What's your opinion about kitchens on vans?

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Jul 15, 2014
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Hello there.
Do you have a kitchen on your van? Do you really use it? Is running water a must?
I'm planning my build and your experience on the subject would be very appreciated!
I'll have a camping stove and a cooler for sure, just don't know about the a sink, drain pipes, pump and tank stuff.
Thank you!
Welcome to the club. That depends. I debated on this same topic for weeks for my own van. In the end, I decided against it. That's because I do urban boondocking, and I eat out every day, hence I don't do dishes or cooking. But your needs might be different. If you are out in the woods and cook every day, then I'd imagine a sink and running water would be helpful. I also don't have a shower for the same reason, since I go to the gym every day instead.
I plan on eventually having a full kitchen setup, but it will be done in phases.

I have plenty of 5 gallon Scepter water cans. My initial setup will be a manual pump that feeds from one of them, with another acting as a grey water tank. My layout will have them next to the 40 door (of the 40/60 side doors). This way it is easy acess to them.

Using 2 cans still, I'll build a basic caibnet with a small sink above them, either 12v pump or manual pump.

From there I'll eventually get a nice poly RV water tank, minimum 20g. I'll probably still use a smaller 5g as grey water disposal even then, I don't want to have to deal with the maintenance and complexity of a permanently mounted grey tank.

This is one of the great things about this lifestyle. You can start out as basic as you want, and build on top of that as you require as time/experience/money allows.
Hi there!
I'm with caseyc on that one. If you live out of your van in the woods you may want to consider a sink. I myself considered having one, including a 12v pump for running water. But, room is at a premium in the confines of a van, and if you are going to live any time in cold weather you must consider the possibility of having water tanks and pipes freezing up.
I bought two 7gallon water containers that I'm yet to fill once. What I've been doing is buying single water gallon jugs as I need them. I do work in populated areas and there's always a store nearby. Same goes for showering, I just use a gym.
There's lots of things I thought I would need and don't.
I have pretty much a full kitchen in my van. My 20 gallon water tank has a pump that runs off the starting battery. Fridge, microwave, electric fry pan, toaster oven and hot water heater when I'm plugged into shore power. Cooler and single burner Coleman stove when I'm not. I can wash the dishes or my hair anytime with the flip of a switch. For me, running water is a must have.
I installed sink with 2 tanks and water pump. While convenient...when my pump died for fresh water i went to squirt bottles and its convenient in other wsys. I took out my fresh tank now for storage space. I use coleman 1 burner (flat kind). The counter i built is handy.
I used to have a fully self contained Class C 25' RV. Even though it had a complete sink/shower/stove, etc, I never used any of it. Why? Cuz the thought of having to drive that monstrosity to a site with dumping facility simply nauseated me. I didn't want to do it. Hence I never used the toilet and favored a pee bottle instead. For the sink, I simply placed a plastic container into it for brushing my teeth, and manually dumping out the waste water. For the stove, well, I never cooked so that too was a waste. So that was a learning experience for me having that Class C RV which I finally sold after only having it for a year. Even if my van came equipped with all those amenities, I still wouldn't want to use it cuz I don't want to be bothered having to dump and refill all the waste and liquids. Just not my thing. That's what restaurants and gyms are for. But then again, I live in a city, so I'm able to have that option.
I started with a 7 gallon water container, RV pump, and sink that drained into a waste container. I never really did use the sink, it turned into a place to grow mold. That went away, I mostly just use the pump connected to a kitchen sprayer now. When I need to rinse something off I open the side door and spray it outside. I use it to wash my hair, brush my teeth, etc as well.

I have a small propane stove and one pot I use to cook things. I really don't do anything complicated so it's enough for me.

