Why do I keep spending??

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I was definitely a deprived child growing up...seriously, I was! I didn't have much, whereas other kids seemed to have most everything their parents gave them. Although I'm not "rich" by any stretch of imagination, I do have pretty much all my "needs" met. It's the old needs versus wants thing. I really don't need anything at this point in my life that I don't already have. I'm sure there will come a time that even my basic needs aren't met...but it's not now. I've always worked hard and long hours since age 19. Shopping and accumulating stuff was my reward for my hard work. But it's only been the last several years or so that I learned all this stuff is getting in my way, and I've since downsized quite a bit. Might sound hard to believe, but I don't buy things anywhere near what I used to in my 20s and 30s. I've since learned I really don't need much to live a happy life. Happy is a relative term, I know. But happy for me is to have a "relatively" committed relationship, my comfy home on wheels, a few necessary gadgets, enough income to eat whatever I want, and simply getting out and meeting people while doing outdoor activities. I actually have and do all these things, and more. Still, I feel bored at times. When I feel bored, and when I don't have enough sleep to make sound decisions, I find myself buying stuff that I don't really need. Weird. I will try to do better.

By the way, I used to go to church back in high school and college. Haven't done so in awhile. I know this isn't a "church" thread, but I suppose it wouldn't hurt, could only help.
No argument from me there! :) The same can be applied for most everything.
Belinda2 said:
None of this matters. The only thing that matters is where you spend eternity.

Very true but, in the mean time it doesn't hurt to look ahead at the next 1/2, 1/4 or who knows what percentage of your life is left and put a little something ($) away. We age, and we tire. Money ISN'T everything but it sure can help.
That is true, Mac J. We need to be good stewards of (our time) today. Our focus has to be the Lord. However, we can't get so focused on just that, that we don't take care of matters of today. We are to be IN the world, just not OF the world. Your right, Mac J, money sure can help. It's the LOVE of money, that the Bible says is the root of all evil.
OK.....time to step in here and do the MOD thing....

(besides my own personal bias about this)

......it is written in the forum rules: NO POSTING ABOUT RELIGION!!! so, enough with that!

as far as spending your money on take out foods, I completely agree with Kurbmaster. Do your own cooking. I think you'll find it highly rewarding, and will be a fun challenge for you to come up with tastey, ingenious meals that you can cook in your van, and can be quite enjoyable.

and after watching this video, I know I'll never eat take-out food ever again, unless I'm stuck and have no other choice....

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="//www.youtube.com/embed/TX7kwfE3cJQ" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
Regarding money, something I learned a long time ago is that you need to first be able to take care of yourself with enough income. That way, you can then afford to be generous by donating to others in need. I'm always randomly donating charity to others, usually to homeless people who I think are truly in need of either clothing or food. Just recently, I gave a new vest jacket to a homeless person who I see daily on my walk to the bus stop. The homeless guy immediately got up, took off his jacket, and put on my vest. The following week, when I walked by him again, I was happy to see him wearing the new vest I gave him. Another recent time, I gave $40 in cash to a young girl who was distraught in need of cash to take a train to be with her grandmother. She had nothing but her clothes on, and was obviously physically beaten up by her boyfriend who threw her out of the apartment. I gave the cash to the girl, plus a Starbucks gift card cuz she was cold and hungry, and told her to leave her abusive boyfriend and never return back to him. I do this kind of stuff randomly all the time, whenever the need or opportunity arises. What's the point to this? If I didn't earn enough income to take care of myself first, I wouldn't feel the generosity to help others who are in need. What good is money if I can't use it to help out others who are in obvious need? I actually find it more satisfying giving directly to a person on the street in need, versus say giving my stuff to the Goodwill, which I also do all the time. When I give to someone directly in need, I get the instant feedback that the person is grateful, and that I was of immediate beneficial impact. Anyway, I digress...yet again. Didn't want folks to think I blow every last cent on toys. I do in fact give freely to others who I believe are in need, especially in dire need.


