Just got an rv frame!!!!

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Sep 18, 2021
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Divina Grace Gunn 
209 Richard Place
Vacaville, CA 95687
[email protected]om

In Search Of 
EcoVillages, Hippie Communes, Sustainable and 
Off-grid Communities, Wildlife Conservation and Reserves 
So..it's time for me to do what I’ve been talking about doing for the past 20 years and start this next chapter of my life as a globe trekker, As an only child I knew I had to be the dutiful daughter and stay to take care of my elderly parents who have been gone now for a couple of years which during that time my children have revolted against me and decided to take care of themselves (they’re of age mostly) so I consider myself a divorcee of motherhood. I have always threatened to walk out the door with nothing but the clothes on my back when I turned 51 and whoever wants to follow me were welcomed to, but why wait 4 more years? I’ve been a Mom for over half of my life and I want to discover who else I’m supposed to be. I’ve always had the desire to see what the rest of the world looks like and experience what it takes to survive off the land. I want to prove that we are designed to survive this planet with whatever talents or gifts we’re allotted in this life. I want to be able to say I’ve known this elephant, tiger, or gorilla for 20 years. I want to immerse myself in a vow of silence at a real monastery for a week after shaving my head bald when I’m 70. I want to utilize my enthusiasm for primitive technology to build upon my sustainable living skillset. I want to surround myself with the kind of people I wish to be who can inspire me to be a better human. So, my plan is to convert my SUV into a micro camper for me and my dog and hit the road. I want to embrace a minimalist lifestyle while showing others that it’s not always about the acquisition of material possessions. I have no desire nor the right to “own” property/ land that was attained through genocide. With that being said, I’m almost certain foreclosure of my home is within the near future and I am not actively pursuing my father’s inheritance.  I see this as a way of charting the path to reinvent myself by doing a lil demolition before the re-build. So, I’d like to introduce this version of myself hoping an invitation to stay and visit will make an even better one. 

here's an update..foreclosure auction is on the 22nd and neighbors and family friends are attempting hijack it. I just acquired a FREE rv frame for me to use to transport building materials to set up sustainable shelter in Slab City, CA. I want to bring other homeless folks with me to help me build and babysit the dwelling while I continue traveling. I would love to build a tiny micro camper home on the RV frame and I'm hoping to find anyone local to assist and share knowledge with me here in  Northern CA. I have a houseful of resources to share as well. I'll need to bring water and power to Slab City so I'll be researching alternative ways using the resources I already have. Please email me if you're around the Sac/SF area and would like to share ideas and stuff.
Welcome to the CRVL forums Goldnhind! Interesting introduction! I suggest that you visit Slab City before committing to anything- if you haven't been there already. Some people love it there but it's not for everyone.

To help you learn the ins and outs of these forums, this "Tips, Tricks and Rules" post lists some helpful information to get you started.

Most of our rules boil down to two simple over-riding principles: 1) What you post should provide good information (like your introductory post), and 2) Any response to someone else's post should make them feel glad they are part of this forum community.

We look forward to hearing more from you.
Divina Grace Gunn
209 Richard Place
Vacaville, CA 95687

[email protected]om

In Search Of
EcoVillages, Hippie Communes, Sustainable and
Off-grid Communities, Wildlife Conservation and Reserves
So..it's time for me to do what I’ve been talking about doing for the past 20 years and start this next chapter of my life as a globe trekker, As an only child I knew I had to be the dutiful daughter and stay to take care of my elderly parents who have been gone now for a couple of years which during that time my children have revolted against me and decided to take care of themselves (they’re of age mostly) so I consider myself a divorcee of motherhood. I have always threatened to walk out the door with nothing but the clothes on my back when I turned 51 and whoever wants to follow me were welcomed to, but why wait 4 more years? I’ve been a Mom for over half of my life and I want to discover who else I’m supposed to be. I’ve always had the desire to see what the rest of the world looks like and experience what it takes to survive off the land. I want to prove that we are designed to survive this planet with whatever talents or gifts we’re allotted in this life. I want to be able to say I’ve known this elephant, tiger, or gorilla for 20 years. I want to immerse myself in a vow of silence at a real monastery for a week after shaving my head bald when I’m 70. I want to utilize my enthusiasm for primitive technology to build upon my sustainable living skillset. I want to surround myself with the kind of people I wish to be who can inspire me to be a better human. So, my plan is to convert my SUV into a micro camper for me and my dog and hit the road. I want to embrace a minimalist lifestyle while showing others that it’s not always about the acquisition of material possessions. I have no desire nor the right to “own” property/ land that was attained through genocide. With that being said, I’m almost certain foreclosure of my home is within the near future and I am not actively pursuing my father’s inheritance. I see this as a way of charting the path to reinvent myself by doing a lil demolition before the re-build. So, I’d like to introduce this version of myself hoping an invitation to stay and visit will make an even better one.

here's an update..foreclosure auction is on the 22nd and neighbors and family friends are attempting hijack it. I just acquired a FREE rv frame for me to use to transport building materials to set up sustainable shelter in Slab City, CA. I want to bring other homeless folks with me to help me build and babysit the dwelling while I continue traveling. I would love to build a tiny micro camper home on the RV frame and I'm hoping to find anyone local to assist and share knowledge with me here in Northern CA. I have a houseful of resources to share as well. I'll need to bring water and power to Slab City so I'll be researching alternative ways using the resources I already have. Please email me if you're around the Sac/SF area and would like to share ideas and stuff.
Welcome....Is it possible to see a photo of your "RV frame" ..?
Tiny font.
Semi-translucent gray print on gray background.
Some of our inhabitants here are geezers or disabled.
Some have vision obstacles, and rely on this community.
Some are hermits and shut-ins with limited mobility.
These forum members can be a sort of family for them.
Could you break your paragraphs into segments of related material?
A paragraph of a couple-three sentences is significantly less intimidating than (my words) getting blasted by a solid block of random explosions of unrelated thoughts.
Helpful hint:

One can hit ctrl-"plus" key to increase the font size on whatever web page you are viewing.

Ctrl-"minus" to decrease font size.

You have the power.
Welcome to the CRVL forums Goldnhind! Interesting introduction! I suggest that you visit Slab City before committing to anything- if you haven't been there already. Some people love it there but it's not for everyone.

To help you learn the ins and outs of these forums, this "Tips, Tricks and Rules" post lists some helpful information to get you started.

Most of our rules boil down to two simple over-riding principles: 1) What you post should provide good information (like your introductory post), and 2) Any response to someone else's post should make them feel glad they are part of this forum community.

We look forward to hearing more from you.
I spent the past Dec-Jan around Slab City. The utoobers need to film what's behind them. They are so bent on showing "art" and making the place look so wonderful that they neglect the trash, the trash piles, the burnt out hulks of vehicles and trailers, the roaming (and confirmed) biting dogs and mounds of junk in general. The two clean (and safe) places are actually across the road on private property----Mojo's Camp and The California Ponderosa. YMMV

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