If I am stealthing and can't do things out the door I use a cheap oil drain pan to collect water and dump it out later or pour it into my pee bottles for later disposal.
i have a kitchen in my van i actually started out with a 7 gallon blue reliance jug from wall mart but i changed it for a 3 gallon so i could add an extra battery. here are some pics of my set up i tried to use as little space as possible and also keep the weight down too.

here is a pic before i changed jug and added a second battery.

double post
A 1 quart spray bottle meets all my needs and is cheap ($1), simple and takes up no room. It's worked for 13 years!
These little kitchens with the little sinks seem silly to me. I have a jet boil back packing stove I can make coffee in 5 minutes, or boil water or heat up soup or whatever. When I camp I set up my 7 gallon water jug and I have running water. A bucket under it replaces a sink and is much easier to dump than a grey water tank. I like keeping it simple.
05kas05 said:
i have a kitchen in my van i actually started out with a 7 gallon blue reliance jug from wall mart but i changed it for a 3 gallon so i could add an extra battery. here are some pics of my set up i tried to use as little space as possible and also keep the weight down too.

here is a pic before i changed jug and added a second battery.

double post

Thank you very much for the pics! Really really useful.
no problem if you need more or have any questions just give me a shout also that sink is made from a 10" stainless steel bowl from wal mart
so its not real expensive to put together.
i use my sink for everything you can think of some people like them some dont it just depends on your own situation i guess. i also have other stoves that i use for backpacking but thats all i use them for could they pull double duty sure but i like to be able to keep my hiking or biking bags packed so when i hit a trail i just grab my bag and go but at the same time when i come back i can hop in the van and i have everything there so no need to unpack. my kitchen also stores my batteries as you can see but it does not take up any more room than the seat that was there originally.
I use a paint tray and a spray bottle to do my dishes. After washing a few things the tray fills up with water and I pour it into my greywater jug. Too easy.
with a van and the limited space it's a hard call. I myself like doing everything outside but in bad weather for days on end, it's nice to get out of the weather. plus I need a shower every now and again. that's why I will build a trailer that can handle off road driving and have a shower, toilet, bed, kitchen and room for my gear. but for you vanners it's a call you are going to have to make on your own. highdesertranger
I headed out on this vandwelling adventure with the idea of keeping it simple. I didn't have plumbing, just a water jug. If I were to learn I really needed a sink and faucets or anything else, I could figure a way to add it. A year later, I'm fine without any of that. I'm camping in a van, not driving a micro-apartment. It works for me, but not everyone.
If you have room for it; I'd say go for a sink...

If you dont have electricity for the sink pump; try a foot pump:


Or get one of those Water containers with a Spigot to loose water over a bowl that drains to a graywater tank.

I believe that's the easiest sink set up because of gravity.

As far as a kitchen goes... when you cook, make sure you have good ventilation. Food particals atomize and will stay in a small space a lot longer if you dont get them out quick.

The fantastic fan might work or if you want a smaller vent over the cooking surface, try this:


Paint the top white and its super low profile and it's 1.6 watts of power to run as opposed to fantastic fans 3 watts.

Id also assume it's easier to install with one of those circle hole drill bits.

Happy Travels!
I could probably do just fine with a squirt bottle but I do feel quite in the lap of luxury with my little homemade bowl sink and spigot water container and gray water jug under my lavish contact paper-topped counter. And I love love love my tiny 3-drawer plastic units for utensils and all the small stuff, along with several bigger units for...bigger stuff ha ha.
yeah I have done the minimal thing for about 50 years, nothing wrong with it, I enjoyed minimalist camping having been a backpacker when I was younger I know all about it. I would just like an indoor bed, kitchen, shower and toilet. I have been out when it rains everyday for days on end, or snowing. once we were out and we saw every type of precipitation known to man over the course of a couple of days. it wasn't fun cooking out side under those conditions. I will still have my outdoor kitchen and use it most of the time. also like I said I like a shower now and again, using public showers gets expensive. highdesertranger
H.D Ranger....if you think using public showers is expensive try showering in public !! THAT'S EXPENSIVE.

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