Women Only: The count down has begun

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Jun 8, 2018
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I have made the decision and typed up my notification, in 4 months my lease ends and I will not be renewing it.  June 2017 my reality changed when my mother passed away. I limped through the rest of the year continuing to plan for my daughters wedding in October, and managed the first holidays without her, with the love of my daughter and new son in law. 2018 I took bucket list trips to snowy Colorado and Spring time in Vegas. I realized that I am happiest traveling and feeding my nomadic spirit. 
 I will start out in my 2010 Jeep patriot, me and my cat Tigger. This weekend I am going through my things and should have most of my life listed for sale. I am watching tons on YouTube, making lists and plans. I'm a little nervous about the unknown so I will be browsing these threads and reaching out to you ladies. In spite of the nerves I am truly excited and feel at peace that this is the right path for the next stage of my life

Bon Voyage, Happy Travels, and Cheers to the tribe!!!
I read your post and it brought tears to my eyes. My mom has been gone for five years and it feels like yesterday I was talking to her. And this past November my sister passed. She was a year younger than me. She had so many dreams that she never got to follow. That is when I began my quest to follow my dream of travel. I put my notice in at work three months ago and my last day at work will be the 27 of next month. I will be living out of my car with my son. He has had problems finding a job due to seizures so he will be with me. And my dog Shadow. I know it is going to be hard adjusting to life out of a car and it will be scary. On the other hand life is to short for regrets. So I to am about to head out and find my freedom and zest for what life has to offer. You are not alone you have other like minded people here to encourage you. Have a blast and enjoy everyday to it's fullest. ?
Hello there and welcome! I am new to the nomadic lifestyle as well. Last year I lost one of my sons and it is the most horrible experience of my life, grief has made it difficult for me to sit still. So combining my love of nature and need for change and solitude, this lifestyle seemed like the perfect fit. I wish you the best, maybe I'll see you on the road. Safe travels!