What do you "prep" for that you can't roll away from?

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Well-known member
Nov 28, 2013
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I keep seeing people worrying about not having enough "preps" in their mobile living unit, I thought part of the idea of mobile living was to be able to move away from trouble.

What kind of trouble do you see needing to carry large amount of food or water for?  I usually carry about a month's worth of food, but most of that is because my tastes are simple and I buy in quantity if I find a good deal on something I like. 

I do carry water moving and cleaning equipment, as well as a fairly large (50 gallon) tank and a large folding tank(65 gallons),  but that is more to help others than for my own needs.

If the big fan starts blowing, it will take more than a month to stop it.  

In all the reading about the end situations I have come across, it is the people that can keep things running that are most valued.  

That be me.   :D
What forms of trouble do you see the "big fan" taking?

Nothing other than "political" threats?

Look up your history. Hydraulic empire or civilization.

Once again, I will not go there. I no longer moderate the political boards by choice.

You might say I know too much.

I prefer to fix things.
corky52 said:
What forms of trouble do you see the "big fan" taking?


In no particular order.

Economic collapse
Civil upheaval
Natural disaster to include; mega earthquake, super volcano or meter impact,  
Pandemic infectious disease
Zombie Apocalypse
Alien invasion
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You want a theoretical scenario?  How about a massive outbreak of Ebola or something similar, where the smartest thing you can do is get WAY back away from civilization and self-quarantine yourself for 6 months or so while it burns out?


Them zombies are a real problem. I mean, turnabout being fair play 'n all but.. have you ever eaten one of the nasty things? Taste totally foul an' would gag a maggot.. or, uhmmm, so I've heard. ..Willy.
Primary likely SHTF scenario down here is big Hurricane. Hate to lose my house and all that I have in it, but if a Cat Five is coming in, I WILL bug out to higher ground. Anything less I ride it out. Guard against looters.
I thought the recent ebola thing was going to be a lot worse than it turned out to be. Our national response was still braindead and utterly embicilic. COULD have gone totally sideways. We got very lucky.
Major volcanic action is still very possible - San Andreas and similar on west coast, New Madrid Faultline in the East, and Jellystone Park Caldera blowing it's top in Wyoming. That last one will ruin everybody's day.
Major war is a possibility, but I rate it lower on the totem pole these days. Our worst threat now is the IS tangos, and that can be taken care of regionally, IF We The People have the will.
I normally go shopping about once a week, but I am also normally a city dweller.

The main reason I try to keep about a month of food on hand is that I might find a place a long ways from shopping that I want to just stay at. I never know when or where this might happen, so I like being prepared for when it does. It can save a 50+ mile drive for supplies.

It's nice to just be able to go and chill for as long as you like without worrying about anything but enjoying yourself.
My take on Marie's post on this thread is that, unless you prep for an EMP event ahead of time, you'll find your vehicle unable to roll away from the aftermath of an EMP event.

One way to prep your vehicle for an EMP event is to obtain a spare set of electronic modules for your vehicle's drivetrain, then store said modules in a Faraday cage.  Gift cookie tins and the like should work, as long as you put the electronic modules in a plastic bag to insulate them from the metallic exterior.  Some folks prefer Mylar bags.

Meanwhile, for a fictional treatment of LeeRevell's mention of the Yellowstone Caldera becoming a supervolcano, I suggest reading Harry Turtledove's Supervolcano series of novels.  Spoiler alert: it ain't pretty.
out west it's not if but when. we will have a catastrophic earthquake or volcanic eruption it's just a matter of time. but we are talking geological time could be tomorrow or 1 million years from now. it's always good to be prepared and never need to be, then to be unprepared and need to be. my 2 cents. highdesertranger
Skuh kuh kuh kuh
The only electronic module I worry about is the factory 8 track tape player !
AuricTech said:
Meanwhile, for a fictional treatment of LeeRevell's mention of the Yellowstone Caldera becoming a supervolcano, I suggest reading Harry Turtledove's Supervolcano series of novels.  Spoiler alert: it ain't pretty.

The granddaddy novel for EMP is "One Second After" -- well written and food for thought about how much we rely on electronics for even basics of living. Has tons of factual info woven in for the first half or so, though the behavior of people he envisions is he own thoughts on how it would play out.
Backpacking gear , a good pair of hiking boots and a mountain bike if the rig won't go no mo.

I already spend most of my time away from big population.
I carry lots of food , a habit I developed when I lived in Death Valley.
Pahrump be a long way up and out!

Rice and beans and cans of stuff like veggies (I'm addicted to black olives) tuna , chicken and shrimp .
Bisquick , some almond milk and cereal , maybe a couple bags of cookies..........probably 2 months or longer if I try to make it last. My water tank is 20 gallons + 6 more in the heater tank.

I'm not prepping really , it's just the way I roll.
rvpopeye said:
Skuh kuh kuh kuh
The only electronic module I worry about is the factory 8 track tape player !

Good choice in vehicles!  I agree totally.  I like the ones where baling wire and duct tape can always get you home.
Willy said:
Them zombies are a real problem. I mean, turnabout being fair play 'n all but.. have you ever eaten one of the nasty things? Taste totally foul an' would gag a maggot.. or, uhmmm, so I've heard. ..Willy.


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The fictional book that started me on my way along the Prepper Highway was "Lucifer's Hammer" by Larry Niven and Jerry Pournelle. Set in the near future, it detailed the survival of various groups of people after a cometfall wipes out civilization. Lots of good ideas, techniques and situations described therein. I first read it in high school, and reread it every few years. I have been on the fringe of prepping ever since. What chills many of us is those people who's idea of 'survival' is basically, "Why stock stuff myself, I will just take someone else's by force!" If such an event were to happen, the road will be a dangerous place. Best be ready for that......
As to the increasing likelihood of an EMP event (natural or manmade), the older non-electronic controlled vehicles will fare better, though recent tests by the government indicate that not all cars will be severely affected - it will vary. The further away from the actually airburst or source, the more likely your computerized vehicle may still run. The various prepping forums have info on this, and the info is out on The Net. As always, research is vital.