Winter in Mexico on the beach

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Well-known member
Mar 5, 2014
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I have a friend who has traveled to Mexico every winter for the past 20 years and told me about a nice spot on the beach where there is free camping. I asked him what he does and he replied, "I read a lot, fish, drink tequila, and walk around the village. He goes from November to February in his VW Westy. He has invited me to join him and I'm thinking to doing that for a month or so, then heading up to Quartzsite for the remainder of the winter.

Anyone have any Mexico experience?

BTW, I am fluent in Spanish.
My Nephew (26 yrs old) just spent 4 months in Mexico in his Dolphin. Two months of it spent on the Baja California coastline and all of it with no problems at all. Obviously it would be wise to steer clear of the major metro areas, or at least the back alleys of those metro areas. But 99% of the country is peaceful and worth seeing. You can read their blog -

Statistically, more people are killed/murdered in good ol' USA than Mexico every day and the same rules apply as I stated above. We do not try camping in the ghetto's of the USA either do we?

PS - I am very possible on being down there after the RTR in Jan myself.
Been through Mexico a couple of times, but I've spent a lot more time south of there, but as in most Latin American countries, theft is a more common problem then violence (unless you are in certain border towns where the cartels are rampant). Gringos are often looked upon as rich and easy marks, tho a lot depends on how you dress and act. Being fluent in Spanish is a big plus, and if you treat the locals with respect and kindness you are bound to experience the same in return. Since your friend has spent 20 winters down there I think it's safe to say he knows what's what and so you should be able to learn a lot and be as safe as you would anywhere else (there's always some risk no matter where you go ;?). Playas soleadas calientes, cerveza fría, tequila como ningun otro, y las muchachas calientes, aye que vida hombre!
Van-Tramp said:
My Nephew (26 yrs old) just spent 4 months in Mexico in his Dolphin. Two months of it spent on the Baja California coastline and all of it with no problems at all. Obviously it would be wise to steer clear of the major metro areas, or at least the back alleys of those metro areas. But 99% of the country is peaceful and worth seeing. You can read their blog -

Statistically, more people are killed/murdered in good ol' USA than Mexico every day and the same rules apply as I stated above. We do not try camping in the ghetto's of the USA either do we?

PS - I am very possible on being down there after the RTR in Jan myself.

Just read the whole blog of your nephew and his girl from Nov to present. Wow! Wish I could find a man like that. Hope I can have the same kind of experiences being a single woman, but I doubt it. People don't open up to a single woman the same way. I hope they have many happy turns in front of them.
Kgryfon said:
Wow! Wish I could find a man like that.

With most confidence I am sure I can meet your needs and surpass your best expectations.

I will be happy to look over your application.

Please submit that with some professionally done photographs of yourself, your complete medical history including recent blood work, a list of and financial assets including real estate descriptions (gals with a canal home in South Florida go to the top of the list), bank statements and your federal tax returns for the last five years.
Mr.LooRead said:
With most confidence I am sure I can meet your needs and surpass your best expectations.

I will be happy to look over your application.

Please submit that with some professionally done photographs of yourself, your complete medical history including recent blood work, a list of and financial assets including real estate descriptions (gals with a canal home in South Florida go to the top of the list), bank statements and your federal tax returns for the last five years.

Van-Tramp said:
Statistically, more people are killed/murdered in good ol' USA than Mexico every day and the same rules apply as I stated above. We do not try camping in the ghetto's of the USA either do we?

I have to disagree on this point. According to U.N. and FBI statistics Mexico has more murders per 100,000 of population than the US.

'Murders by  firearm per 100,000' :  Mexico - 10   US - 3

(Worst in the world: Honduras at 68 per 100,00)

And just to emphasize the safety of America, the following Caribbean islands are all higher than the US in the 'per 100,000' rate:
US Virgin Islands, The Bahamas, Bermuda, and Barbados--people don't think twice about a nice trip to the islands!  :exclamation:

No matter where ya go, always be aware of your surroundings. Trust your gut...just leave if it don't feel right.
johnny b said:
I have to disagree on this point. According to U.N. and FBI statistics Mexico has more murders per 100,000 of population than the US.

'Murders by  firearm per 100,000' :  Mexico - 10   US - 3

(Worst in the world: Honduras at 68 per 100,00)

And just to emphasize the safety of America, the following Caribbean islands are all higher than the US in the 'per 100,000' rate:
US Virgin Islands, The Bahamas, Bermuda, and Barbados--people don't think twice about a nice trip to the islands!  :exclamation:

No matter where ya go, always be aware of your surroundings. Trust your gut...just leave if it don't feel right.

I can beat your murder rate any day!

In the last 3 days in Wilkes-Barre, PA which WAS my hometown 4 shootings leaving 2 dead and 4 wounded plus one dead via vehicle hit and run and the state liquor store was robbed at gunpoint at 9:20am (they open at 9am) and the perp told the clerk he "did it for the kids" while also walking off with 2 bottles of 151 rum.
Sorry....I forgot to put in  the 'per year'.

US--3 per 100,000 per year. Population 300 million = 9000/yr.
Mex-- 10 per 100,000 per year. Population 120 million = 12000/yr.

My 'hometown' is Washington DC suburbs---'nuff said!
Ain't no campin in downtown DC.   :rolleyes: