We moderators in an awkward position, angry members get to blast away at us, but because we owe it to you to protect your privacy we don't get to answer and tell you what jerks people can sometimes be. You don't get to see their posts that we delete so you don't know if we are right or wrong. But....
the automatic assumption is that all members are saints incapable of being rude jerks and the moderators are always rude jerks. If someone's posts get deleted they were right and we were wrong.
We moderators hate to delete posts and hate putting people on moderation even more. So we work with the person for a long time and give them warnings and try to solve the problem. All that time we are talking to each other in a hidden, moderator-only forum looking for a solution.
In the original poster of this thread, Bob Dickerson's case it has been ongoing for several years. Because he started this and wants to throw all the blame on us and see himself as pure as the driven snow and us as the monsters we obviously are, I'm going to break my own rules and let you in on part of our discussion about Bob. During the discussion I suggested we ask Bob Dickerson if he had gone off his meds again. Cyndi suggested that would be inappropriate, which I would usually agree but not in this case. Here is a direct quote of my entire reply to Cyndi about Bob Dickerson (in italics):
= = = = = = = = = = = =
Cyndi, I certainly agree with you but Bob is pretty open about his meds. A search shows hes talked abut them 6 times, but here is a quote from the one that really applies:
"Hang in there Grant. I'm pretty much in the same boat with the meds, but when I've gone off them I end up getting warnings from Bob. (Dickerson)"
He had a 60% warning back then and I was so angry at him it was all I could do to keep from banning him. I'm really glad I didn't because he hasn't been hardly any problem since then, until now, and he is a valuable member. I actually like Bob (Dickerson)and think he is a good guy. Based on his postings there is no doubt in my mind the issue is his meds and so I do see it as one of those rare times when it might be okay to ask.
[font=Verdana, Arial, sans-serif]But, I will gladly yield to the wisdom of the group, whenever I go off half-cocked I usually screw things up pretty good. [/font]
[font=Verdana, Arial, sans-serif]Bob (Wells)[/font]
[font=Verdana, Arial, sans-serif]= = = = = = = = = = = = [/font]
[font=Verdana, Arial, sans-serif]I like Bob Dickerson, he's a valuable member, I'm sad to see him go. However, for whatever reason every so often he goes off the deep end and starts posting really bad things and we finally had enough and put him on moderation. Instead of learning from that he took it as a challenge and his posts got worse, not better. [/font]
[font=Verdana, Arial, sans-serif]Ultimately, there are some people who just aren't a good fit here and we are kind of glad to see them go. Even though 95% of the time Bob Dickerson was a great member, that other 5% did him in.[/font]