Who has been car-van-rv living for two plus years?

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Well-known member
Jul 15, 2012
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Who here on the boards has been living in a car-van-rv for at least two years continuous? &nbsp;If you have us newbees bow down to your obvious outstanding experience, and moral fortitude. &nbsp;<br />Hope you each will let us know who you are, so we can ask these great gurus of the road how you do certain activities, and sustain the lifestyles.<br /><br />Extra points to the gurus who are living on a fixed income of less than $12000 a year. &nbsp;Super extra points to those who live on less than $5000 a year. &nbsp;We want to hear from you!!<br /><br />
5000 bucks a year?&nbsp;Definitively&nbsp;want to hear their stories! But I don't care about points just their stories.
am reading about hikers that spend $3000 to $5000 for six months of living on the appalachian trail. &nbsp;various organizations like ALDHA and ATC keep notes and records. &nbsp;You just have to read about it online. &nbsp;<br /><br />No insurance, no gasolene, no vehicle maintenance. &nbsp;all boondocking.<br /><br />
<br /><span style="font-family: 'comic sans ms', sans-serif;"><strong>My experience doesn't carry as much weight, cuz I was parked on my Dad's property at the time, but I DID live in a camper for 2 years. The entire time, I had no usable toilet, shower, or even running water, but I DID have electricity. It was a 24' camper trailer, which I couldn't even move, cuz it was too heavy for the little truck I had at the time.</strong></span><br /><br /><span style="font-family: 'comic sans ms', sans-serif;"><strong>What I learned from the experience was that I CAN in fact live in a small space, AND with very limited facilities! In fact, if I'd had running water, I would've stayed in that little camper awhile longer before taking the plunge on this monstrous, ridiculously over-sized house which I now dearly regret buying! Live &amp; learn...<br /><br /></strong></span>
I've lived in an RV for two years but not recently. Diesel was cheap and we traveled constantly.&nbsp;
I've been living in a vehicle for over 10 years. I lived in a van for 6 years straight, then I lived in a house for 5 years. I hated living in that house!!!! &nbsp; So I've lived in a camper for the last 4 years straight. I'm going to have to disagree about one thing you wrote, don't bow down to people who have the fortitude to live in a van, bow down to the poor people who have to live in houses!! I have no idea how they do it!!<br /><br />I earn more than 12,000 a year, but i spend much less than that. I know many people who vandwell on less than that a year. My girlfriend makes $635 a month on social security and lives quite well on it. A frugal person can live quite well on $12,000 a year by living in a van.&nbsp; Bob&nbsp;
I'm on social security and have lived,up till last December for the last four years in either a 30 ft Motor Home or travel trailer.&nbsp; Lived very well too!!!
does a 6x8 jail cell with a roommate count?<br /><img src="../images/boards/smilies/rofl.gif" alt="" align="absmiddle" border="0" />
Only if it's a <em>mobile</em> jail cell. <br /><br />
&nbsp;2 1/2 decades here and less than 5 g's.. yup, though not now that I'm on medical.. it's 7 g's.&nbsp;
5+ years in a 22 foot Class C. &nbsp;Mine is hardly a difficult challenge compared to vans and such. &nbsp; I am a "most timer". &nbsp;&nbsp;I have historically spent a month or so at my son's and a month or two in Ohio in a sticks and bricks I own with my spouse. &nbsp;By the fortunate grace of God my attempts at living a consciously simple life are not financially&nbsp;necessitated. &nbsp;
&nbsp;19 years in a class C. Not very frugally overall but we do a lot of things cheaply. I agree with Bob - this is easier and better than living in a house.
tonyandkaren said:
&nbsp;19 years in a class C. Not very frugally overall but we do a lot of things cheaply. I agree with Bob - this is easier and better than living in a house.
<br /><span style="font-family: 'comic sans ms', sans-serif;"><strong>VERY inspiring! </strong></span><br /><span style="font-family: 'comic sans ms', sans-serif;"><strong>Congrats to U guys! :)</strong></span><br /><br /><span style="font-family: 'comic sans ms', sans-serif;"><strong>I'll have to keep that in mind when I'm forced to move into my ol' Class C in about 6 weeks. <br />I wouldn't be dreading it if I was gonna have water.<br /><br />...AND if it would start &amp; run.<br /><br /></strong></span>
I have lived 22 years in motorhomes, but I do plug in to power when I can, in the winters.(150.00) I often stay on mining claims, the gold supplements, my canada disability. Im allowed to make UP to 5000 without claiming it.
Retired military vet here living in a 22ft 5th wheel since 2006. &nbsp;My "life style" is calling for something 5-8 feet longer though and hopefully in a couple of years I can make that happen. &nbsp;While I was still active duty I spent 7 years as a live aboard on my 37ft sloop rigged Lancer sailboat. &nbsp;It was way cheaper than an apartment, a lot more fun and the Navy PAID for it to boot with my housing allowance to live off base.
Am going to print this whole string of messages. &nbsp;Am deeply inspired by all you wonderful intelligence in doing this right.<br /><br />Am sure all could pop on a suit, and tie and fake society into thinking you are a "royal member" of the six figure incomes. &nbsp;
Hi Friends,<br />&nbsp;I joined this forum back in 2011, but my phone couldn't handle this part of Bob's excellent site, anyway i have an old Mac now so here i am. <br />&nbsp;This year marks my 28th year of living in a mobile fashion, and i'm living on around $3,000 a year. i sometimes can make a bit more during the winter months. I do it by budgeting, saving, living cheap, and not driving much (300 miles +/- a month)<br />Hugs to All
I have been living in a Chevy Express Van for two and a half years, and have kayaked 40 states during that time.&nbsp; I live on less than $12,000 a year, but sometimes make a few $s doing sketches for people.&nbsp; I have never been happier.&nbsp; Odd thing, I"m camp hosting this summer, and when I get my stuff spread out a little, it makes me uneasy.&nbsp; I'm happier when I'm all packed and loaded and on the road.<img src="/images/boards/smilies/cool.gif" alt="" align="absmiddle" border="0" />
was reading at one time that those in need of savings until retirement, should try to plan for $1,000,000 in the bank to retire on with your significant other. &nbsp;Many can "make due" with $600,000 to $700,000 but that was kind of risky. &nbsp;According to financial planners. &nbsp;<br /><br />Am finding that to be a ridiculous amount of money to need. &nbsp;Lets say at 67 (which will be the new Social Security and Medicare retirement age) you can get $15,000 to $20,000 per year. &nbsp;If you have only $100,000 in the bank you should be able to get 5% interest per year on that, forever. &nbsp;Gives you $5000 extra, for a total of $20,000 per year.<br /><br />If you get a pension from your job of lets say $10,000 per year (many can get that) you should be able to live with $5000 in the bank from interest.<br /><br />Bottom Line: &nbsp;Save $300,000 any way you can. &nbsp;and then retire to the road.<br /><br />Or save less, and talk to these gurus of living on $5000 per year about doing it.<br /><br /><br /><br />

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