Mod on, brother...you da man! :)
You're one of the good guys caseyc! I mean that.
Thank you for the video Patrick, well worth watching. Since my income has been limited, I have started cooking for myself every day. I've always enjoyed cooking but only when I had someone to share it with. The time and mess became worth it when I realized how much money (and calories) I'm saving.
Casey, you are going to run out of room, soon. I did. Now, I am surrounded by things that I really like. If I buy something new, something else has to go out, so I don't buy anything new. Of course, it helps that I am a bit of a neat freak. Everything-in-it's-place and all that. There are only so many places in 32 feet.
Jean, you have 32 feet?! Dang, that's like a palace compared to my interior space. :p If I had your amount of space, I'd probably buy more stuff...juuuuuuuuust kidding! :D
Casey, yes we have 32 feet, but I have to share it with DH. That man has STUFF! But you are right. We have gone from a big house with a huge garage to a 32 foot trailer to a modest house with a one car garage to a 32 foot motorhome. Stuff shrinks or expands to exactly the point where the storage areas are all full.. Clutter drives me nuts (my mother was a serious hoarder), so that's the limiting factor that DH bumps against. He gets all the basement bins and the car trunk and most of the alcove and half the clothing storage. But it all has to be tucked out of sight or I make his life hell. No clutter on the seating or the counters.
Jean, that's funny. What does "DH" mean? Da Hubby?? In my previous lifetime when I was young and (extra) stupid, I had a 4 bedroom 2 level 2300 square feet single family house with a 2 car garage, a back yard and front yard. I had more stuff than I knew what to do with. Later downsized to a 2 bedroom apartment, and that too was filled to the brim. I'm now at a point of just giving away stuff to my friends, especially the larger items that I can't store. Fortunately, my GF is rather neat and has minimal stuff, or she would drive me nuts. I'm neat myself, more so than the average guy in my opinion. I'd be even neater if I had less stuff...currently working on that.
DH is dear hubby. We had a 10x12 shed built in the son's back yard to hold more of his stuff. It was going to be 12x16, but zoning wouldn't go along with it. We have 2 suitcases at son's house, mostly full of DH's stuff and some photos. Like I said, that man has stuff.

We gave son and DIL all the really good furniture and sold everything else. My bulky items are my 3/4 size sewing machine and whatever quilting project I am working on and my White's metal detector, so I am not completely innocent of stuff. They live under the bed with his printers (why does he need 2?) and assorted other junk of his.
Every gadget dude worth his salt always needs (at least) 2 of everything that's important. In my case, I usually have 3 or 4, sometimes 5, 6 or more of useful items to backup my backups. A sickness...I know! :)
I have this same problem. You know what helped me? Checking my blood pressure and finding it 170/116...no more eating out for me! I've managed to save 40 % of income last 2 months since i stopped eating out.
EDIT: For example, do I reaaaaally need 6 different fishing rods/reels? Yes, I really have that many, even though I'm a beginner. That was my fad last summer. I've still yet to catch 1 single legal size fish that I didn't have to throw back in the water, haha!
Casey, it is a sickness with him. We have 4 frying pans, 2 griddles, bins full of cooking gear we never even used at home. He dug the mango slicer and the melon baller out of the trash and brought them. You know those little round colored sticky tags? Well, I got a box and tagged everything with a date. I am going to start dragging it all out next April. If it still has the tag on it, that means we haven't used it in a year. Then, we are going to talk.
4 frying pans? That's not so bad. I think I have at least that many myself, even though I don't cook. I also have various barbeque grills, even though I've only used it once in the past 2 years. Also have various cooking utensils, still brand spanking new and never used. Even got some new Mountain Home MRE emergency foods, which I have a feeling will be tested for its claimed 25 year shelf life, haha! About the only thing I "cook" is water for making flavored tea, that's about the only action my propane stoves get. That tag thing seems like a useful idea. Boy, oh boy, you're rough, haha!

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