Whats the best way to attach a flexible Solar panel to a van Roof?

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Being in a very hot climate during the summer, I can't help being concerned about how much heat the stick-on panels will feel from the van roof. I need to find reviews from owners using this system in the Southeast and Southwest in the summer, and get an idea of the reliability regarding high heat.
For some reason the Description I wrote for each pic did not appear.

Anyway basically all you do is use epoxy, like Weld Bond, to glue the bolt assemblies onto the roof. The cardboard template is there to keep everything lined up so that if the bolts slide around, like they did for me, the panel will still line up with the bolts and fit on properly. Remember when using epoxy you get one chance. Once it dries, its there permanently.
BTW, I  LOVE the solar! It's 30C currently and I am going downtown tonight. Going to leave my Fantastic Fan on all night and by the time I come back to the van it will be nice and cool inside... a balmy 21C. ?