nobody cares and that includes haters unless they are your personal enemy from some other sector of your life.
There will always be ignorance, idiots and haters in life. You must choose who you let effect you and who you choose to battle with.
I dreamed of blogging for years and I finally started a blog over a year ago (mostly travel based, very little van camping content) and it's rough. I've only made about $50 this year in affiliate sales, no where near enough to even cover my domain and blog hosting costs. It's difficult to gain on established websites. I've worked on SEO but it seems I do best on things that are only googled a few hundred times per month, resulting in 60-100 clicks per month if I'm lucky. I went to a convention and paid money for tools to help me grow with little success. So I only recommend doing this if you're happy if it's only a hobby and not a money generating thing.
thehotflashpacker said:
It's difficult to gain on established websites.

This is absolutely true.

I've earned money from blogging for over ten years on several blogs, and it was very slow growth. Then I earned around 1000 dollars a month more or less from a variety of advertising types, then Google changed their algorithm and my traffic plummeted, and my income along with it. That kind of thing happens to people all the time. My story isn't unique. Google traffic is almost everything to a blogger trying to earn money.

I'm trying to recover from that, but it is difficult. I believe they're favoring corporate sites and sidelining blogs. They shut down Google Blog Search - which was nice when they had it. One of my sites did well there. Now it is almost invisible in search results.

Anyhow, like you said, blogging is a great hobby but don't count on it for a steady income.

I knew a woman who earned up to 50K a month from Amazon ads on her blog... that high number being during Christmas shopping season of course, and then after she got comfortable with her earnings and bought a house, Amazon changed their payment scheme. I don't know how that affected her, but it affected me quite a lot.

Anyhow, I'm not saying don't try it. I have loved being a blogger, even on my sites that don't earn much money. I would just say, don't expect it to be a steady income.

And this thing about trolls - unless you're blogging on some really controversial topic like politics, you're not likely to ever see them. Trolls also don't care about little blogs or YouTube channels. They like to go after people with a huge following because they're looking to get some of that attention for themselves.
I have thought about the exposure a lot this past year. I lived many years in L.A. and have run into a handful plus of celebrities over the years - I don't think of them as anything more than people who do that thing for a living and I leave them to their privacy and thoughts. But as we all know there are mentals out there who do sometimes go after, verbally and sometimes stalking and sometimes worse, people who become well-known. I think I'm struggling with my beliefs to make sure I understand them as I am very much a you create your own reality kind of person so I'm working on figuring out where I stand.

I do know this, if anyone of the YouTubers I watch regularly, and there are quite a few, were to walk in the store I was shopping in I would recognize them. When you see someone several times a week or even daily on TV you know their face, recognize their voice and in this case know what they are driving.

The really bad that I saw last week was Camo Dave pointing out that an RVer had returned from a trip and was at a certain place based on someone else's video shot from the same place. What is wrong with people?? Making money should not be put above community safety.
Camo Dave, yes I saw that video and several others this harasser has made. He went beyong trolling when he outed Carolyn's location and then seeing her resulting fear state really made my blood boil.   It's youtube's responsibility to police for violations of their tos but sometimes they do and sometimes they don't. For anything to happen on yt's end at least several people need to report his channel and be specific.                                                                   

This happened - is still happening - in the yt wig community.  An obviously mentally ill troll used to make awful videos mocking ladies doing a real service to those of us surviving illness and resulting hair loss. He would also comment on all new videos with scathing criticisms and general cruelty. Many of us reported him time and time again for harassment and finally one gal's lawyer husband did something, unsure of what because she deleted the video and stopped posting.  His channel was deleted and he stopped. For a while. He returned with a new channel not even disguising his name ans started making mocking vids again and leaving slightly less nasty comments on newcomers vids. 

The wig vid ladies who keep on posting despite everything have learned to block him  from their channel and they never acknowledge him at all.  But we lost some great wig channels because of his incessant harassment. He has been banned from most major online wig stores for repeated returns and returning them after he "styled" them so now haunts ebay and other sites. 

One thing was clear with the wig creep and is also true with Camo Dave and that is they have serious psychological issues.  Carolyn did the right thing imo in reporting to the fbi.  Maybe if others helped by commenting on his channel with basic facts, something he likes to twist around to favor himself.  He's definitely gone way beyond trolling and simply ignoring him won't make him stop - he's clearly obsessed.

I also want to make vids but this is giving me pause. I will at least try making a few but without my face,only make it about the place or product. That seems to be the only sure way to prevent this
Moxadox said:
When you make a decision to enter the "celebrity social media" life, you are making a decision to open yourself up to the incredibly contentious, unpleasant hordes of uncontrollable others who are perfectly free to say anything they like, within the broad terms of service, because, freedom is often not accompanied by grace or wisdom.
The Dire Wolfess
I've been watching a lot of this as well and decided I will only be doing an occasional video to be social and part of the community.  We are lucky in that we've planned a long time for this and will have our retirement just as if we were in stick and brick.  These videos are like a giant Big Brother plus and having people look in on what you are doing every day brings you into their life.  And, the vlogger is talking to YOU so YOU can talk back, at least on this forum.  No longer is one limited to just yelling at the TV.