Do not change a thing, keep doing what ever you can afford to do, you have earned it. If you go or anyone else goes into debt, dont default and dump it on the rest of us. I'm not saying anyone here is jealous or envious but one of mankind's major flaws is jealousy. Its a form of sickness of the mind that must be controlled with rational thought. I often hear people make comments about what others have. Comments about people with expensive motor homes or homes in nice neighborhoods. The only thing people should be saying about others is HOW DID YOU DO THAT??????????
Some of what people accomplish is not all that hard to do or all that brilliant or not even lucky, its sometimes what they DONT do. Maybe they dont smoke, break laws or make poor spur of the moment decisions.
This is not to harp on anyone so sorry if your toes become sore. Take smoking for example and lets look at some MATH to show how a poor decision can hurt your finances.
If you start smoking at 16 yr old and do it for 50 years we will assume a price of $5.00 a day.
$5.00 per day for 50 years is $90,000
$90,000 is an ok amount of money to have in a secondary account but nothing to retire on so lets go to the next more realistic step.
If you look at historical market returns you will get different opinions but lets just say you could get 4 percent.
$150.00 a month for 50 years at 4 percent is now $285,000. Not bad. Now start pulling $10,000 a year off that when you turn 62 or 65, tax it at 20% and you net about $8,000 a year or just under $700 an month.
Now lets say you educate yourself at investing and you could get 7 % a year..............Yep it jumps up to $805,000
So thats just by NOT smoking. Lets say you saved a $150.00 a month during that time, obviously you would have $1,610,000 Now go to and look at the amortization schedule and do some projections of disbursing it over various time frames.
So....Casey.........there is nothing wrong with what you are doing, you have no hang ups, you have no void, you can buy all the watches or trinkets you want, you have earned them. Enjoy.
OH wait there is one more thing that people have a real problem with and that is the fact that we are not all born equal in intelligence. I dont say it bragging as I laugh at myself often and consider myself not too smart at times. I say it because people just cant grasp that we are all different and yes, many react with..............jealousy.
Suck it up skippy, its just the way it is.
If my spelling or word use sucks dont bother pointing it out, we have been there before. Lol