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Well-known member
Mar 17, 2012
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Inspite of its cost, cat food looks better than it tastes :)
It's time to do a comparison test: how does dogfood taste?
From personal experience...Siamese cats taste better than angora long hair fluffies or domestic short hair black & white (cow cats)! Before you ask how I know, said Siamese and I lived in a van for 5 of his 7 (good run for an albino) years full time, logging well over 100,000 miles and 3 countries and you can not live in a van with a cat for that long and not eat pounds of hair. The fluffy only made it to 2 countries and did a mere 50,000 miles in 13 years but we were kinda' complacent in the desert for quite a while...ditto on the taste knowledge. The cow cat spanned the two almost end to end and did all the miles in 18 years... *laugh*

The Siamese vandwelling cat, circa 1998:


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they sell dog food here in NZ that looks like big rolls wrapped in plastic( dogrolls) sorta like Balony used to look like, maybe still does. Anyways I ran into this young European backpacker in the park one day cutting and frying up this stuff. His English was not very good so he couldn't read the label. I am sure it wouldn't hurt him and I am sure he is not the only one to do this. He told me he bought it cause it was cheap and it didn't taste bad with a bit of onions and spices but didn;t realize it was dogfood.
PastTense said:
It's time to do a comparison test: how does dogfood taste?

Probably pretty similar to my cooking, at least according to this ol' dawg.
Pulled BBQ.......Wonder if is a good as Racoon......my favorite.....cat would be much easier to get my hands on right?
I dunno' Del...them cats can be quick suckers and they fit in amazingly small places (making them great to pack in vans!) besides they are stringy and wouldn't likely pull well... those little inbred purse model dogs do look like they could be fattened up right quick though *smile* and since their furry little bodies never touch the ground I bet they are fair tender?
Must have been somthing ya'll ate. Lots of things we eat taste better than they look! Or look better than they taste.
@ccbreder...don't they call that Squab in fancy restaurants and charge whopping big bucks for it?
I bet his hair was nice and shiny they use coat grooming vitamins in dog food so they don't look so ruff.
A decent marinade will soften up the stringiest cat and, barring that, just do wut I do and boil the piss outta yer grub.
Regarding cat vs. raccoon, well, Coco sez they're both gud.. tho 'coons put up more of a fight. ..Willy.