women boondocking alone

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I've boondocked and pitched my tent on BLM land and just about anywhere. Very little to fear. In the few years I traveled alone, I've had a couple of iffy situations but nothing serious. My most disturbing experience was at a nice motel. Go figure.

I'm sixty. I have stayed up to 14 days, each year, outside of Buena Vista CO. People are generally friendly- not bothersome.
LivGolden said:
My most disturbing experience was at a nice motel.

:) ... I guess that's where strange people might congregate! They're not so likely to want to be in the middle of nowhere.

I'm glad someone resurrected this old thread - it is a good one.

I've done some boondocking alone or with small children, and never had troubles. Not sure what the future holds but I'm not trembling in fear. I think caution and good sense go a long way in promoting safety.
I have about 60,000 travel miles under my belt in my widowed life, and boondock in the true sense only occasionally.

I practice basic safety and use common sense, and have never been accosted nor felt in danger.

I have no qualms about a parking lot somewhere or small public, no services campground tucked into a forest or by a lake or river somewhere, but can’t bring myself to set out down a dirt road and stay out in the boonies by myself. I have done this some with others, but then it’s with others.

I like having signal, but can do without that for a few days without severe withdrawal, but mostly fear an emergency with me that would leave my dog without care in a remote area where no one was likely to wander in for an indeterminate period of time.

After a couple of near death experiences, I’m good with that possibility, but her being left alone to starve and dehydrate is just not a scenario I can handle.
Good to see the comments on this old thread. Common sense usually wins the day, as always. I like the idea of the air horn to chase animals away - wonder if it'll work with a grizzly?

I also like the idea B-2 mentioned about starting to talk "seriously" about religion to a man who approaches and is "too friendly". After the initial approach, if feeling unsettled, immediately start **asking** questions, "Are you ... ?". If he's not religious, then it might chase him off, if he is religious, then you could have a good conversation.

Strangely, I've met a lot of people on airplanes who want to talk only about religion, but not so many when camping out. However, I might use that ploy myself (being a guy) with talkative neighbors who won't leave, :) .....

When I was down in the Sierra recently, this woman came over from the next campsite and proceeded to talk and talk and talk. Said the guy she was with was a co-worker and not her SO, etc, etc. After about 25-minutes, the guy came over and clearly was miffed, and said "Do you want your beer now?" to her. LOL. I think she was having fun with the both of us.
QinReno said:
 . . . I like the idea of the air horn to chase animals away - wonder if it'll work with a grizzly? . . .

That is my first line of defense with larger critters, both two and four legged.  A cousin's son (second cousin?), a fishing guide on the Kenai peninsula in Alaska, turned me on to this.  Used mine once on a black bear, it skedaddled .  Scared the crap out of my beagle too.

I think it would scare the bejeebers out of anyone trying to break into your van.
Scares the crap out of me when mine goes off unintentionally, like when it fell out of the drink tray and landed on the button... :D :D :rolleyes:
Hmmm... I have an alarm button on the keyfob for my car. So if I get a mouse in the car when I'm at RTR should I just hit the panic button?
LOL, "So if I get a mouse in the car when I'm at RTR should I just hit the panic button?" not if you want to make friends hahahahaha

Okay, I'll try to be quiet. If I get a mouse I'll entice it outside with good food, or go somewhere alone out in the lonely desert and hit the panic button!
If you get a Packrat, use the air horn! Nasty little buggers.