what the forum has done/meant to me

Van Living Forum

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Hello all... the forum gave me confidence to try vandwelling. That gave me the opportunity to drive home to where I am now. I like meeting people on this forum and learning about their lives and what they get out of vandwelling (or car/rv/truck dwelling) - how they travel and what they use to make it possible. I've learned many things here and got some great ideas, some of which I still use. I like coming here to see how everyone's doing with their conversion projects and other issues that come up.
My wife and I started traveling in 2007. We had a van or travel trailer or both at times. This site helped a lot for things we needed to learn or know. It really was and is a great site for info. So many things we wondered but did not ask were always being discussed on forums. it is still fun to read new people joining and the things they are doing. I know I don't post much ,but I would rather read everyone else's ideas . Plus I am a lousy typist. I have probably met at least a half dozen people in person I'm sure. I am not one for you tube as far as watching one person all the time. I just feel better on the site. Even though every thing is going to You Tube and platforms of that nature, This site just seems like a better fit for me..I think it would be a big loss if this site wasn't here.
Since 2019 we have been back on the farm in Indiana for a while and I guess we will be here a few more years before traveling again. Its going to be a long 2 years. Left our travel trailer in Albuquerque just so I would have to go back out. The whole time we were traveling it was out west. To me there is nothing like the west. Still check in here every few days to see what's going on . If there is one thing I wish I had not learned here it was the super cheap hotspot from years gone by. That spoiled me to no end. Still think there should have been a secret forum for it and every time it came up Jim Denver should of started off by saying " Its a myth. It does not exist' . Today I pay almost 12 times that for the unlimited, always there no matter what, equivalent of it. Plus have to keep a Sprint hotspot for back up. But it really was great while it lasted .
B and C said:
....We used to travel extensively in a self made hippie van.....
Ha! Many moons ago I had a Volkswagon van, did a buildout in a friend's driveway and went apple picking in it. Poor thing was not all that road worthy though. The Volkswagon van was replaced by a 55 Dodge truck which I built a basic plywood topper on. 

I found this forum while off work with an injury in 2016. I started reading Bob's blog and that was quite helpful to me to know that someone else had come back from an injury and how he did it. It was also great to hear that Bob had confidence that others could do the same thing. My new motto "If Bob can do it, I can do it." I started making plans during the 6 months of rehab from the injury. By the end of physical rehab which was a failure, I had a job camp hosting in a nearby state with the company Bob reccomends, and I was on the road. The months I spent watching youtube videos and  figuring out how to live in my vehicle (a 4X4 pickup with topper) helped me once I was on the road. There were quite a few adjustments, things I planned did not necessarily work as planned. It was helpful to be able to access the forum for ideas on other ways to do that. I also learned a lot about rigs and gear by camp hosting. People always want to show and tell their latest innovation, so that was fun and educational. Also the joy of being out in nature, and pride and convenience in making your rig work as a home on wheels.

I had the opportunity to replace the truck with a van, and the Promaster van came home in 2018. I was so happy to have reliable transportation, with tons of room to stand up in, and have access from the house area to the cab without going outside. My first gathering was with members of this tribe at the Oregon coast. The van was basically empty at that point, just my camping gear thrown in. I had a chance to see more vans, and people showed me how they were doing all the various tasks living on the road. Also at the gathering, learned something about solar which I use when I am remote. Doing  the build out on the van was a big project, and I can't say that there was a blueprint on this forum that told me how to do everything. There was a lot of information about different subjects, and especially the insulation threads were helpful. Of my whole build, that was the most difficult part for me to complete. 

