Why are posts being deleted here?

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Well-known member
Oct 4, 2020
Reaction score
Seems that my posts dealing with global warming have been deleted. Is there some kind of ideological censorship going on here? Global warming has nothing to do with ideology - it's a reality that has to be addressed.
Please read the rules, bickering and/or arguing is not allowed. Besides that Climate Change was off topic for that thread. Also with these hot button topics they often degrade into an argument. Please try to stay on topic. Highdesertranger
So a friendly discussion is "arguing?" And how is climate change off topic in a forum for "Going Green?"
I dont know which posts you're referring to bro but when a discussion here becomes one arguing with another ESPECIALLY if it is or can be politicized etc etc etc.. the easiest thing to do for the mods to keep everyone safe and calm and continuing to come back here is to delete. Or to lock a thread so there can be no further arguments.

You also gotta stay on topic for a thread. If the thread topic is on lithium batteries you dont talk about the easiest way to do laundry in a 5 gallon bucket in that thread.

Also remember it's hard to gauge a persons tone of voice and temperament over the internet forums. So if posts spiral out of control it's the ban hammer for those posts.
Axel said:
Seems that my posts dealing with global warming have been deleted. Is there some kind of ideological censorship going on here? Global warming has nothing to do with ideology - it's a reality that has to be addressed.

This resource is about being a nomad and living in vehicles. It is fine to be an advocate for a cause, and many might well agree with you, but this is not the place. The focus here is on we all manage our lives when it comes to living as nomads.   It just isn't the place for it.

Also please do not take offense.. it is not personal... restricting conversation means threads are cleaner and stay on subject..   :)
Wait, who is saying that global warming is real? You know just because you read it on the internet doesn't make it true.  :D
To answer your question Axel, yes there is censorship on here and the only free topics are food, batteries, and solar panels.

Heating and cooling are legit concerns for dwellers, IMHO, but the higher temperatures we are experiencing during the past decade, breaking many historical high temperature records across the country, is not a topic the mods want to hear about.

Historically, people used earth shelter (the basement) in bad weather areas where the soil will support it. Also thick walled structures such as cob, adobe, etc. These dwelling styles are practical alternatives but are off topic for this forum.

People have died this year due to heat, so be careful when it's hot. Use cooling centers for daytime cooling. If you are a dweller it is a must to find out where these public cooling resources are in the areas you frequent.
But since you mentioned it....just to be clear, there are scientifically documented periods of cooling and warming naturally pre-dating mans existence.  Even ICE AGES.
We don't want to unnecessarily scare people......do we ?
I like a good argument, discussion, debate. But I understand that this is a privately owned forum. The owner chooses what he wants or does not want to be included here. And if you want to use his privately owned forum you abide by his rules. Makes sense to me.
crofter said:
To answer your question Axel, yes there is censorship on here and the only free topics are food, batteries, and solar panels.

Yup, you better stick to that.
Warming, cooling, and gender pronouns are not discussed here.
Sofisintown said:
Yup, you better stick to that. 
Warming, cooling, and gender pronouns are not discussed here.
you can also talk about guns and Jesus as long as you are for them otherwise best stay out of those discussions.
Sofisintown said:
Yup, you better stick to that. 
Warming, cooling, and gender pronouns are not discussed here.
Speaking of food Sofi, I am making your cucumber & tomato salad on these hot days, it's so cooling. You should post the recipe.
I see it as 'Going Green' forum isn't a discuss the climate change and all the BS and more that goes with 'going green'....the going green category is who wants to be more green and what products, lifestyle they choose to implement into their van, camping lifestyle, buying products that are more green to work in that line of reasoning vs. 'hey all let's discuss ALL going green matters' on this planet type thing. There are tons of 'green' sites for big discussions out there one can access but on this forum, being van dwelling/camping lifestyle etc it should be more about how does one 'go greener' if they want as it applies to living on the road. I just see it that way :)

so going green is the forum to chat this stuff that directly applies to daily living on the road but not the 'big going green' issues that are debated out there. So when the big going green issues hit, they probably would be deleted...I get it.
You do realize you are addressing a segment of the population that includes people that poop in the woods, usually has pets in the wild and has a hard time leaving an area in as good/poor a state as they found it, right? Lol!!!
cool bullfrog, plus addressing people who mostly won't 'debate' or get involved in 'monster discussions' cause they 'have checked out' of that society BS already....I am one step from checking out on all the BS out there LOL
Many people miss a lot of the stuff in the "Newcomer's Corner". This is what we as moderators use to judge whether posts should be deleted and threads should be closed. We often err by being a little too lenient. So if you are wondering why your post got deleted here ya go -

