Why do I keep spending??

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hey caseyc when I mentioned god I didn't mean go to church, or get a religion. I simply meant that there is a spiritual realm, and that can be anything from going fishing, walking in the park or meditating, I simply meant being aware of your surroundings, staying present.
I like that you can laugh at yourself, re the excesses like your fishing rods, gadgets etc. I had some counselling once, it was very helpful, I came away with some tools that helped me cope better, just a few sessions, well worth the cost. Keep talking about it, someone will give you the idea that fits best for you. Good luck:)
Hmm. Casey, I am going to send your GF a box of little round sticky tags.
The only correct answer is because you can. When you can't anymore you will MAYBE stop. BETWEEN THE MORTGAGE INSURANCE AND BILLS I spend very little on anything else. (quite a popular post I might add) kudos to you Mr. Gadget
Yeah, no worries, it's all good. Reason I ended up getting so many fishing poles/reels is cuz I over-researched the topic, and let too many opinions from others get the best of me. One fisherman would tell me to get a long-@ss rod at least 9 feet in order to cast far off the pier from shore, especially to catch the big one. Another fisherman would tell me to get a smaller rod with medium to light "action" so I can feel the bite of a smaller fish from fishing at lakes. Yet other fisherman would tell me to get a huge reel that can withstand salt water and have at least 300 yards capacity of braided line. Yet another would tell me that's overkill and I should get something smaller to match a smaller rod. Worse, if you go to enough different fishing bait stores, all the sales reps will tell you something yet entirely different cuz they're trying to sell you new stuff. That's why I ended up with so many fishing equipment, but I've yet to catch a fish at least 8 to 10 inches long. I could have had plenty of fish dinners for the cost I've spent in fishing gear, which is somewhere around $1,000 or more. That's a glimpse into my demented psyche for why I spend too much. :p:D

flying kurbmaster2 said:
hey caseyc when I mentioned god ........ re the excesses like your fishing rods, gadgets etc.
It's a good thing you're not a surfer Caseyc, cause I know ALOT of surfers who have a different board for each type of wave and riding condition. Many have 10 or MORE!!!! ...and surfboards can take up alotta room!!

Jean....that's a great idea with dating the totes!! I should do this with books...put a date on each one's bookmark when I read it. If I haven't picked it up and read it in like 3 months, then I guess it's not got my attention enough, and needs to be donated to the local library's used booksale.
Gsfish, it is a Singer Quilt and Sew. I miss my big full sized machine, but this does the job, takes up much less space, and does not weigh as much as a small car. I would never drag the old one out in here. DH picked up the Quilt and Sew used with all the attachments.
Update here. I decided I really needed to upgrade my watch. So I got the Citizen Skyhawk AT Ecodrive Atomic Titanium version. This Atomic model means it automatically receives a radio signal from the atomic clock in different cities around the world so it always keeps accurate monthly date and time without manual adjustment. I hated the thought of having to manually adjust the date at end of the month to account for varying length of days each month. Now I don't have to. :) This new watch sufficiently meets my needs for an advanced gadget watch, hyuck yuck.

See pic of my new atomic model. I also got new jeans and tank tops for myself to celebrate mother's day. Joke!! I'll take any excuse, haha!


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So now that you've run out of room in your van for stuff you've decided to start storing stuff on your body?
Good thinking.
nice watch!!! I just read that citizen have just realeased a Titanium Super Atomic version that not only has all those features but also reads out your body temperature, with an alarm to remind you when to hydrate, gives you an update of the temperature in Koolgarie, Australia, and the wind speed on Everest every 4 minutes, coming out next month, I am sure you got a good deal on the Atomic model as it is being discontinued, good buying:)

Oh dang. I did it again. I bought the above pocket portable HDMI projector. The sales rep gave me a demo by plugging in my smartphone to the projector and watching movies up to 60" wide. It was so dang cool. Plus the projector can pair to any wireless Bluetooth speaker for booming sound. I was blown away watching movies from my phone mirrored to a large projector white screen. I just had to get it. Will make for great small room presentations too. This will be my last purchase for the month! :)

I am guilty as charged...on all counts. I like your reasoning too, can't dispute any of it. I bow to superior logic! :)

I was hoping to start immediately putting aside money that I would otherwise have spent on rent. But instead, it appears I've been spending it instead. I will start saving next month instead of spending money that would have otherwise gone to the landlord.

Your GShock watch looks indestructible, by the way! :) Can't beat the value aspect of it, for sure. I've had a number of Casio and Seiko gadget watches in my younger years. My watches always had a gadget component to it, cuz simply telling the time only would be........well, boring.

I'm currently charging up the new Brookstone projector, can't wait to try it out! I saw a YouTube video of an RV owner who has one of these, and I was intrigued with it ever since. I should really stop watching YouTube videos! Gives me too many tempting shopping ideas.
All I'm gonna say anymore is that you need to learn to control yourself and your impulse purchases.

This can (and maybe already IS) turning into a bad, ugly addiction, and it can really mess up your life. (It's very much like a drug addiction) You're getting an adrenaline rush every time you make a new purchase. Once that one wears off, you begin looking for another fix.

There are groups that can help you deal with this, and you need to find an 'out' door fast!
In my 20s and 30s, I had a rather severe spending problem. Nowadays, it's actually pretty tamed compared to what it was before.

My total debt is actually pretty low. I only have one credit card debt for a grand total of $6,000. Of that amount, $3k was incurred to a Ford dealer for various repairs to my vehicle prior to moving into it, so I guess I can consider that "justified". The other $3k was for impulse purchases in the past few months. I will be paying off this credit debt in the next few months.

I have no mortgage, no car loans, no signature loans, no kids, no alimony, no dependents to support, no drug habits, no cigarrette habit, no alcohol habit. It's really just me. So it's not like I'm depriving others that count on me for support if I spend on myself, since nobody else is relying on me. In any case, I will start saving next month for the paycheck that would have otherwise gone to a landlord.

Edit: By the way, I am thankful that I can share this with others here. It's not like I can discuss this with my close friends and coworkers, who I'd rather not. The only other person who can possibly understand me is my GF for the past 5 years. Even she has pretty much given up on me. :) She puts up with me though since I'm pretty generous with her.
I'm very generous with Margie (9 yr relationship). I make sure she eats every day and has a place to sleep....and gets to see cool places.
other than that, she's with me for my own gratification and as my helper/caregiver.

Most would call it a chauvinistic attitude, and I can't disagree, but it is what it is. If she was unhappy with it, she would have left long ago.

Casey...when there's something I want to buy I go look at it, weigh the options, and if I still feel the need to have that item I go back in a day or 2 and make the purchase.
I have never been an impulse buyer, even when I was making tons of bucks in my former life.
Maybe that will work for you too ;)
Jay, from one dude to another, it's totally understandable! Makes total sense to me! :) I've tried the waiting a day or two idea to see if I really want to buy a thing. Problem is that I actually go back two days later, haha!
they said "Watch your spending habits" .....not make a habit of spending it on Watches...

There is a slight possibility you might be dyslexic.....you might want to get it looked into after you get beyond this watch thing going on... :)