What do you "prep" for that you can't roll away from?

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AuricTech said:
My take on Marie's post on this thread is that, unless you prep for an EMP event ahead of time, you'll find your vehicle unable to roll away from the aftermath of an EMP event.

One way to prep your vehicle for an EMP event is to obtain a spare set of electronic modules for your vehicle's drivetrain, then store said modules in a Faraday cage.  Gift cookie tins and the like should work, as long as you put the electronic modules in a plastic bag to insulate them from the metallic exterior.  Some folks prefer Mylar bags.

Meanwhile, for a fictional treatment of LeeRevell's mention of the Yellowstone Caldera becoming a supervolcano, I suggest reading Harry Turtledove's Supervolcano series of novels.  Spoiler alert: it ain't pretty.

or drive a purely mechanical Cummins 4BT.   EMP or no, it runs.
I don't care enough about surviving to prep. If the world, as I know it, goes away tomorrow, I hope my honey and I go too. I have zero energy or desire to live in a post apocalyptic world.
66788 said:
or drive a purely mechanical Cummins 4BT.   EMP or no, it runs.

Well, I'm sure I saw where Baloo said his ambo rig is totally mechanical. No electronics. I'm hitching a ride with him if manure hits the fan. LOL

A few years ago, a news story on a wildfire evacuation in CA started me thinking about what I'd take if I had like 15 minutes to pack. I used that as an "exercise" to write a bit of "warm up" fiction. It turned into a novel and then 2 more sequels. But my version of post apocalyptic is more "family friendly" than most. I am a believer in having skills is more important that prepping with "stuff." Interesting that many or most vandwellers are building self-sufficiency and backcountry skills just as part of daily life.

Queen... come on now.. where's your sense of adventure? LOL. Just kidding since I can understand that point of view as well.
WriterMs said:
Queen... come on now.. where's your sense of adventure? LOL. Just kidding since I can understand that point of view as well.

Spent my childhood living on military bases during the Cold War, got enough prepping then to last a lifetime.  But I get why others do it, I mean, I still have my hurricane prep box so I'm still in the game in a minimal way.  :D
WriterMs said:
Well, I'm sure I saw where Baloo said his ambo rig is totally mechanical. No electronics. I'm hitching a ride with him if manure hits the fan. LOL

A few years ago, a news story on a wildfire evacuation in CA started me thinking about what I'd take if I had like 15 minutes to pack. I used that as an "exercise" to write a bit of "warm up" fiction. It turned into a novel and then 2 more sequels. But my version of post apocalyptic is more "family friendly" than most. I am a believer in having skills is more important that prepping with "stuff." Interesting that many or most vandwellers are building self-sufficiency and backcountry skills just as part of daily life.

Queen... come on now.. where's your sense of adventure? LOL. Just kidding since I can understand that point of view as well.
We've read a few books in this genre, maybe yours. Would you be willing to share your pen name?
Sabatical said:
We've read a few books in this genre, maybe yours. Would you be willing to share your pen name?

Sure. My book is shown and has a link from my blog (link to that is in my signature info here on the forums). The series is on Amazon and begins with "Obliterated - Would You Know How to Survive?" I used a sci-fi reason for the apocalypse to avoid questions of politics and economy, as I wanted to concentrate on how people can think through things using some basic knowledge and skills.

I'm sorry you missed it that I announced a week ago that my book was FREE for download for only two days (it won't be free again for some time as Amazon restricts how many days authors can do that).

If you enjoy reading on travel, RVs or some related stuff like survival, watch for Cyndi's helpful posts on her Free Ebooks thread!!
My current setup grew from 30 years of living in the hills east of San Diego, after the first 15 minute evacuation, I got some off-site storage in a well fire defended area.  Not having all your eggs in one basket, dispersed stores just makes life easier.  The small 5x5 ft rooms are cheap and even cheaper if you prepay by the year.  You can get a huge amount of things in these small rooms with little expense if you take the time to buy "right"!  Biggest expense is changing the gas out once a year, but that is not even that high if you plan it right.  

Wow, Corky... so you lived through some evacuations that inspired a fictional idea for me. Well, you thought of a good plan then and it sounds like it works even more for you now as a mobile person. My hope is to only keep what fits in my van, but as I begin to spend more time in the Rockies again next year, I may have to look into your idea for myself. Thanks.
locust, that is what scares the daylights out of me. seriously though, has anybody been though a Mormon cricket swarm. omg I have and it's no fun. get the hell out of dodge is all I can say. I have been though swarms so thick that the roads turn red with all the blood from ones getting run over. if you have never heard of them read this. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mormon_cricket . while zombies are fake, wild fire and locust are real. highdesertranger
I read the Wiki link. Now that is a horror movie theme waiting to happen. The article even mentions the road hazard of drivers being surprised and revulsed...and slick pavement from the crushed bodies.

Thanks HDR, for putting THAT image in my head. LOL
Actually I stole the idea from Dean Ing, you might look up some of his books, very good ideas and thoughts.

I've been driven out by fire, kept at home by floods and landslides, have never had my property damaged, just lucky I guess.

Friends come and go, but junk and enemies accumulate!
