My home state is very rural, the home area is the entire state and nearby large cities in adjoining states that people from smaller towns go to for medical and other needs. Monthly premiums have varied between $12-$25-ish/mo, a bit over $1000 total yearly out of pocket cost, $1 to $5 prescriptions. The out of pocket yearly goes up substantially if I see docs outside my home area, but still tops out way less them paying out of pocket for any medical care.
It hasnt been an issue getting surgery or chemo, or about any med care any doc suggests is worth doing. I can basically see any doc so far as i know, its not been a problem getting specialists to check out some of the stuff Ive had to get treated. I cant complain at all about it in my case.
Edit: I didnt mention mine was ACA. It must vary quite a bit by state, as my income is at the lower level of the range, and there are several different plans available that are all under about $30/mo and reasonable deductibles and out of pocket limits. Someone below mentioned $600/mo premiums with ACA, thats way off the charts for anything Ive seen available in my state even with higher income levels ($30k-ish).
When i first checked it online, it said my premiums would be in the $600/mo range, too much for me to afford, but a friend referred me to a facilitator that helped me figure it out, mine started at around $12/mo and has stayed near that for the most part.