What's for dinner?

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Gypsy108 said:
That Pizza looks heavenly JDub....I had some broasted chicken from Costco..and their yummy Sweet Kale salad mix...

Thanks! I learned to make them because my 1st wife's dad co-owned a large chain of local pizza restaurants and I used to fill in for managers out sick or on vacation after I retired and was going to school on the GI Bill. it's super easy. Just think of it as a casserole (or hotdish) on a crust :D I'm going to have to make a big tossed salad for the week, I haven't been getting enough greens, my Swiss Chad's just starting to leaf out again and it's too early for lettuce...


So I gave my Hot Logic oven a whirl with leftovers. Verdict? Pretty good! The outer fabric container only got warm on the bottom from the heating element but heated up the dish and contents nicely after 1 hour and 15 min. The sausage and corn were plenty hot, the potatoes less so but good and warm. It's just like a crockpot I guess where the veggies take the longest. I pretty sure another 15 min would have brought them up to the rest (no shrimp left since Mutley and I finished them off last night - he's really good at catching shrimp :D). It drew a steady 4w and still allowed the GOLAB to continue increasing its charge.

I'm curious as to how long it will take to heat a frozen dish so I'm going to take out a frozen piece of my green chile lasagna I made last week (see below) and stick it in and set it on Tue morning since I have to go to T Town early. I'll be gone for ~ 4 hours or so. That will be a good test to see how well it can heat frozen food.

Overall, I like it! It's going to be a very handy way to save money on trips and to have hot food vs sandwiches all the time. I believe the full price on them (I got mine with bonus points) is in the $49 range for the 12v mini model w dish. They also make much larger casserole sized ones as well.



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Just had a pizza at the Little Italy restaurant in Gila Bend, AZ. It was OUTSTANDING, with excellent cheese, crust & sauce. As a former New Yorker, I know good pizza when I taste it, and I have disliked 99% of the "plastic & cardboard" pizzas served up to me  outside of the Big Apple, in the vast region New Yorkers call "the real America" i.e.,  anywhere west of the Hudson River. I will never again pass through Gila Bend without stopping at this temple of great pizza.
Damn, cooking with JDub! That's a nice name for this thread. :p

That pizza was sexy as hell bro. I've never been able to get my pepperoni to make cups like that. (I saw recently theres a brand that sells cup pepperoni. Gotta be a gimmick cuz all of them can cup)

I need to make some pizza soon I think. I use the same recipe for my pizza sauce except I use chopped black olives or omit them also I forgot I add in a dash of sugar. I never use premade pizza sauce. It's got no flavor.

I make my dough from scratch with all purpose flour and yeast. Then put it in a cast iron skillet and sauce it all the way up to and over the edge of the crust. Same goes for the cheese. Never had anyone throw away my crust. And I'm the world's worst about not eating crust. I'm always looking for a hungry dog or cat to eat my crusts from take out pizza.
VanForNow said:
Just had a pizza at the Little Italy restaurant in Gila Bend, AZ. It was OUTSTANDING, with excellent cheese, crust & sauce. As a former New Yorker, I know good pizza when I taste it, and I have disliked 99% of the "plastic & cardboard" pizzas served up to me  outside of the Big Apple, in the vast region New Yorkers call "the real America" i.e.,  anywhere west of the Hudson River. I will never again pass through Gila Bend without stopping at this temple of great pizza.

Can't believe Gila Bend has ANYTHING outside of the USAF range there. We used to go and bake there for a week at a time - nothing but tents and our jeeps to control bombing missions (and associated desert critturs). Hotter than Hades... There wasn't POOP there back 40 years or so... Pizza restaurant? Dang... Times are changing...

XERTYX said:
Damn, cooking with JDub! That's a nice name for this thread. :p

That pizza was sexy as hell bro. I've never been able to get my pepperoni to make cups like that. (I saw recently theres a brand that sells cup pepperoni. Gotta be a gimmick cuz all of them can cup)

And I'm the world's worst about not eating crust. I'm always looking for a hungry dog or cat to eat my crusts from take out pizza.

The secret is to handcut your pepperoni from a stick - at least a quarter inch thick - that stuff in bags is WAY too thin. Margherita is the only brand that has thick cut slices I know of. Broil the top of your pizza for a couple minutes at the end to get it good and bubbly since most home ovens can't get hot enough. I don't worry about the crust, I have a pizza crust disposal named Sam! :D

So I've been working the yard all day (Spring cleanup ya know...) I'm pooped and didn't want to do any cooking but I was still pretty hungry. What to do... I went through the icebox and saw I had some of this and that but nothing really for a meal sooooo.... I broke out the last pack of Sun saimin (Hawaiian style ramen) I brought back from home in Jan. took out anything I had remotely Asian noodle related and this is what I came up with: Saimin special, the tsuyu (soup) amped up with miso paste, shoyu (soy sauce), and fish sauce.