I went to RTR this year and that was awesome experience, learning stuff, looking at gear, and touring vans. I also camped with a caravan, and I think having virtual gatherings ongoing on meetup is important. Even though many of us are hunkered down someplace now, we still need the support of each other, and gathering on this forum and on meetup provides that connection. 
I hope people see this forum as a place to support and help each other, and not tear each other down. Let's stay positive.
This forum validated the sanity of my retirement plans. (i.e. "She can't be too far around the bend....there's a forum for it!")
I left Bob's book around for my family members to read. If there is a book about it, it must be a thing.
I am late to the party, but so pleased that I am aboard. I lived 18 years aboard my sailboat and though I do not miss the boat, I do miss the people I met in the many marinas . I am confident the travelers in vans are crewed by the same adventurous sprites of these ships on wheels. Bob has been a lighthouse and shown the way to a safe passage to another lost mariner with this forum.
This forum represents several things to me.

1) A security blanket. I now know how to survive and thrive if things turn bad for me. I'm not currently hurting, but even before recent events I was well aware of what an uncertain place the world is.

2) A source of pride. I'm very proud that there are still Americans who stand on their own two feet and thrive even when times are hard. This is probably the most important one. In my opinion, this is what America-- and basic human dignity-- is all about.

3) A source of information. You guys have really "done me right" with question-answering for which I'm eternally grateful. There are things I've found out here that I couldn't possibly have learned anywhere else. Indeed, I have two more questions that I'm liable to post elsewhere on the forum in the next couple days. My main regret is that I've not yet been able to return the favor. But, I hope eventually to.

4) While it hasn't happened yet (due partly to learning curve issues, and partly to medical stuff) I hope to meet some folks and make some friends via this forum.

I've been grateful for this place. Thank you to everyone who's made it possible.
I'm new here. Already I want to check in daily!
Vandwelling has been my dream during Covid19. First, because I am on the edge of being laid off from my job (with benefits)at anytime and may have to leave my apartment. Second, because I have been camping and traveling most of my life, all over, most recently to get some personal space, away from crazy, in my HondaFIT. Third, people on this forum are genuinely helpful and kind and so a back-up plan has become a solid goal!
Occasionally the Forum has had tech glitches and I can't get on. I have a mini panic attack! But I figure whoever the admin is, they have bad reception or something because within a few minutes generally the forum is back!
So, grateful thanks from this newbie, still saving my $, looking for her fulltime wheels for whenever they lay me off and I hit the road fulltime, with an online gig (still looking for one of those too)!!
I purchased a van recently and found Bob’s YouTube channel and immediately felt relief. Relief that information was out there to assist me in creating my little home on wheels. We have a Travel Trailer and take several trips every year, but I want to travel more than my hubby( his job ). His support is invaluable to me. His condition was that I have a safe and reliable vehicle. The van is under its conversion process. Hubby is an electrician so that part is easy but neither one of us have any experience in wood working so we have spent hours looking at safe and easy builds.

That being said this forum has been a wealth of information on travel, the lifestyle and the community. My dream of getting on the road is closer and I am so excited. And my hubby is supportive because of this forum and YouTube showing my grand idea is not really a crazy dream. Knowing others have paved the way is comforting.

So all of you who post or moderates the site and share information I salute you. I don’t think any of you realize how much your experience knowledge lift up those who want the dream but fears the unknown.
this forum is "keeping the dream alive" for me and is a continuous source
of inspiration. thanks to all that contribute and keep it going!
HDR, I don't think you really want to know what I think.
txmnjim said:
this forum is "keeping the dream alive" for me and is a continuous source
of inspiration. thanks to all that contribute and keep it going!

I agree Jim, very grateful to all who post here!
The FORUM was like a Light in the Darkness.........seems so long ago

I knew I would retire "camping"......But it was the tribe that made this lifestyle possible.....It's All About the People !

Here we talk and learn in the either of the Internet.......and then take the leap-of-faith to meet the People

I met the people.....learned the secret handshake.....built some rigs......cooked alot of food....made sooooo many friends....YARC

I met Paulette because of CRVL ........and DAMN a coupla old farts became Husband and Wife !

