What do you do when your chips are down?

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Well-known member
Aug 21, 2012
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In light of a recent thread, It got me thinking of things I do when times are hard.....<br /><br />I like to drive and listen to music! Next to that would be brushing my horse.Third, I like to write about it (even though I am terrible at spelling and grammar), and try to do so humorously....
I'll sound silly saying so, but I don't ever allow myself to agree the chips are down.&nbsp; Whatever happens, I insist it's a blessing one way or another and demand of myself that I examine the ways it's going to help me be the person I hope I'll get to be before I die, mostly am already, but the Universe is determined to throw up bowling balls in my path to help me get better at it.<br /><br />Every morning I talk Old Sol up and have nice chats with him over coffee, discuss the coronal holes and sunspots he's experiencing and laugh over what it all means.&nbsp; Most nights I do the same with the moon and whatever planets are showing themselves.<br /><br />Some times of the year I talk to Orion, joke with him about why the hell he keeps chasing the Seven Sisters across the sky when it ought to be clear he ain't about to catch them.&nbsp; <br /><br />Every time my eye meets something pleases it during every waking hour I try to interject a side-thought, "Thankee Universe!"
I probably should have explained at the beginning of the previous post that I'm a person spent the first 30-35 years of life in a repeated cycle of rollercoaster depression of grand opera magnitude.&nbsp; The last time it happened I fought it to the ground and forced it out of my life except for the blue demon spot that's always remained in there waiting for things to happen in its favor.<br /><br />I was determined never to go through that again, and I set up a defense perimeter with tripwires so's I'd notice anytime it tried to crawl through the wire.&nbsp; The instant it starts whispering I open up on it with machine guns and mortars, mainly in the form of gratitude and forgiveness affirmations
Well said jack...that would me as well...what a gorgeous sunset last night and a nice display of lenticular clouds here and there this morning...of course the egrets, sandhill cranes and kingfisher are doing their dance this AM when Dina Dog took me for my morning walk down along the Rio Bravo........ <br />Bri
<p>I sometimes wonder what became of this kid.&nbsp; She must be approaching young-adulthood about now.</p><p>I like to think she's looking around at vans and RVs and thinking it would be cool to like living in one a while, travel around liking whatever she finds there.</p><p>When she gets to be my age I think I'd like to buy her a cup of coffee and find out what she's been liking lately.<br /><br />[video]</p>
Mighty cute little "liker", she'll go far with that attitude...<br />Bri
Start singing ALWAYS LOOK ON THE BRIGHT SIDE OF LIFE. Look, life is what it is. You are given talents and use them. When a door shuts a window opens soon after.&nbsp;
offroad: I've told my relatives that I want "Always Look on the Bright Side of Life" played at my funeral! I want my grieving friends &amp; relatives to not feel so bad about my passing but to make the most of their lives!<br /><br />My younger brother is the ONLY person in my family who understands my reasons for this final request. The rest of my immediate family think I'm a little crazy for doing this too.<br /><br />And I expect them to sing along as well! lol He's also a Monty Python fan as well. If you haven't heard this song please go to Youtube and give it a listen. Do whistle along with the appropriate parts of the song as well! lol
Pikachu711:&nbsp; I admire the selection.&nbsp; Hope they do it.<br /><br />I've left written instructions that if they find my carcass and insist on having a funeral I want them to play Johnny Cash singing, "I fell into a burning ring of fire".<br /><br />Hopefully things won't come to that, though.&nbsp; I'm figuring on being the last man alive on earth.
Jack, can you hang on for 2 more weeks?????<img src="/images/boards/smilies/wave.gif" /><br /><br />Bri
Hug my dog and remember no matter what's going on in my life, that little dude thinks I'm absolutely awesome.&nbsp; <br /><br />If you don't have a dog, find the local SPCA and volunteer to take one for a walk (yes, you can do that).
Right on, y of the V! Good stuff...I'm still trying to be the human my dog thinks I am.....<br />Bri
Jack well said, I agree to love life no matter where u stand... enjoy what little you have, and never waste a moment. I like others had a very hard time in my life, and I chose to make it better, and see things in a positive way, mistakes became lessons and good choices became rewards.&nbsp;<br /><br />PS at my funeral I am told they are going to play "here comes the bride", because the devil is about to meet his wife......
I ain't got but one thing to say, and Chuck donealready said it.<br /><br />[video]
When the chips are down pick them up real fast if it hasn't been more than 5 seconds. Then dip them into a delicious chunky salsa. Even if the 5 second rule is bunk and the bacteria gets on them, remember this. Whatever doesn't kill ya right then and there will only make you stronger.<br /><br />
If its something i can fix, then i try to fix it.&nbsp; If its gone beyond that i'll fret over it, but eventually my "F**k it" mode kicks in and I just stop worrying about it cause at that point nothing you can do about it anyway.<br /><br />When things get real bad, I pray about it and leave it in hands greater than mine.&nbsp; I should be doing this sooner in the process i think.&nbsp; <img rel="lightbox" src="/images/boards/smilies/rofl.gif" class="bbc_img" />
WEll, said, Josephminimus... and everyone else. <img src="/images/boards/smilies/smile.gif" border="0" align="absmiddle"><br />Windblows, life can't be that bad if you have a lovely horsie to care for. <img src="/images/boards/smilies/smile.gif" border="0" align="absmiddle"><br />When I bunk down in my little home, I think to myself that I have it all to myself and not sharing that same small space with a family of 5 (which happens in poor countries).<br />Great White is in good shape, lots of gas... food 3 times a day.<br />It's a good life, all things considered.<br /><br />
Wanderingrain, you are correct life isn't bad at all! but we all have moments in our lives that make us pause some longer than others.&nbsp;<br /><br />The only way I have a lot of what I have is by working and not having an apartment or house here on Long Island, average rent for a decent apartment is 1500.00 bucks I save that money and instead have other things I think are more important, but I do long for the day when I don't have to work.
When things get bad, I pray too and try to leave it all in His hands.&nbsp;<br>I also think that whatever doesn't kill you makes you stronger. I'm a really tough nut to crack!&nbsp;