I added: some frozen Gulf shrimp, a handful of my very meager Swiss chard greens, an egg poached in the broth, a couple of frozen Momo (Nepalese style dumplings) I had left from my last batch, and the last of my Kimchee. I topped it off with choke (lots) green onions, cilantro, and thin sliced serrano pepper. You know what? For a tossed together something or other, pretty onolicious! All I needed was a cheeseburger and a couple of BBQ meat sticks to go with it (yeah, yeah, a WHAT??? - It's a Hawaii local thing - just run with it - it totally works. Ask any of our Kamaaina locals here) to be perfect - Where's a Zippy's when ya need one???



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Looks good. If we ever cross paths I'd love to try it. I'm a ramen-a-holic.

I love ramen in all shapes and flavors.
Made some awesome chicken tacos...

My favorite ramen.. i get at a Japanese restaurant...Maitake Mushroom
Chicken salad. I slow cooked a package of chicken breast (on sale) till tender. I like my chicken salad plain with mayo, but you can add all manner of onion and greens to spice it up.
Only time I eat a green apple is diced into chicken salad with walnuts!.. plain chicken salad is good too.
I occasionally start with a roasted chicken from the walmart market and make veggies to go with it and left overs go to soup and chicken salad for three days of meals.

Sent from my moto g stylus using Tapatalk
Good evening all,

I had to go to Tuscaloosa for a VA appointment today so I thought it would be a good opportunity to try my little mini oven again to see how it handles frozen foods. I was digging around in my freezer for a container of green chile lasagna when I cam across a piece of baked Eggplant Parmesan I had made last month (I've got everything dated) and decided to give that a try. It was frozen hard and probably weighed about 12-14 oz s and fit very well in the Hot Logic dish. I set it at about 9 am on my way out the door with the intention of coming back to eat lunch mid afternoon (T town is an hour away).

My appointment took longer than expected (isn't that always the case?) so I got pretty hungry and decided to stop at a Milo's (a home grown Alabama chain) for a burger. I made it home at 3 pm and just wasn't ready to eat anything so I held off till almost 6. I fixed the sides I was having (cabbage and herb salad dressed w vinaigrette and a whole wheat roll) and got out the oven dish. It was hot but not overly so and when I popped off the top I got a rush of steam. The food itself was plenty hot after all that time but not dried out. Very juicy in fact.

While eating it, I noted that the long length of time it had sat (almost 9 hours) had toughened up the cheese on top and liquid had collected in the dish, aside from that Pretty good! The inside was good and hot, the eggplant was still tender, and the sauce hadn't dried out. It was a very good eating temperature too - not too hot. Everything was edible.

Overall I think this was a good investment and not just another gimmick. It really seems to work as advertised. I wouldn't recommend letting it go as long as I did but it came out very reasonably for that length of time - it would probably have been inedible if held in a standard oven for that long. 4-5 hours would be perfect IMO. I'm glad I got it! That concludes JDub's revue of the Hot Logic 12v Mini Oven (insert applause and or Bronx cheers here:D).

Hope you all have a good and filling meal tonight!


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Deborah said:
I occasionally start with a roasted chicken from the walmart market and make veggies to go with it and left overs go to soup and chicken salad for three days of meals.

Sent from my moto g stylus using Tapatalk

Same here! I won't let something as useful as chicken bones go to waste. Homemade chicken broth is the best and freezes so well. I like to shred some of meat and make Chinese style chicken salad with it. Crockpotting chicken produces similar results as well - just turn the seasoned bird breast side down and elevated out of the liquid in the bottom of the crock (I use balls of foil). It's amazing how similar it tastes!


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Those plates I got from a Indian grocery store....I love them so much...stainless steel lasts forever... they’re actually plates for special offerings & rituals...

Cholula hot sauce 
Tostitos Salsa Con Queso ( cheese in a jar )
Gordon’s frozen cod
Romaine lettuce 
Fresh cilantro 
Fresh tomatoes 
Fresh chopped jalapeños
Corn tortillas 

The last of my potato soup and salad and homemade applesauce. It was a good long afternoon at work with warm sunshine happy kids and lots of bubbles. Good lord do I ever love spring.

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