Walmart parking lot shooting could have some far reaching effects

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My concern is twofold: (not to begin a lets not shop at Walmart thread, cause I sometimes do)

They pay relatively low wages and don't normally provide benefits, (especially healthcare back before the new law), and they run a lot of small concerns out when they locate on the far edge of town, conveniently just outside of the town/city so as to escape the small sales tax.

Yes I buy some from them and in the last month have stayed there once. Yet it is too bad they won't see the need to hire more full time workers and less part time workers.

However, what they pay their help, how they run their store and if they want to allow campers to park free is their business. It's my business if I want to shop there. It's still America and I'm not afraid to pay a local store a bit more so they can survive. My choice.
I've spent my share of nights in night club , motel , Walmart , Lowes , Home Depot , grocery , truckstop ,Flying J , Pilot , Loves , hospital , highway , rural rest areas , and many other parking lots.

National ,state , city and private campgrounds . Job sites. Public streets . Forests , beaches , lakes , deserts and even a few times on a ferry boat. Oh yeah , add police department parking to the list too.

I'm sure that there have been shootings in many if not all of those places . Bad things just happen , no place is exempt. Not even schools , theaters or shopping malls. Banks , bars , you name it.

Will they close all those places up , or prevent anyone from parking or staying the night ?
I doubt it.

Walmart can stop overnight stays in all their lots but that won't stop the crazies from being there.
There will still be plenty of other places to park a rig.

Mean people suck , maybe Scotty will just beam them to the planet Klingon.

It's the world we live in , guess we just have to get used to it.
You're correct, they need to understand that it's the loonies that do all these things.  Trouble is, they will say that if people come, shop, and leave then that's fine, just like a Safeway or Krogers or Iggly Piggly stores...  Face it, we've had a free ride for parking all these years.  I'm sure the private campgrounds are shedding crocodile tears at the thought... says this about Walmart boondocking:

"Here are some examples:

The Walmart chain allows RVs to use their parking lots for one night, free of charge

Don't forget to ask for the manager's permission before settling in.

Note that you will not be allowed to open any extensions/slide-outs.

You should also note that not every Walmart store allows overnight parking. Refer to this list of Walmart stores to find out which ones accept RVs."

Unsure if the Canadian stores follow the 1 night stay limit. I haven't been up there to see.

In my experience every Walmart is different, there are the rules on the books and signs and the rules on the ground. You can learn a lot about what is enforced by observing the other vehicles in the lot. If you aren't stealth and aren't sure it might be good to ask. Personally I just try to follow a don't stand out rule. No one has ever objected to something they don't notice.
Good point, John_camping. People don't have a problem with things they don't see.

What I buy there:

Spray paint, Rocket motors, RV waste tank blue stuff, and plastic totes... All made in USA.

Sometimes when traveling, food, but rarely. We did buy two camp chairs in Cwood there on our last trip because it was the only place that had them. Big 5 did not.

I try not to patronize the place too much. We have never stayed overnight at one. Their employee relations are horrible.