HDR..........Tell THEM "let's try to save the Forum.......It's Family"

Abnorm and MoonTiger
The forum... If I want to know where a fellow vandweller is I now have someplace to look, it wasn't always like this. Sometimes you want to sit around the fire with another human, someone who understands.

The forum is also the first place I go when I need a data plan.
I so much enjoy everyone's comments, and see myself in so many people who've said it all so well that to respond with my own comment just seems like another "me-too" post. :)

I'm new to the forum, new to the concept of car-dwelling, but not to driving and camping solo across the country just to see what's what. And not new to selling out everything over the years on "a crazy whim" to move from Michigan to Colorado, and Colorado to Missouri to start a goat farm, and back to Michigan to start another goat farm; and again selling everything I owned in Michigan to move to Florida with nothing more than a few possessions in my Prius and not knowing where I was going.

And here I am, antsy again... seems four to five years in one place is all I can stand, heh.

I think I simply have a very strong sense of adventure and desire to challenge myself to extremes, driven by boredom of staying in one place too long. Marriage, family, career and white picket fence were never for me, seemed too much like legal slavery, lol.

I've always said that I was born 120 years too late... I would have been Calamity Jenny on horseback, bucking tradition and societal norms by riding through the plains and mountains. :D

I'm 67. Family and friends were relieved when I moved to Florida five years ago. And yet, to their shock, I am once again selling off everything and getting ready to set off on another "grand adventure."

And once again, no one around me can understand why I'm thrilled by the prospect rather than terrified, especially in this Florida retirement park. But I can't say what I really think: "Better to ride off into the sunset than to sit and molder in a rocking chair." lol

I'm really very grateful to find so many people like myself here, the first I've found in all these years, such a relief. I love learning the tips and tricks of nomadism, and appreciate those willing to share... thank you so much.
This forum has been a tremendous help to me. I've gotten lots of advice and ideas, and some reassurance when I first started out. I had to move into my van a lot sooner than I expected, with no roof vent or windows, and someone gave me a link for some Auto Ventshades on Amazon, that was one of the best purchases I made for my van. I'm on a few other forums but this one is by far the most helpful. Love the people here and all the help. Have not been to RTR or any gatherings, as I am not nomadic, but I've loved being a part of this group online.
My goals and needs are not the same as many here, but the mindset, the culture, and the overall "vibe" fits with me. I haven't been here long as a member, but I've been reading before I joined. I don't "fit" really well in the other 4 forums I frequent for reasons specific to each board, though I do contribute and get good information on each. Compassion and understanding is abundant here, and like the real world, is lacking in other places I frequent. Stay true to you, stay safe, share, support, and enjoy your best life on your terms.
I learned a alot on what would work for me or against me as I want to move on the road to freedom and roam.
just be...ya know

but Abnorm said: HDR..........Tell THEM "let's try to save the Forum.......It's Family"

Is this forum going bye bye? just wondering on that. What don't alot of us know now or is it nothing? again curious on it.

highdesertranger said:
...........what would you do if this great resource wasn't here?  boy that's a loaded question like a political poll.  Just kidding but if the forum crashed and never came back what would that mean to you?
For me this forum has been a massive expansion for what I had already learned.  I started with a Rand McNally road atlas, campground atlas, and a "Last Whole Earth Catalog", decades ago.  I only had some briefing from my father regarding his experiences that I could use to proceed around the USA with.

Later I found the Cheap RV Living Forum and it has been a treasure trove of new ideas,  methods, tips, and data. 

Electrical has been my weakest suit in the past but now I have a vision for what is possible with various pieces of equipment.  So now that I know
what others have done,  I can replicate that in my own rig.  Solar is something I've been reading and watching Bob's videos to learn about.  Air Conditioning is another such matter. Together with the videos and the forum it has become a critical source of information.  

If the forum ceased to exist,  I would have the website (edjautoservices  portal) to fall back on.  I may even set up a message board to go with it (free) in order to preserve at least some of what CRVL had to offer.   BUT,  I would rather CRVL Forum continue with it's mission.