"Hi, my name is Bob Wells and I’m the owner of the site and forum. I post as “akrvbob”. Let me tell you how this forum came into being. When I was living in my van in Anchorage, Alaska, I woke up one cold fall morning and there was a car parked next to me and through the frosted windows I could make out a mom and her two kids trying to sleep in it. My heart leaped out to her because I knew intimately the kind of despair she was feeling right then. At that moment cheaprvliving.com and this forum took root. It was many more years before it was born into the world and grew into what it is now but it still reaches back to the seed that was planted that day. This is my vision for us:

1) To teach people (especially people in need) how to be reasonably comfortable living in their car, van or RV.
2) To inspire others to follow their dreams and live mobile. We’re specifically oriented towards living cheaply and most often in vans, but all are welcome. Vandwelling is an attitude and not a choice of vehicle or residence.
3) To create a tribal community of like-minded people to support and care for each other.

Spirit of the Law:

Every post should somehow make members's lives better. We are here to be helpful, kind and supportive. If you need help, we want to hear from you. If you have help to offer, we want to hear from you. Sometimes we do that with technical or how-to information; sometimes we do that with a kind word, a good story or even a good laugh. But every post should make someones life better and easier.

If your posts make other members lives harder or unpleasant you are forcing the moderators to make a decision between the whole forum and you. Please understand, we will choose the forum every time!

Letter of the Law:

1) No political discussions. Half of us have opposite political opinions with the other half and we are not going to change each other minds. That means there is nothing to be accomplished by political discussions except anger and frustration and that does nothing to help anyone. Political posts will be deleted.

2) Don’t ever attack, belittle or denigrate anyone. If you have something bad to say about someone, keep it to yourself. This includes politicians, police officers and the homeless. You can hate them if you want, but you don’t get to spread your hate here.

3) Don’t judge other member’s posts or opinions. It’s perfectly fine to disagree or offer a counter point of view, but never in a negative way. An attitude of “I’m right and know more than you!” creates an unacceptable negative atmosphere. I’ve had people tell me they were afraid to post here because they were afraid someone would mock or belittle them. Any posts like that will be deleted.

4) Don’t be a know-it-all or dismissive of others. We’re family and we’re here to help and support each other. So before you hit the “Send” button, ask yourself if what you are writing is helpful and supportive or is it to make you feel better about yourself. Are you just trying to prove you’re smarter than everyone else and you’re right and their wrong? That turns into fighting and bickering over nothing and that makes this an unpleasant place for people who come here in need.

5) Don't waste space and be brief. Often people come here in desperate situations and they only have online access through a library computer or their cell phone. They need help, and they need it now, but if they find the forum full of wasted space, they can’t get to the information they desperately need. The majority of vandwellers have a limited amount of data each month and we don’t want to waste it.

Here are some ways you can help them:

* Don’t waste space with needless quotes. 1) Please don't quote the post directly above yours. After all, it's right there! 2) Please trim your quotes. Don't quote an entire post or even whole paragraphs to respond to a sentence or two. 3) Edit the quoted text down to only the point or points you need to provide context to your reply. 4) Please avoid including picture links from previous posts when quoting. Pictures are slow to load for many of our mobile users. 5) If you simply want to be clear about who you are responding to, use '@ username' at the beginning of your post instead of quoting.
* Don’t import large photos.
* Make your point as briefly as you can. Chances are that long meandering posts won’t get read anyway.

I'm glad you're here, together we can change peoples lives!
Bob "
Axel said:
Seems that my posts dealing with global warming have been deleted. Is there some kind of ideological censorship going on here? Global warming has nothing to do with ideology - it's a reality that has to be addressed.
  • That ditch is Boss Kean's ditch. And I told him that dirt in it's your dirt. What's your dirt doin' in his ditch?
     I don't know, Boss.
     You better get in there and get it out, boy.
Concerning the missing person threads that have recently been closed.

It has been our custom to keep a missing person thread open until the person is found. That is a best reflection of the openness of our community to helping others including families of missing persons. Also, no obstruction when missing persons threads receive posts from the members out travelling.

I would like to see future missing persons threads left open until the person is found. I can see deleting the individual posts which are not respectful, with a note on who posted. But leaving the thread open with a caution.

I can remember the search for the good doctor went on for about three weeks....

Reviewing the stats, white males are most frequently missing, followed by white females, but children of any race outnumber all other missing persons.

Maybe we all jumped on this most recent case because she seemed like us in some way, or that we thought she could be found alive.

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